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by nudist Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:53 am
if any on on here knows this persons mailing address my email is xxxxxxxx.yahoo i have filed a compliant against the secret shopper network with inter net crimes commission (IC3) this network or some has hacked my daughter in law info over a week ago when i filed with ic3 the same day that i filed i get a email with daughter in law on it at the time of the email her inter net was not hooked she was moving the email started with hi friend she would not have said that.ray warner

Personal E-mail address removed - contact can be made via the PM function - Michelle

by Justin Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:13 am
Hello nudist!

Please edit out your email address from the post. You will only attract the attention of many more scammers this way.

Sorry to hear your daughter in laws account was hacked. More than likely your daughter was sent a phishing link from a hacker pretending to be from the compamy secret shopper. It was not the real company that hacked her account. These compromised accounts are often sold to scammers and inturn the scammer sends emails to every contact in the comprimised account. This is also very common with social networking sites as well.

Your daughter in law should first change her password and security questions and answers. Then send an email to all her contacts explaining her account was comprimised and to disregard the mail they recieved from her.


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