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by Kachtice Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:36 pm
I have had this particular e-mail address for a couple of years now. I have been curious why I keep getting at least a half dozen of these mailings a day. It started on June 4, 2009 and has been consistent ever since I made the mistake of checking out the work at home sites, with the down turn in the economy and the difficulty of the Building Industry my business has been a bit slow, I checked into a “take surveys at home” and within a couple of hours my inbox and spam box has been overflowing with junk mail and scam mails.

If you know how you were added or just suspect please respond and lets see who is selling our information to these lowlifes whose only goal is to steal from hard working people.

by Clair Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:52 pm
Hi Kachtice, Welcome to Scamwarners!

The scammers take the email addresses off of forums and guestbooks. So if you used that email to sign up at a forum or guestbook that is where they are pulled it from. Also a lot of work-at-home sites on the internet are scam sites, so you might have signed up to join a scam site without realizing it. Once your email address gets on one list, you typically get more and more scam emails because the scammers sell and trade the email lists.
by Kachtice Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:08 pm
Thanks. It was a work at home site that I figured out was a scam too late. Learned from it and it did eventually lead me to anti-scammer sites.

Would appreciate some info someone might have on SCAM REPORTS, good place to forward the scam mails to or is there some place better?

Also been thinking of trying to lead some of these scammers on? Found out recently that a family member lost a few hundred grand to one of these people, I will never know which one but I can do what I can to make their lives a little tougher.
by John DeLaney Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:57 pm
Hi Kachtice, if you want to learn how to upset the scammers, have a look at our sister site


Take care, it can be addictive.

John DeLaney
by Clair Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:12 pm
Hi Kachtice, I am not sure what you mean by Scam Reports. We don't recommend closing down the scammer emails because they will just create a new one and it makes it harder for us to keep track of them.

As for messing with the scammers, please do take a look at our sister site. There is a place there where you can post up the scam emails that you receive.
by Kachtice Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:29 pm
It's a site that helps out victims of scams http://www.fraudaid.com/ , this is the link and look under scam reports. I have been sending them all the scam mails I received, with full headers, so they could be sent to the proper authorities in those countries.

"Filing Scam Email Reports with Fraud Aid: Once you have learned about finding the Full Headers in your email service, you can forward your emails to our research database where the gathered information is sent to and used by law enforcement in the US and abroad. Please forward scam emails to [email protected]. Thank you for your crime-fighting efforts."

I will hold off on sending them anything else for now, I will continue to keep them all and post here. I have been to the 419eater site and will do some studying.
by Dora Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:06 pm
Hi Kachtice!

Forwarding your emails to FraudAid is fine. As far as I know, they do not work to get the scammers email addys closed down; they organize the information from the scam emails into their database. So feel free to continue to forward them your emails and post them up here on SW.

Every little bit helps! :D

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