by Pandora_1975
Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:47 pm
I recently openned an account of a social networking site and was approached by 2 'soldiers'. Both happen to fall madly in love with me after 2 days. I'm always skeptical and I knew something was up. I looked up some info on fake soldiers and decided to keep up the farce. I had one request a special phone from me and another $200 for a telephone service. I come from a military family and just had my brother return from his 2ns tour in Iraq. I know how they can communicate with family and or friends. These guys put up an excuse for every free type oof contact. Bells and flags! I kept it up until the finally asked for something. One no longer has contact with me after getting upset at me for not wanting to send the phone. The other I havent heard from.
Can't wait for the next email to come along from a scammer...I'm not their victim and want to keep them from victimizing others if possible.
Can't wait for the next email to come along from a scammer...I'm not their victim and want to keep them from victimizing others if possible.