by target
Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:05 pm
Recently I bit on an offer, bit on the bait if you will, but did not swallow the hook. I posted this
attempted scam on this site. Just for grins I searched online for the fictitious seller's name,
and the possible real name for the person to whom the Western Union Transfer was to be directed.
There were no other hits for these two names, attempted scam story popped up,
right on top. Now anyone running across these lads, can search for their names, and be
that better informed. Thank you ScamWarners. You are definitely a force for good.
(Moved from News and announcements)- Michelle
attempted scam on this site. Just for grins I searched online for the fictitious seller's name,
and the possible real name for the person to whom the Western Union Transfer was to be directed.
There were no other hits for these two names, attempted scam story popped up,
right on top. Now anyone running across these lads, can search for their names, and be
that better informed. Thank you ScamWarners. You are definitely a force for good.
(Moved from News and announcements)- Michelle