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by vonpaso xlura Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:50 pm
Could you post the headers of the email? There's a trait throughout at least one of those emails that is inconclusive when it appears in chat (you typed it yourself at least once), but when it appears in email is highly suggestive of West African origin. (I'm not saying what it is in case a West African scammer reads the forum.) The headers (Received: from foo by bar with baz etc.) may prove conclusively that the message came from Africa.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

by sunshine47167 Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:40 pm
Well, everything I posted was from my yahoo messenger conversation history. The few messages that I posted that he sent to me from his e-mail were sent via text to my phone, so the only way I was able to post those were to forward it to my e-mail so I could copy and paste it on here. I don't have a smart phone, just a basic one, so no fancy gadgets. :(
by Smith Jones Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:09 pm
Sunshine- your chats- I've skimmed through them and they seem so much like mine were. Wasn't it so easy to get caught up in them? And when you look back the follow the same pattern scammers use- they say they miss you, always want to know what you're eating or going to eat, tell you to dream of them, care about your personal details but only sometimes give you theirs.
It's hard to let go of that emotional connection too, so go easy with yourself. You're probably at that mad stage but I still have tears sometimes. Especially because they say they love you. How can someone say they love you just to lie and get money? Scammers do it every day, this guy just didn't know he had someone smart enough to read between the lines.
by sunshine47167 Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:08 pm
Yes it was very easy, especially since the relationship I'd been in before ended so badly and I so wanted someone who wanted to tell me all the things he said. I didn't really cry and I don't really feel like crying. I don't know if it's because a part of me always had its guard up...watching, waiting for him to say something off. I'm more relieved that I didn't spend months chatting and wasting my time when I could be looking for someone who truly deserves me!! I still have more chats to post, but there were so many, that it's going to take time. Yeah, he didn't know who he was messing with...it also helped that my mom and best friends told me to keep my guard up until I actually met him. One day, my mom e-mailed me like 4 links to scammer sites and she was like, I love you and just want you to be protected, so just have a look at them. I e-mailed her back and said, thanks, but I had already looked at every single one of them she had sent. LOL I wanted to be educated, in case he wasn't real...my momma didn't raise no fool!!
by Smith Jones Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:01 pm
You have a great sense of humor about it and that's great. You also did one thing I didn't do- talk to others about what you were experiencing and listen to their advice.
Just remember- you deserve to find someone who will treat you well and not lie. I figured out a few things in all this too:
1) find someone who you can meet in person so you know they're real
2) sorry but real guys don't talk to us like the scammers do. These guys know exactly how to pour on the romance and make you feel like the greatest women in the world in a short time. Most real guys fumble through that so enjoy more simple conversations
3) be open to just spending more time with people around you and share who you are in friendships, at work. etc.
4) all dating sites have at least some scammers and you're now smarter than most people who go on those sites
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:35 am
Well, you kind of have to have a sense of humor about it. Yeah, I have an amazing support system...they look out for me. I know that was one thing "Gabriel" didn't like me doing...he kept saying don't talk to people about our relationship (I think this is a convo I haven't posted yet), I said but I want to...I wanna tell the whole world. I said in my last relationship I was a secret and I don't wanna be a secret, is that what I am to you? So he was finally like, if you wanna talk about it that's fine, but I'd rather you didn't. Buddy, I sure did talk about it. Well, in all of this, a guy who I had went out with a couple of times, and coincidentally, met on the same site as "Gabriel", called me out of the blue and I think we are going to start seeing each other again. I've met him and we did click, so we will see.
by Bryon Williams Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:03 am
Romance scammers work on emotions and breaking down their victims. These scams typically last months before a money request.

They want to be sure that you have broken contact with family and friends. They want assurance that you only believe in them. They do not want you to trust your life long friends and family warning you of a scam.

You have done great. Great job!!

Friends and Family can support doubts.

ETA: Face to Face in person? And my motto with a friend?

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:01 pm
Thanks, Bryon!!! There is NO WAY I would EVER break contact with my friends and family, so he would have been wasting his time on me!! My best friends and I talk about EVERYTHING...I mean, EVERYTHING. They would have made me check myself if I had started to pull away from them...and my family, well, along with my best friends, they all wish they could find out who this guy is and well do things to him that I won't post on here. LOL It does make me sick to think that he has probably already moved on to some other unsuspecting woman...I just hope she does her research like me!!!
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:36 pm
IM Oct 27, 2013 6:24:08 AM

6:11:15 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey good morning!

6:11:18 AM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

6:11:52 AM ME: Good morning sweetheart!!

6:12:26 AM gabriel.perry84: How are you!

6:12:26 AM gabriel.perry84: How was your night?

6:13:26 AM gabriel.perry84: I miss you so much honey!

6:13:30 AM ME: I'm wonderful!! My night was great...I kept thinking about you. How are you? How was your night?

6:13:36 AM ME: I miss you too!!!!

6:14:04 AM gabriel.perry84: I'm doing great.. Getting ready for the chapel!

6:14:24 AM ME: Cool!!! What time do you have to be there?

6:14:49 AM gabriel.perry84: 8:00

6:15:05 AM ME: What do you wear to go to the chapel?

6:15:23 AM gabriel.perry84: causal wear!

6:15:39 AM ME: Oh, so you don't have to dress up...that's good.

6:16:10 AM gabriel.perry84: Yes don't have to wear uniform lol.

6:16:43 AM ME: LOL...well, I can't wait to see you in your uniform!!! Don't forget to send me a pic sometime this week.

6:17:06 AM ME: Soooo will you say it again for me...what you told me yesterday??

6:18:02 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey I will send it..

6:18:16 AM gabriel.perry84: I love u sarah.

6:18:35 AM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!!

6:19:21 AM ME: My heart feels like it wants to just jump out of my chest!!

6:19:58 AM gabriel.perry84: Oh honey I feel so glad and I really wish I'm with you!

6:20:36 AM ME: I wish that too!! So any idea when I will finally get to meet you? I wanna hug you so bad!!

6:20:58 AM gabriel.perry84: Babe very soon I'm sure..

6:21:03 AM ME: And maybe get a little kiss...

6:21:14 AM gabriel.perry84: :*

6:21:32 AM ME: I guess I will take that for now.

6:22:05 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey.. I wanna kiss you so bad with passion.

6:22:35 AM ME: Awwww...me too!!!

6:24:08 AM gabriel.perry84: :*

6:24:27 AM sarahs47167: :*

6:24:45 AM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing today?

6:25:10 AM ME: I don't have any plans. Just figured I'd putter around the house.

6:26:49 AM ME: Maybe watch a movie or two...

6:27:28 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok. That's cool u gonna tell me the movie u see ok.

6:28:14 AM ME: Ok. What about you...what are you doing today...after the chapel?

6:28:57 AM gabriel.perry84: Well I don't have any yet but maybe watch a movie too.

6:29:20 AM ME: Well, you will have to let me know what movie you watch.

6:29:44 AM ME: I wish you could come watch a movie with me.

6:29:47 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey!

6:30:49 AM ME: I wish you could come watch a movie with me.

6:31:27 AM gabriel.perry84: I wish that too.

6:32:16 AM ME: Maybe someday...I've got a LOT of movies!!

6:32:28 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey!

6:32:40 AM gabriel.perry84: I have to start getting ready!

6:32:53 AM ME: Ok...I will talk to you later!!!

6:33:19 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey !

6:33:27 AM ME: Miss me!!

6:33:47 AM gabriel.perry84: Yes I will surely miss u!

6:34:10 AM ME: I'll miss you too!!! Ok, now I will let you get ready!!

6:34:44 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey
IM Oct 27, 2013 10:16:52 AM

10:12:19 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey!

10:12:23 AM gabriel.perry84: How are you?

10:12:50 AM mE: Hi honey! Im doing great now!! How was church?

10:13:11 AM gabriel.perry84: Great honey!

10:13:15 AM gabriel.perry84: I missed you!

10:14:08 AM ME: I missed you too!!

10:14:23 AM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing?

10:15:49 AM ME: Well right now Im having lunch and talking to my sweetie!

10:16:09 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok.

10:16:30 AM ME: What about you? What are u doing?

10:16:43 AM gabriel.perry84: I'm resting now!

10:16:52 AM gabriel.perry84: Going for lunch soon!
IM Oct 27, 2013 1:48:04 PM

1:30:42 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe

1:31:02 PM gabriel.perry84: I had some salad

1:31:09 PM gabriel.perry84: And fresh juice

1:32:04 PM ME: Awww...I love u too!! That sounds delicious...thats what I think Im having for dinner...minus the juice.

1:42:24 PM ME: Im gonna be sending u a surprise a little later!!

1:48:04 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey..
IM Oct 27, 2013 2:36:15 PM

2:27:54 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe

2:27:59 PM gabriel.perry84: Are u there?

2:28:26 PM ME: Hi honey!!

2:29:14 PM ME: Im here!!!

2:30:07 PM ME: Are u there babe??

2:30:11 PM gabriel.perry84: How are u?

2:30:28 PM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing?

2:31:22 PM ME: Im doing wonderful! Im getting ready to go get some gas in my car. What are u doing?

2:31:51 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.. Which car do you use?

2:32:27 PM ME: I have a blue Pontiac Grand Am.

2:34:08 PM ME: I sent u a surprise to ur email!

2:36:15 PM gabriel.perry84: Oh let me check!
IM Oct 27, 2013 3:48:58 PM

3:36:21 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I liked it.

3:36:27 PM gabriel.perry84: I really do!

3:36:33 PM ME: Really?

3:36:58 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

3:37:05 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u sarah

3:37:11 PM ME: Good.

3:37:19 PM ME: I love you Gabriel.

3:37:28 PM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing?

3:37:39 PM ME: Talking to you...

3:38:23 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey!

3:38:32 PM ME: What are u doing?

3:39:12 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm with my friends!

3:39:34 PM ME: Oh, well I should let you go then...I don't wanna interrupt you.

3:39:49 PM gabriel.perry84: It's ok babe..

3:39:53 PM gabriel.perry84: Brb!

3:39:59 PM ME: ok

3:40:38 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

3:40:55 PM ME: So have you told anyone about me?

3:41:27 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I told my sister I met u but I haven't told her the full story!

3:41:36 PM ME: And what did she say?

3:43:58 PM ME: So, I have something to tell you...I had to change my cell plan because of my lil brother's new job, so now you can call me anytime and it won't cost me!!

3:44:19 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok..

3:44:29 PM gabriel.perry84: That will be great

3:44:40 PM ME: So what did your sister say?

3:45:34 PM gabriel.perry84: She said she can't wait to hear my story and how we met!

3:45:50 PM ME: Well that's good!!

3:47:01 PM ME: I've told my besties and my mom about you...I hope you don't mind.

3:47:17 PM ME: I'd love to tell the whole world!!!!

3:48:11 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I don't but I will not want use to rush ok. Cause I'm the type that love people to know about my relationship.

3:48:58 PM ME: I don't want to rush either!!!

3:50:38 PM ME: I really don't wanna rush, but I would like to meet you soon.

3:51:19 PM gabriel.perry84: I will like that too honey! It's just my work!

3:51:41 PM ME: I know and I understand that!!

3:51:54 PM ME: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

3:51:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks for your understanding!

3:52:03 PM gabriel.perry84: I know honey!

3:52:39 PM ME: It will just make our meeting all the sweeter!!

3:53:21 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I know we will meet soon!

3:54:27 PM ME: I know we will...when we are meant to meet in person it'll happen...just like we were meant to meet on DH!!

3:55:18 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe it's seems to me like that too

3:55:55 PM ME: Hopefully, we are meant to meet soon!! LOL

3:56:24 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I know we will ok.. I will be back ok.

3:56:35 PM ME: ok hurry back!

3:56:40 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok
IM Oct 27, 2013 7:50:39 PM

7:24:07 PM gabriel.perry84: So sorry honey I was with my friends

7:24:12 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too!

7:25:23 PM ME: Sweetheart that's ok!! I figured you were busy.

7:25:45 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.. Are u on your bed?

7:26:14 PM ME: *sigh* I don't think I will ever tire of hearing that!!

7:26:59 PM gabriel.perry84: Hearing what?

7:27:07 PM gabriel.perry84: That I love u?

7:27:12 PM gabriel.perry84: I will always do.

7:42:25 PM ME: How did I get so lucky? An amazing guy like you should not still be single and available!?!? I need to be sleeping but all I can think about is you.

7:43:22 PM gabriel.perry84: Honey.. Well I'm so glad I met you.. Many thing happens for a purpose.

7:43:42 PM gabriel.perry84: Maybe u have to go to bed . Cus you have to wake up early.

7:44:52 PM ME: Sorry my signal was low...just got ur messages. Yes I'm in my bed. Yes hearing that u love me!!

7:45:11 PM gabriel.perry84: Oh ok!

7:47:23 PM ME: I know I need to go to bed. I have to be up at 3. I'm trying but I just can't stop smiling and my mind doesn't wanna slow down.

7:47:50 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe slow down ok.

7:49:15 PM ME: Ok I will try. I will talk to u tomorrow! Good night, honey!

7:49:39 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey I love u!

7:50:20 PM ME: I love you too, Gabriel!

7:50:39 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:45 pm
There was a conversation that took place before this, but yahoo messenger didn't save it for some reason, which is why this doesn't really make sense.
IM Oct 28, 2013 11:50:07 AM

11:46:32 AM gabriel.perry84: ok.. are you going tomorrow?

11:47:05 AM ME: I work tomorrow from 5-2.

11:47:17 AM gabriel.perry84: did i get your work address correctly?

11:47:19 AM gabriel.perry84: (removed by me)

11:47:44 AM gabriel.perry84: or can you re send it to me?

11:48:12 AM ME: That is the correct address.

11:48:21 AM gabriel.perry84: ok..

11:49:36 AM ME: Honey, it'll all work out exactly how its supposed to...please don't stress or worry! Just know that I love you and we will get through whatever is put b4 us.

11:50:07 AM gabriel.perry84: ok honey
IM Oct 28, 2013 2:57:29 PM

2:48:00 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey!

2:48:09 PM ME: Hey babe!!!

2:48:15 PM gabriel.perry84: What u doing?

2:48:35 PM ME: Just got done working out...sitting here checking my email.

2:48:40 PM ME: What are you doing?

2:48:45 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey

2:48:58 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm still at work..

2:49:03 PM ME: Really?

2:49:04 PM gabriel.perry84: But will be try soon.

2:49:06 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

2:49:18 PM ME: Is this one of your later days?

2:49:54 PM gabriel.perry84: I don't know yet

2:50:09 PM ME: Well, you did say sometimes you have to work until 4.

2:50:33 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes

2:50:58 PM ME: So other than your meeting, has the rest of your day been good?

2:51:49 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did some paper work on my team.

2:52:07 PM ME: Like evals?

2:52:24 PM gabriel.perry84: Not really!

2:52:38 PM gabriel.perry84: But something like that.

2:52:44 PM ME: oh, ok!!

2:52:49 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes bbe

2:54:33 PM ME: So do you have big plans for this evening? Or after the day you had today, are you just gonna rest?

2:54:54 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I wanna rest for a while

2:55:17 PM ME: Well, I say you deserve a rest.

2:56:14 PM ME: My poor guy!!!

2:56:22 PM gabriel.perry84: Thank honey.. Lol.

2:56:33 PM ME: Anytime, babe!!!!

2:56:42 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe

2:56:50 PM ME: I love you too, honey!!!

2:57:29 PM gabriel.perry84: :*

2:57:36 PM ME: :*

2:58:18 PM ME: You make me so happy!!!!

2:58:57 PM gabriel.perry84: You do to me too.

3:00:09 PM ME: I don't wanna think about it or really talk about it, but what if your name is on the list, when will I get to meet you?? You said you would be deployed probably immediately...

3:01:54 PM gabriel.perry84: I will have to come to you for christmas

3:02:21 PM ME: Well then I am going to pray extra hard that you aren't on the list!!!!

3:03:21 PM gabriel.perry84: I have to do that too.

3:04:31 PM ME: If that happens, a visit from you will probably be the best Christmas gift I will ever have got though.

3:04:51 PM gabriel.perry84: Really!

3:04:58 PM ME: Yes!!!!

3:05:34 PM ME: Especially by then we will have been talking for 2 months without having met...that would be an amazing gift!!

3:06:12 PM ME: But we need to think positive thoughts!!! You won't be on the list.

3:06:34 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I pray I'm not

3:06:47 PM ME: Me too!!!

3:07:52 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok

3:19:27 PM ME: Well, babe, I'm gonna go hop in the shower real quick, get this workout sweat off...yuck...so I will talk to you a little later. Hope you get off of work soon, so you can go rest for a while!! I love you!!

3:19:43 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey!
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:07 pm
IM Oct 29, 2013 7:50:19 AM

7:35:25 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey how are you?

7:36:02 AM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

7:36:06 AM gabriel.perry84: Are u there?

7:42:05 AM ME: Hey babe! Just got out of a mtg! Im great! U are so handsome! What is that u r holding? (He sent me a pic of "him" holding a big gun)

7:42:55 AM gabriel.perry84: I'm a MC 900 machine gun!

7:43:12 AM gabriel.perry84: Did u send anything to my mail?

7:43:28 AM ME: Wow!! Thats awesome.

7:43:36 AM gabriel.perry84: Ye.

7:43:38 AM gabriel.perry84: Yes

7:44:08 AM ME: I sent u a pic early this morning...did u get it?

7:44:26 AM gabriel.perry84: I didn't get it!

7:45:00 AM ME: Let me resend it!

7:45:13 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey

7:46:18 AM ME: Ok babe...check it now!

7:46:27 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

7:46:30 AM gabriel.perry84: Hang on.

7:47:35 AM gabriel.perry84: Oh honey I love it.

7:47:41 AM gabriel.perry84: I love u sarah.

7:47:53 AM gabriel.perry84: Are u at work now?

7:48:42 AM ME: Yes Im at work until 2! I love you Gabriel!!

7:49:04 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey.. I will talk to u at lunch ok.

7:49:34 AM ME: Ok sweetheart! I will miss you until then!

7:49:52 AM gabriel.perry84: I will too

7:50:09 AM sarahs47167: :*

7:50:19 AM gabriel.perry84: :*
IM Oct 29, 2013 3:00:23 PM

2:46:46 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey how are u?

2:47:24 PM ME: Hey babe! Im doing good! How did the rest of your day go?

2:47:46 PM gabriel.perry84: Crazy day!

2:48:06 PM ME: Really?

2:48:36 PM gabriel.perry84: We just started training for the preparation for the deployment even though the list is not out yet.. But it will be out by thursday!

2:49:24 PM ME: Ohhh babe! I'm so worried...I don't want u to go!! I'm still praying!!

2:49:42 PM gabriel.perry84: I don't want that too honey!

2:50:16 PM ME: So is there a chance it will be out before Thursday?

2:50:44 PM gabriel.perry84: No it's thursday!

2:51:27 PM ME: I am gonna be a mess on Thursday! I'm off so you will have to let me know the minute you find anything out!

2:52:24 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey!

2:52:28 PM gabriel.perry84: How was work?

2:53:49 PM ME: It was ok. Lots of paperwork today!

2:54:01 PM gabriel.perry84: Oh

2:54:17 PM gabriel.perry84: That's great.. Hope you aren't tired?

2:55:28 PM ME: No I'm not but I am ready to relax though. I bet you're wore out though.

2:55:58 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I am honey.

2:56:43 PM ME: Well are u gonna rest for a bit? U deserve it!

2:57:10 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey I will buzz u soon.

2:57:39 PM ME: Ok sweetheart!! I love you!

3:00:23 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too honey!
IM Oct 29, 2013 5:00:46 PM

4:43:22 PM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

4:43:38 PM ME: Hey honey!!!

4:43:46 PM gabriel.perry84: how are you?

4:43:53 PM ME: Good!!!! You?

4:44:02 PM gabriel.perry84: im doing great

4:44:06 PM gabriel.perry84: miss u babe

4:44:13 PM ME: I miss you too!!

4:44:26 PM ME: Did you get any rest?

4:45:23 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i did

4:45:38 PM ME: Well good!! I don't like my sweetie to be tired!!

4:46:59 PM gabriel.perry84: aww babe

4:47:53 PM ME: I know you work so hard, but I'm glad you are able to get a little rest.

4:48:09 PM gabriel.perry84: thanks babe

4:48:18 PM ME: You're welcome honey!!

4:49:50 PM ME: So what are you doing tonight? Just relaxing??

4:51:12 PM gabriel.perry84: yes babe

4:51:56 PM ME: That sounds good...we will be relaxing together...just not in the same place!!

4:52:55 PM gabriel.perry84: <3

4:53:12 PM ME: I know!!! But someday we will!!

4:54:10 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i know honey

4:54:19 PM ME: I can't wait to relax with you!! It will be so nice.

4:54:50 PM gabriel.perry84: i cant wait too honey

4:55:41 PM ME: Well, I'm praying that it will be sooner rather than later!!

4:56:12 PM gabriel.perry84: i pray too honey

4:57:10 PM ME: So will you tell me about your place in WI? I bet it is beautiful.

4:57:29 PM gabriel.perry84: well i try

5:00:27 PM ME: If you don't want to that's fine. So what's for dinner?

5:00:46 PM gabriel.perry84: if i dont want what?

5:00:59 PM ME: To tell me about your place in WI

5:01:35 PM gabriel.perry84: it's cool..

5:01:45 PM gabriel.perry84: i love my place

5:02:02 PM ME: Is it a big house?

5:02:14 PM gabriel.perry84: yes a little big

5:02:23 PM ME: You said you have horses...how many do you have? What kind?

5:02:57 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i do..

5:02:59 PM gabriel.perry84: i have 4

5:03:34 PM ME: Are they a certain kind of horse?

5:03:44 PM gabriel.perry84: not really

5:03:58 PM ME: I bet they are pretty.

5:04:22 PM gabriel.perry84: yes they are

5:04:34 PM ME: Do you love to ride them?

5:04:48 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i do..

5:05:44 PM ME: Does Mandy ride?

5:06:02 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i put her on them sometimes

5:06:16 PM ME: Do you breed them?

5:06:27 PM gabriel.perry84: my sister breed them

5:06:43 PM ME: Cool!!! I think little ponies are so cute!!

5:07:47 PM ME: So what's for dinner...it's almost that time, right?

5:08:15 PM gabriel.perry84: well maybe some potatoes

5:08:28 PM ME: AND???

5:09:08 PM gabriel.perry84: shrimp

5:09:22 PM ME: Ohhhhh...

5:09:54 PM gabriel.perry84: yes

5:10:20 PM ME: What kind of potatoes...mashed, fried, boiled??

5:10:28 PM gabriel.perry84: mashed

5:10:47 PM ME: Mmmmmm...now those sound yummy!! And you wanna ruin them with shrimp!! LOL

5:11:56 PM gabriel.perry84: lol

5:12:01 PM gabriel.perry84: you dont like that

5:12:13 PM ME: I don't like seafood of any kind.

5:12:21 PM gabriel.perry84: oh you told me

5:12:34 PM ME: Yeah, I'm a chicken and lean beef girl!!

5:13:12 PM ME: Pasta and pizza are my real weaknesses though.

5:13:30 PM ME: And red velvet cake, snickerdoodles, and cheesecake!! LOL

5:13:38 PM gabriel.perry84: ok

5:14:07 PM ME: Are you a dessert guy? Do you have a favorite dessert?

5:14:28 PM gabriel.perry84: well i dont really like that

5:14:42 PM ME: Really?

5:15:06 PM gabriel.perry84: yes

5:15:26 PM ME: Hmmmm...so I guess you're the exception to the way to a man's heart is through his stomach??

5:16:06 PM gabriel.perry84: well maybe

5:16:13 PM ME: LOL

5:17:29 PM ME: And I make a mean PB chocolate chip cookie!! I don't like them, but everyone else does!!

5:17:57 PM gabriel.perry84: oh i love cookies

5:18:05 PM ME: Well, that's dessert....

5:18:51 PM gabriel.perry84: i said i dont really not that i dont like atall

5:19:13 PM ME: Ok...so what's your favorite cookie?

5:20:44 PM gabriel.perry84: bittersweet cookies

5:21:03 PM ME: Hmmmm...I don't know that I've every heard of those.

5:21:49 PM gabriel.perry84: it's a new type of cookies

5:22:05 PM ME: Oh well that might explain it. hehehe

5:22:18 PM gabriel.perry84: yes

5:24:37 PM ME: So will you have another long day of training tomorrow?

5:25:06 PM gabriel.perry84: yes babe

5:25:22 PM ME: Awwww honey...that stinks!!!

5:26:00 PM gabriel.perry84: yes it does

5:26:27 PM ME: Do you have to do training in the pouring rain? What about if it's lightning?

5:26:35 PM gabriel.perry84: no..

5:27:11 PM ME: Well, it's supposed to rain the next two days I heard...or is your training inside?

5:27:30 PM gabriel.perry84: no outside

5:27:49 PM ME: Well maybe it will be cancelled because of the rain.

5:28:05 PM gabriel.perry84: yes it will be

5:28:34 PM ME: Well, I will keep my fingers crossed that it rains!!! I don't want you to be tired again tomorrow!! I don't like it!!

5:28:48 PM gabriel.perry84: thanks babe

5:29:18 PM ME: Hey, you're welcome honey!!!

5:32:48 PM ME: :*

5:33:00 PM gabriel.perry84: :*

5:33:00 PM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!

5:33:37 PM gabriel.perry84: i love u too babe

5:34:20 PM ME: *contented sigh* I love reading that!!!

5:34:40 PM gabriel.perry84: im glad i met you honey

5:34:50 PM ME: Me too!!!!

5:35:27 PM ME: I'll be even happier when I actually do meet you!!

5:35:39 PM gabriel.perry84: i will be over happy babe

5:35:48 PM ME: Awwwww babe!!!

5:35:55 PM gabriel.perry84: yes babe

5:36:39 PM ME: I will warn you that I might cry...hopefully not, but I've never felt the way I feel about you and it might be overwhelming when I get to hold you.

5:37:14 PM gabriel.perry84: babe it's being long i felt the way i felt about you too

5:38:32 PM ME: Oh, Gabriel!!! You make me so happy...beyond happy...I don't think there is a word to describe it. Loved, cherished, adored...they aren't the right words...but I feel all of them!!

5:38:37 PM gabriel.perry84: babe what did you call the name of your work place?

5:38:44 PM sarahs47167: (removed by me)

5:39:05 PM gabriel.perry84: babe you make me wanna cry babe

5:39:13 PM gabriel.perry84: i have never felt loved like this

5:39:27 PM ME: Don't cry because that makes me wanna cry!!!

5:39:41 PM ME: I've never felt this either...but I LOVE it!!!

5:40:23 PM ME: I never want this feeling to go away!!

5:40:32 PM gabriel.perry84: i love u babe

5:40:53 PM ME: I love you too honey!! WIth every fiber of my being...my heart and soul!!

5:42:18 PM gabriel.perry84: aww

5:43:04 PM ME: I wanna hug you so bad...just wrap my arms around you and "melt" into you!!!

5:45:46 PM ME: I can't wait to actually hear you say you love me...now that will probably make me cry.

5:45:57 PM gabriel.perry84: i wanna kiss u so bad babe

5:46:10 PM ME: I want that too!!!

5:50:13 PM ME: If you aren't deployed I want us to meet soon...really soon!! I will drive all the way to Indy if I have to...heck, I'd do that tomorrow!!!

5:53:40 PM gabriel.perry84: i will also want that too honey

5:54:17 PM ME: Good!!!! Now we just have to get the answer we want on Thursday.

5:54:30 PM gabriel.perry84: yes honey

5:56:02 PM ME: So when we finally get to meet, what are we going to do...besides finally get to hug and kiss?

5:59:12 PM gabriel.perry84: i will hug you so close and kiss you babe

5:59:36 PM ME: I can't wait!!!

6:02:30 PM ME: I'm not gonna wanna leave you!!

6:03:17 PM gabriel.perry84: me too

6:04:01 PM ME: Then I will probably cry again!! LOL I better bring some tissues.

6:04:11 PM gabriel.perry84: lol

6:04:16 PM gabriel.perry84: babe you dont have too

6:04:31 PM ME: I don't have to what?

6:04:44 PM gabriel.perry84: you dont have to cry'

6:05:19 PM ME: I know I don't...and maybe I won't but I am a woman after all...and we tend to get emotional.

6:06:17 PM gabriel.perry84: lol.. that's true..i will surely be there to wipe your tears off

6:06:29 PM ME: Awwww babe!!

6:06:38 PM gabriel.perry84: that's true

6:07:00 PM ME: Well, then I won't need the tissues.

6:09:02 PM gabriel.perry84: yes babe

6:10:36 PM ME: This may sound silly, but I can't wait to hold your hand either.

6:10:56 PM ME: Or put my hand in your back pocket as we are walking together.

6:12:07 PM gabriel.perry84: lol

6:12:19 PM gabriel.perry84: i will love to hold you

6:12:50 PM ME: Great!!!

6:13:01 PM gabriel.perry84: yes babe

6:15:25 PM ME: So if your training is cancelled what will you do then?

6:15:59 PM gabriel.perry84: well i dont know yet

6:16:26 PM ME: Well why not?? LOL

6:16:55 PM gabriel.perry84: i dont just know cus tomorrow is a new day

6:17:13 PM ME: Yes it is!!!

6:18:58 PM ME: I still wanna know how an amazing, sweet, handsome guy is still single?

6:19:40 PM gabriel.perry84: well honey.. every one has his or her choices

6:20:19 PM ME: I guess so...I'm glad I was one of your choices!!

6:21:06 PM gabriel.perry84: im glad too.

6:21:17 PM sarahs47167: :*

6:21:34 PM gabriel.perry84: :*

6:21:46 PM ME: I love you!!!!

6:22:08 PM gabriel.perry84: i love u too

6:22:41 PM ME: I could say that to you all day long!!!! I still can't wait to hear it though...it'll be music to my ears!!

6:23:49 PM gabriel.perry84: lol

6:28:41 PM ME: That was a little bit of a hint btw...the can't wait to hear it part.

6:30:55 PM gabriel.perry84: lo

6:30:57 PM gabriel.perry84: lol

6:43:21 PM ME: So does that mean you aren't gonna call me tonight?

6:46:24 PM gabriel.perry84: I will see that ok.

6:46:58 PM ME: alright...

6:47:39 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:19 pm
IM Oct 30, 2013 10:29:56 AM

10:07:38 AM ME: Good morning sweetheart! It stopped raining here but I'm hoping that doessn't mean that you are working too hard!! I love you!

10:08:35 AM gabriel.perry84: Hello honey!

10:09:03 AM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

10:09:05 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe

10:10:06 AM ME: Hi babe! I can't tell if you're online when I'm on my phone so I just send a msg every chance I get! LOL

10:10:32 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

10:10:39 AM gabriel.perry84: How are you?

10:11:19 AM ME: I'm doing great now that I'm talking to u! How are you?

10:11:22 AM gabriel.perry84: I missed u babe

10:11:44 AM ME: Awww...I missed u too honey!

10:12:12 AM gabriel.perry84: I love u so much babe

10:12:42 AM ME: Awwww...I love u too honey with all my heart!!

10:13:34 AM gabriel.perry84: How is work going today?

10:14:58 AM ME: Not too bad...I've been going back and forth between 2 places so I'm a little tired...but at least I'm getting some exercise.

10:15:22 AM ME: How is your day going? More training?

10:15:30 AM gabriel.perry84: Lol.. That's great!

10:15:34 AM gabriel.perry84: Doing great!

10:16:42 AM ME: Well thats awesome! Please don't work too hard...I don't want you to be too tired.

10:17:59 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey thank u

10:18:30 AM ME: You're welcome babe!!

10:19:31 AM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe

10:20:28 AM ME: I love you honey!! *sigh* I just love reading that!! It makes me so happy!!

10:21:11 AM gabriel.perry84: :*

10:22:54 AM ME: So if you arent too tired tonight so u think I might get a phone call from u?

10:25:52 AM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I promise

10:26:42 AM ME: Yay!! But if you're too tired it's ok. I just wanna hear your voice again.

10:27:35 AM gabriel.perry84: I will love that too honey!

10:28:35 AM ME: And maybe I will get to hear u say "I love u!!" That would be wonderful!

10:29:21 AM gabriel.perry84: Lol.. Honey sure

4:58:07 PM ME: <ding>

4:58:52 PM ME: Hi honey!!! Just wanted to say I miss you!! And I love you a lottle...remember it's like a little but it's a lot!!!! <3

5:07:45 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe

5:08:01 PM gabriel.perry84: Are u there?

5:08:04 PM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

5:08:12 PM ME: Hi honey!

5:08:18 PM gabriel.perry84: How are u?

5:08:56 PM ME: I'm doing good! I'm just relaxing. How are you?

5:09:46 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm doing great babe

5:09:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Getting ready for dinner

5:10:25 PM ME: How was work? Did u have to do training?

5:10:55 PM ME: Having anything good?

5:11:11 PM gabriel.perry84: Don't know yet babe

5:12:14 PM ME: You'll have to let me know how that tastes...I've never had that! Hahaha

5:13:28 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

5:14:21 PM ME: You are soooo cute!!

5:16:37 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks bb..

5:17:12 PM ME: I love you so much babe!

5:17:31 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too.

5:19:37 PM ME: I wish you were here...so I could be with you...I am trying not to worry about tomorrow but I have prayed more this week than I have in a while.

5:22:45 PM gabriel.perry84: I wish that too honey!

5:23:43 PM ME: What time tomorrow will u find out who is getting deployed?

5:25:07 PM gabriel.perry84: In the afternoon$

5:25:53 PM ME: THE AFTERNOON?? U mean we have to worry all morning?? Grrrrr....

5:26:16 PM gabriel.perry84: I will tell u tomorrow

5:27:08 PM ME: Well I will be waiting!! I'm off so as soon as you hear anything let me know.

5:27:18 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

5:27:21 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u!

5:28:28 PM ME: I love you too!!!

5:30:40 PM ME: I wanna kiss and hug you so bad right now!

5:30:53 PM gabriel.perry84: :*

5:31:16 PM ME: :*
IM Oct 30, 2013 6:37:46 PM

6:17:47 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe

6:18:37 PM ME: I love you too honey! Did you have dinner?

6:19:19 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did ..

6:19:47 PM gabriel.perry84: I had fried rice and fresh beef.

6:19:55 PM ME: What did u have?

6:21:20 PM ME: The beef sounds good but I would pass on the rice! LOL I had soup and corn.

6:21:40 PM gabriel.perry84: Oh that yummy.

6:22:25 PM ME: It wasnt too bad. So what r u doing now?

6:22:46 PM gabriel.perry84: Feeling sleepy!

6:23:29 PM ME: Awwwww...my poor baby!!! Did you work too hard today?

6:24:47 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did

6:24:56 PM gabriel.perry84: Lol

6:25:15 PM ME: Now I thought I told you not to!!!

6:25:18 PM ME: LOL

6:25:45 PM gabriel.perry84: I have no choice.. I will just take a nap and be ok..

6:26:12 PM ME: I know you didn't. A nap? Isn't it a little late for a nap?

6:27:35 PM ME: So are you gonna be too sleepy for a phone call tonight?

6:37:46 PM ME: Babe, you really must be sleepy!!! My poor guy!!
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:37 pm
IM Oct 31, 2013 7:44:47 AM

7:36:40 AM ME: <ding>

7:36:46 AM ME: Good morning, sweetheart!! Hope you had a wonderful night! So, as I'm sitting here sipping my tea, I look at the mug and the saying on it is so fitting...Love beyond words. That is how I feel about you, I love you beyond words!!! Whatever happens today, I want you to know that. I love you, Gabriel!!!

7:37:08 AM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe how are u?

7:37:23 AM ME: I'm doing ok. How are you?

7:38:42 AM gabriel.perry84: I'm fine.. I'm so sorry I could call u yesterday again.

7:39:04 AM ME: Babe, it's ok. I know you were wore out!!!

7:40:45 AM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe I love u,

7:40:58 AM ME: You're welcome, honey!! I love you too!!

7:42:36 AM ME: I've been praying all morning...kicked it into hyperdrive!! LOL You have to let me know the minute you hear anything!! I'm so worried...trying not to be, but I am.

7:42:57 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe I will babe

7:43:14 AM ME: I love you soooooo much!!!!

7:44:15 AM gabriel.perry84: I will talk to u soon.

7:44:28 AM ME: ok babe!!

There was another conversation that also wasn't saved!!!! It was the conversation where he told me that he was on the "deployment" list!! I wish it had saved it!!!

IM Oct 31, 2013 1:18:40 PM

1:01:23 PM ME: I know you'd come home, but then there will always be the possibilty of another deployment...which I understand this is your career.

1:02:36 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe no I have to be 2 month vacation after my deployment is over

1:03:05 PM ME: Oh, well, that'll be nice.

1:03:43 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

1:05:22 PM ME: Where at in Africa do you have to go? Do you know?

1:10:41 PM ME: Guess I needed those tissues after all.

1:12:37 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I don't know yet I will get my letter before I get off

1:12:49 PM ME: Oh ok...gotcha!!

1:13:44 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok honey

1:14:28 PM ME: Do you have all your shots and vaccinations and whatnot? I don't want anything happening to you over there!!

1:16:23 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I do babe!

1:16:34 PM ME: Phew...that's a relief!!

1:16:46 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

1:18:40 PM ME: I can't believe you have to leave!!! I've waited to find you, then I do find you and now I have to wait to be with you!! Life sure can play mean tricks!!

1:22:22 PM ME: A lot of people at work have been wanting to know why I've been smiling and so happy lately, now I will have to wait 8 months to tell people about you.

1:23:59 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe just be calm ok.. Don't tell me u have been telling every one about us

1:24:31 PM ME: No I haven't!!!! You told me not to.

1:25:02 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.. I don't like pple know about my relationship.

1:25:17 PM gabriel.perry84: Cus they do give bad advice

1:25:29 PM ME: What do you mean?

1:26:16 PM ME: People can give advice all they want, but that doesn't mean you have to take it.

1:26:33 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.

1:26:36 PM gabriel.perry84: I get u..

1:26:39 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u so much babe

1:26:45 PM gabriel.perry84: U are so intelligent

1:27:05 PM ME: I love you too!! Thank you.

1:27:26 PM gabriel.perry84: I will always do babe

1:28:07 PM ME: Me too, babe!! But at some point I would like to tell people about you. You make me so happy and I want them to know you are the reason!

1:28:37 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe but u don't have to ok.

1:29:04 PM ME: I don't have to what??

1:29:26 PM gabriel.perry84: You don't have to tell people ok.

1:29:44 PM ME: If you don't want me to, then I guess I won't.

1:30:23 PM ME: So am I going to be a secret to everyone you know?

1:31:08 PM gabriel.perry84: No babe that's not what I meant.. Be happy and let the secret of your happiness be yours ok.

1:31:49 PM ME: Ok, I guess.

1:33:05 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe I love u so much sarah

1:33:25 PM ME: That's what I was in my last relationship...a secret!! And I don't want to be that!!

1:33:34 PM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!

1:34:17 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.. Then if that will make u happy.. It's ok.

1:35:38 PM ME: I don't wanna just walk up to people and be like, hey this is why I'm so happy. Just if someone asks, I wanna say, well I'm happy because I met an amazing guy who makes me feel wonderful.

1:36:01 PM ME: I don't wanna tell them all about you...just you're the reason for my happiness.

1:36:36 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

1:37:00 PM ME: I will try not to tell anyone, but I can't make any promises.

1:39:31 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe..
IM Oct 31, 2013 4:31:34 PM
(I asked if his daughter was dressing up for Halloween)
4:09:07 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey babe she should..

4:10:15 PM ME: Hi honey! Do u know what she is going to be? I'm sure she will be adorable no matter what she is.

4:10:58 PM gabriel.perry84: No but I know I have a beautiful daughter.

4:12:05 PM ME: Well I can't really see her very well in your ym pic but if she looks like her father Im sure she is.

4:12:31 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe..

4:13:15 PM gabriel.perry84: I will be sending you my letter now

4:14:05 PM ME: You're welcome honey! So since u will be visiting with them the next few days, I will try not to bother u. Maybe if u get a free sec u could send me a msg.

4:14:22 PM ME: Ok

4:17:28 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

4:17:38 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

4:23:44 PM ME: Where are you sending the letter to?

4:26:34 PM ME: Babe?

4:31:02 PM gabriel.perry84: To your mail..

4:31:15 PM gabriel.perry84: Can I call u now babe?

4:31:26 PM ME: sure

4:31:34 PM ME: I didn't get it.

4:32:39 PM gabriel.perry84: I will send it now

4:32:45 PM ME: ok

4:33:00 PM ME: U can call me anytime you want!!!

4:36:41 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.. I will call u soon.

4:36:53 PM ME: Ok, babe!! I can't wait.

4:41:41 PM gabriel.perry84: I love your voice babe.

4:41:45 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u so much babe

4:42:44 PM ME: I love yours too, honey!!! I could talk to you all day long!! I love you so much too!!

4:43:58 PM ME: I hope I get to talk to you before you leave. Did you send the letter? I still haven't gotten it.

4:47:17 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm sending now.

4:47:44 PM ME: ok honey!!! Oh, yeah, did you get the email I sent you earlier?

4:51:07 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I love the pics

4:51:30 PM ME: Good!!!

4:54:47 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babew

4:56:29 PM ME: Maybe if you get a chance you could take a pic this weekend and send it to me?? If you want. Man, my service must be messed up, I still haven't gotten the letter.

5:05:09 PM ME: Babe, you may have to send it to my other email...it may too big of a file.

5:11:36 PM ME: My other email is (removed by me). Try sending it to this one...but any other time use the one you usually do.

5:12:00 PM gabriel.perry84: I will send it to your phone

5:12:16 PM ME: Ok...

5:12:35 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

5:12:49 PM ME: I love you, Gabriel!!!

5:13:23 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too babe

5:19:56 PM gabriel.perry84: I just sent it!

5:24:37 PM ME: I got it!!!

5:24:45 PM gabriel.perry84: Have u read it?

5:25:12 PM ME: Just now!!!

5:25:36 PM ME: What does undercover mean?

5:26:41 PM ME: Well I mean does it actually mean undercover...like no one will know you are there?

5:27:43 PM gabriel.perry84: We go for special missions.

5:27:46 PM gabriel.perry84: But I will be fine

5:28:08 PM ME: I sure hope so....I will be praying every single day!!

5:28:53 PM gabriel.perry84: I will be fine for u babe.

5:28:56 PM gabriel.perry84: Thanks babe

5:29:51 PM ME: Awwww...thanks babe!! Well, I'm still gonna say a little prayer...although, it didn't really help this week.

5:30:15 PM gabriel.perry84: Babe I will be fine ok.

5:30:51 PM ME: I know you will be babe. You've done this before, but I've never had anyone to worry about...so let me worry just a little.

5:31:27 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe

5:31:29 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u.

5:31:34 PM ME: I love you too!!!

5:31:40 PM ME: So when are you leaving for WI?

5:31:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Tomorrow morning.

5:32:16 PM ME: Promise me you will be careful and let me know you make it there?

5:32:26 PM gabriel.perry84: I promise honey

5:32:33 PM ME: Thanks babe

5:37:03 PM ME: So what's for dinner?

5:37:39 PM gabriel.perry84: Well may be some corn and soup

5:37:54 PM ME: LOL!!! That sounds yummy!

5:38:04 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes babe

5:38:36 PM ME: I'm having a chocolate protein shake with strawberries.

5:38:55 PM gabriel.perry84: Hmmm yummy

5:39:10 PM ME: It is delicious!!!

5:39:25 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I should be

5:40:16 PM ME: And very filling because of all the protein!!

5:40:34 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok

5:49:55 PM ME: How long will it take you to get home?

5:51:14 PM gabriel.perry84: 4 hours

IM Oct 31, 2013 9:08:09 PM
(I asked when his birthday was)
8:51:22 PM gabriel.perry84: NOV 27

8:52:28 PM ME: Awwww...I won't get to celebrate your birthday with you!

8:52:55 PM gabriel.perry84: :(

8:58:28 PM ME: Will I be able to send u anything? Or since u r going on a special mission is that a no-no?

8:59:09 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes should.. When I get to africa I will ask better ok.

9:00:08 PM ME: Ok honey! I love u!

9:00:25 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u too babe

9:03:42 PM ME: So u will be 39, right?

9:04:31 PM gabriel.perry84: 38

9:05:36 PM ME: Oh I thought u said u were already 38? Or were u just rounding up since ur bday is so close?

9:06:44 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did round it up.

9:07:28 PM ME: Gotcha!!

9:08:09 PM gabriel.perry84: Lol
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:39 pm
IM Nov 1, 2013 6:39:31 AM

6:32:35 AM gabriel.perry84: Good morning babe!

6:33:24 AM gabriel.perry84: <ding>

6:33:27 AM gabriel.perry84: I love u babe

6:34:56 AM ME: Good morning honey!! I love you too!

6:35:42 AM gabriel.perry84: I will be heading for the airport soon..

6:36:34 AM ME: Ok honey!! Let me know when u get there! I will be thinking about u and missing u!

6:37:00 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe.. I will always be thinking about you!

6:37:50 AM ME: Awwww...I love you so much! Will u take a pic today and send it to me...if u get a chance?

6:38:07 AM gabriel.perry84: I will ok

6:38:42 AM ME: Ok!! Have a safe flight babe! I love you so much!

6:39:31 AM gabriel.perry84: Ok babe
by sunshine47167 Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:42 pm
gabriel.perry84: Yes I can here it on here!
ME: Well, let me try to send it on here then. It's my last hope, I guess. LOL
ME: It won't let me send it here?? :(
ME: Well, idk how it would work but it let me send it to your email...maybe you can send it to your phone or here from there??
gabriel.perry84: Ok babe .
gabriel.perry84: Let me check my email.
ME: ok babe
gabriel.perry84: I got it babe
ME: Can you hear it?
gabriel.perry84: Yes I did
ME: YAY!!!!!
gabriel.perry84: I love ur voice bb
ME: Awww...thanks!!! I wish I could hear your voice.
ME: But, I really need to let you get back to spending time with your family. I'm sorry for interrupting that, I just miss you sooo much!!
gabriel.perry84: Babe you are not interrupting babe
ME: I feel like I am...you are supposed to be visiting with your sister, mom, and daughter.
gabriel.perry84: Babe you are mine and I wanna be with you!
ME: Awwwww...well, thanks sweetie. You are mine and I want that too!!! I just feel like I'm taking away from your time with them.
ME: I love you soo much honey!!! :x
gabriel.perry84: I love u too babe
ME: So when you are in Africa, will you be able to access your email and ym? Or do you know yet? I'm missing you already and wondering how I will communicate with you. I can write letters, but I like instant communication!! LOL
ME: You can answer later maybe when Mandy is sleeping...don't wanna interrupt family time...just thinking!!
gabriel.perry84: Yes I should be able to access the internet..
ME: YAY!! :D
gabriel.perry84: I'm think about you cus I'm gonna miss u a lot!
ME: Me too!!! I can't seem to NOT think about you!! I'm gonna miss you more than you will ever know.
gabriel.perry84: I will too babe
ME: I hope time flies!!!
gabriel.perry84: I hope too babe
gabriel.perry84: I love u babe
ME: I love you too!! I miss you soooo much!!!
gabriel.perry84: :*
ME: :x :*
gabriel.perry84: :)
ME: I sent something to your email...you can check it later. I'm taking up your time.
gabriel.perry84: Ok bb
ME: :)

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