by rconte
Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:29 am
Hello, I'm new in this blog, I'ld like to share my antiscam's page with you all, xxxxxxxxx in which I have explained all about a surprised contact who ask for my bank account number to send me all her (inexistent) fortune because she couldn't touch her own money (she said senegal laws don't alow her to use money for her contidion as ivorian refugee) Well, I hope this likes you. Anything you need, just can send me to rconte @, no problem about my mail, I use it just for these scaming affairs exclusively. From Argentina with love. Your new friend: Roberto Conte.
Mod edit: Split from FBI topic, removed url and added spaces to email address to stop bot spam -Jillian
Mod edit: Split from FBI topic, removed url and added spaces to email address to stop bot spam -Jillian