by TBirdNeil
Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:01 am
I'm an Independent Financial Adviser in the UK. We suffered a long series of calls from individuals with North American accents usually beginning along the lines of "We're just checking that you received the research you asked us to send on [some crappy two-bit corporate nonentity]. They would then go on to try and persuade us to invest our money and our clients. Originally I would politely close the call but I soon realised that these people use politeness for leverage. So I changed tactics, and after a few calls in which I told them to "**** off and die" or I would have my Italian-American relatives in NYC pay them a visit, the calls stopped. It's a method I heartily recommend. For maximum effect let then know your relations are members of another larger and more famous family whose surname ends in a vowel and who are fond of leaving horses heads in the beds of those they don't see eye to eye with! On a serious note, a friend of mine in the same line of business had an elderly client scammed for £60,000. Scammers like virus-writers and spyware-scumbags need consigning to the deepest pit of hell.