Learn about us and introduce yourself
by -D- Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:13 pm
First of all, thanks for this nice board.

You will need to forgive me for this more than small introduction on my part, but for what I wish to do later, and to follow your own advices, very little shall be said about me.

I am a person knowledgeable of different countries, languages and customs. I travel as much as I can, through work and leisure. I am not usually a people's person, unless we share a common goal.

Travelling and my schedules means I can be there at any time, or not be there for a little time when communications are restricted.

For years I have been gently pushing the scammers away, sometimes trying to emulate the "Shiver Metimbers" style, sometimes being a little more brutal. Anyhow, I believe that how many time we make them loose, educating the masses and "warning" them is the best way to fight them.

This is where you come. From reading your forum, you do strike at the base, and do so intelligently.

One of my bobbies is to gather information, another being creating content. I believe they would apply quite nicely to such an endeavour.

Please be understanding as I settle in, I usually take some time to adapt. But well, I hope I'll be useful somehow.

by Ralph Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:32 am
Hi D
Nice to have you here,

You will notice we do keep our personal details quiet as well, there is no point in taking any unnecessary risks.

I am sure you will find your way around in no time.

If you do have any questions please feel free to ask.

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