by mawganmike
Mon Oct 04, 2021 3:18 pm
I tell my kids all the time to be wary of scammers, but I did not take my own advice. In a moment of madness and weakness, after my dog passed I agreed to buy a puppy online. All the red flags were there, which I duly ignored. In brief, I agreed to purchase a puppy. I sent the money and it 'seemed' okay as they followed through with their scam. They overstepped when the 'shipping' company asked for more money because of a new crate that was required. That was when Mr. Stupid realized that this was a scam. I immediately contacted my banks fraud department. They informed me that the transaction via Zelle was still processing and that they could stop the transaction. They told me four times they could recover the money. Bottom line is that the transaction went through and that the bank had no culpability because this was a scam and not a fraud. I'm not sure why banking institutions support a company like Zelle. On my banks website they state Zelle is safe and secure. When there is no safety for a consumer and there is no chance of getting the funds back, it is neither 'safe or secure'. In fact I have read that scammers love Zelle. I have filed complaints with the FBI, the FTC and executives at my bank. At the end of the day, it is my fault and a costly lesson. What I cannot understand is why the web-page of the scammers is still up.