Loads more suggestions. I'm a bit obsessive about organisation and this stuff just comes to me.
Having set up a few sites myself I know the sheer amount of time and work it takes to get everything straight, so these are just ideas that you can implement if you like, when you have chance
Custom page titles and meta keywords / description will help you get into search engines better. Keywords like "scammed, victim of scam, advanced fraud fee, victim of fraud, victim of scam, scammed and scared" and all related stuff that people might search for in a search engine.
I know there are a few threads dotted around with advice on what to do, but I didn't see one (though I admit I didn't look all that hard) covering the whole embarassment thing. To me, one of the best ways to get victims asking stuff and talking is to really reassure them that they won't be judged, that we have any idea who they are, and through anonymity the scammers won't either, that there are nnn thousand victims a year of victims... stuff like that. Stuff that helps put them at ease basically, since I would imagine some would be scared or just shy. Perhaps link to news stories where otherwise intelligent people have been taken to help with any "I'm so stupid" factor.
Also a "self esteem promotion" thread where.. okay being scammed is always bad, but the lessons (hopefully) learnt off it are good - such as being more wary. Turning negatives into positives or at least adding trying to make the victim feel a less less crap about it all.
Another one.. you might want to tell people to not mention scamwarners to scammers. e.g. if they email the scammer and say "I know what you are, scamwarners told me" as a 'revenge'. Obviously you can't keep it completely hidden, but you can slow it's word spreading. I'm thinking along the lines of the aa419
"Gonez" thing.
On a similar line, something to say "don't get their email accounts shut down if you can avoid it". I'm thinking if a particular bad story comes along, baiters may want to mass attack the scammer, so it'd be useful to keep the scammers email open.
Tutorial on how to get email headers from various software (Windows Mail, Outlook Express) and free services (Y!, hotmail, gmail) posted somewhere as I imagine it'd be needed some time.
Perhaps you could get some statements from people who can do something, e.g. alan at aa419, or the police in various countries, or isps... statements to explain what they can do, how it works. Something to reassure the victim that someone does care and work is being done, even if it's on a small scale.
419eater has digg this, slashdot this and sommat else in their sidebar. You might want to consider doing the same because I think if there's a story horrific enough, it'd be good to share it on the bigger sites, plus free publicity.
The forum descriptions kinda fall off nearer to the bottom.
E.g. AFF says "has someone offered you a huge sum of money or..." whereas the lottery one just says "how lottery scams work". For clarity it should say something like "have you apparently won a lottery you didn't enter or have never heard of?"