IM Oct 31, 2013 7:44:47 AM
7:36:40 AM ME: <ding>
7:36:46 AM ME: Good morning, sweetheart!! Hope you had a wonderful night! So, as I'm sitting here sipping my tea, I look at the mug and the saying on it is so fitting...Love beyond words. That is how I feel about you, I love you beyond words!!! Whatever happens today, I want you to know that. I love you, Gabriel!!!
7:37:08 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe how are u?
7:37:23 AM ME: I'm doing ok. How are you?
7:38:42 AM gabriel.perry84: I'm fine.. I'm so sorry I could call u yesterday again.
7:39:04 AM ME: Babe, it's ok. I know you were wore out!!!
7:40:45 AM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe I love u,
7:40:58 AM ME: You're welcome, honey!! I love you too!!
7:42:36 AM ME: I've been praying all morning...kicked it into hyperdrive!! LOL You have to let me know the minute you hear anything!! I'm so worried...trying not to be, but I am.
7:42:57 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe I will babe
7:43:14 AM ME: I love you soooooo much!!!!
7:44:15 AM gabriel.perry84: I will talk to u soon.
7:44:28 AM ME: ok babe!!
There was another conversation that also wasn't saved!!!! It was the conversation where he told me that he was on the "deployment" list!! I wish it had saved it!!!
IM Oct 31, 2013 1:18:40 PM
1:01:23 PM ME: I know you'd come home, but then there will always be the possibilty of another deployment...which I understand this is your career.
1:02:36 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe no I have to be 2 month vacation after my deployment is over
1:03:05 PM ME: Oh, well, that'll be nice.
1:03:43 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
1:05:22 PM ME: Where at in Africa do you have to go? Do you know?
1:10:41 PM ME: Guess I needed those tissues after all.
1:12:37 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I don't know yet I will get my letter before I get off
1:12:49 PM ME: Oh ok...gotcha!!
1:13:44 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey
1:14:28 PM ME: Do you have all your shots and vaccinations and whatnot? I don't want anything happening to you over there!!
1:16:23 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I do babe!
1:16:34 PM ME: Phew...that's a relief!!
1:16:46 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
1:18:40 PM ME: I can't believe you have to leave!!! I've waited to find you, then I do find you and now I have to wait to be with you!! Life sure can play mean tricks!!
1:22:22 PM ME: A lot of people at work have been wanting to know why I've been smiling and so happy lately, now I will have to wait 8 months to tell people about you.
1:23:59 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe just be calm ok.. Don't tell me u have been telling every one about us
1:24:31 PM ME: No I haven't!!!! You told me not to.
1:25:02 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.. I don't like pple know about my relationship.
1:25:17 PM gabriel.perry84: Cus they do give bad advice
1:25:29 PM ME: What do you mean?
1:26:16 PM ME: People can give advice all they want, but that doesn't mean you have to take it.
1:26:33 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.
1:26:36 PM gabriel.perry84: I get u..
1:26:39 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u so much babe
1:26:45 PM gabriel.perry84: U are so intelligent
1:27:05 PM ME: I love you too!! Thank you.
1:27:26 PM gabriel.perry84: I will always do babe
1:28:07 PM ME: Me too, babe!! But at some point I would like to tell people about you. You make me so happy and I want them to know you are the reason!
1:28:37 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe but u don't have to ok.
1:29:04 PM ME: I don't have to what??
1:29:26 PM gabriel.perry84: You don't have to tell people ok.
1:29:44 PM ME: If you don't want me to, then I guess I won't.
1:30:23 PM ME: So am I going to be a secret to everyone you know?
1:31:08 PM gabriel.perry84: No babe that's not what I meant.. Be happy and let the secret of your happiness be yours ok.
1:31:49 PM ME: Ok, I guess.
1:33:05 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I love u so much sarah
1:33:25 PM ME: That's what I was in my last relationship...a secret!! And I don't want to be that!!
1:33:34 PM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!
1:34:17 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.. Then if that will make u happy.. It's ok.
1:35:38 PM ME: I don't wanna just walk up to people and be like, hey this is why I'm so happy. Just if someone asks, I wanna say, well I'm happy because I met an amazing guy who makes me feel wonderful.
1:36:01 PM ME: I don't wanna tell them all about you...just you're the reason for my happiness.
1:36:36 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe
1:37:00 PM ME: I will try not to tell anyone, but I can't make any promises.
1:39:31 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe..
IM Oct 31, 2013 4:31:34 PM
(I asked if his daughter was dressing up for Halloween)
4:09:07 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe she should..
4:10:15 PM ME: Hi honey! Do u know what she is going to be? I'm sure she will be adorable no matter what she is.
4:10:58 PM gabriel.perry84: No but I know I have a beautiful daughter.
4:12:05 PM ME: Well I can't really see her very well in your ym pic but if she looks like her father Im sure she is.
4:12:31 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe..
4:13:15 PM gabriel.perry84: I will be sending you my letter now
4:14:05 PM ME: You're welcome honey! So since u will be visiting with them the next few days, I will try not to bother u. Maybe if u get a free sec u could send me a msg.
4:14:22 PM ME: Ok
4:17:28 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
4:17:38 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe
4:23:44 PM ME: Where are you sending the letter to?
4:26:34 PM ME: Babe?
4:31:02 PM gabriel.perry84: To your mail..
4:31:15 PM gabriel.perry84: Can I call u now babe?
4:31:26 PM ME: sure
4:31:34 PM ME: I didn't get it.
4:32:39 PM gabriel.perry84: I will send it now
4:32:45 PM ME: ok
4:33:00 PM ME: U can call me anytime you want!!!
4:36:41 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.. I will call u soon.
4:36:53 PM ME: Ok, babe!! I can't wait.
4:41:41 PM gabriel.perry84: I love your voice babe.
4:41:45 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u so much babe
4:42:44 PM ME: I love yours too, honey!!! I could talk to you all day long!! I love you so much too!!
4:43:58 PM ME: I hope I get to talk to you before you leave. Did you send the letter? I still haven't gotten it.
4:47:17 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm sending now.
4:47:44 PM ME: ok honey!!! Oh, yeah, did you get the email I sent you earlier?
4:51:07 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I love the pics
4:51:30 PM ME: Good!!!
4:54:47 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babew
4:56:29 PM ME: Maybe if you get a chance you could take a pic this weekend and send it to me?? If you want. Man, my service must be messed up, I still haven't gotten the letter.
5:05:09 PM ME: Babe, you may have to send it to my other may too big of a file.
5:11:36 PM ME: My other email is (removed by me). Try sending it to this one...but any other time use the one you usually do.
5:12:00 PM gabriel.perry84: I will send it to your phone
5:12:16 PM ME: Ok...
5:12:35 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
5:12:49 PM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!!
5:13:23 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too babe
5:19:56 PM gabriel.perry84: I just sent it!
5:24:37 PM ME: I got it!!!
5:24:45 PM gabriel.perry84: Have u read it?
5:25:12 PM ME: Just now!!!
5:25:36 PM ME: What does undercover mean?
5:26:41 PM ME: Well I mean does it actually mean no one will know you are there?
5:27:43 PM gabriel.perry84: We go for special missions.
5:27:46 PM gabriel.perry84: But I will be fine
5:28:08 PM ME: I sure hope so....I will be praying every single day!!
5:28:53 PM gabriel.perry84: I will be fine for u babe.
5:28:56 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe
5:29:51 PM ME: Awwww...thanks babe!! Well, I'm still gonna say a little prayer...although, it didn't really help this week.
5:30:15 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I will be fine ok.
5:30:51 PM ME: I know you will be babe. You've done this before, but I've never had anyone to worry let me worry just a little.
5:31:27 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe
5:31:29 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u.
5:31:34 PM ME: I love you too!!!
5:31:40 PM ME: So when are you leaving for WI?
5:31:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Tomorrow morning.
5:32:16 PM ME: Promise me you will be careful and let me know you make it there?
5:32:26 PM gabriel.perry84: I promise honey
5:32:33 PM ME: Thanks babe
5:37:03 PM ME: So what's for dinner?
5:37:39 PM gabriel.perry84: Well may be some corn and soup
5:37:54 PM ME: LOL!!! That sounds yummy!
5:38:04 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
5:38:36 PM ME: I'm having a chocolate protein shake with strawberries.
5:38:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Hmmm yummy
5:39:10 PM ME: It is delicious!!!
5:39:25 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I should be
5:40:16 PM ME: And very filling because of all the protein!!
5:40:34 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok
5:49:55 PM ME: How long will it take you to get home?
5:51:14 PM gabriel.perry84: 4 hours
IM Oct 31, 2013 9:08:09 PM
(I asked when his birthday was)
8:51:22 PM gabriel.perry84: NOV 27
8:52:28 PM ME: Awwww...I won't get to celebrate your birthday with you!
8:52:55 PM gabriel.perry84:
8:58:28 PM ME: Will I be able to send u anything? Or since u r going on a special mission is that a no-no?
8:59:09 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes should.. When I get to africa I will ask better ok.
9:00:08 PM ME: Ok honey! I love u!
9:00:25 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too babe
9:03:42 PM ME: So u will be 39, right?
9:04:31 PM gabriel.perry84: 38
9:05:36 PM ME: Oh I thought u said u were already 38? Or were u just rounding up since ur bday is so close?
9:06:44 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did round it up.
9:07:28 PM ME: Gotcha!!
9:08:09 PM gabriel.perry84: Lol