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by footballgurl Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:57 am
Good Morning,
I'm very happy I found you all simply because I was researching reverse picture on Google. Thank you for allowing me to join!
My sister in law is being scammed and we have to stop it! I smelled it a mile away, unfortunately she is very naive. My son and niece knew a picture was Photoshop and told us about reverse picture and voila we began the process. I found similar scam on your website and I then knew we were right.
It's along the lines of Seabay Global Services although its a different company now. They are back or perhaps never stopped. I obviously want and need to nip this in the butt but these ppl need to be caught and stopped, period. I'm not giving a lot of info right now and I am hoping you or some of your posters can help. My sis in law was in denial at first, but now she gets it (I think) shes already devastated and mad!
I have just begun to research what I found here, unfortunately I have to work today, but I need a plan. Hope someone can help, I would be very grateful. Thank you for your time.

by Bryon Williams Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:38 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners,

With no information given we can not help.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

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