Learn about us and introduce yourself
by manofmystery Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:11 am
Hi, I'm MrMystery314.
I'm a relatively active member of our sister site 419eater.com, and I decided to make an account here too just because I can, and so I can see a different angle of the entire 419 scam universe. Baiting is very interesting, but it's also important to see the terrible things scammers do to people. It's always fun to send scammers on trips across Africa and make them build pyramids in their backyards, but it's even more important to help people who have been affected by them. If there's any way I can help out, I'd be glad to help.

by Bryon Williams Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:21 am
Welcome to Scamwarners,

419eater has a different concept with dealing with scammers.

Here we expose the scammer and try to protect potential victims or give actual victims information to protect themselves.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by manofmystery Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:43 am
I am aware of that, which is part of the reason why I wanted to join this site to get more experience with the personal, up-close counseling and help options besides simply messing with the scammers. I've had a chance to look at the work done here, and I think it's quite inspirational what is being done here. Is there a thread here about how people can learn how to help others more effectively, especially if they may already have experience dealing with scammers? I am definitely both curious and excited to get experience with the different perspective here, and help out any way I can. Thanks for the welcome!
by Bryon Williams Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:46 am
You will need to contact your mentor on eater.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/

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