by toneman
Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:41 pm
I have been contacted by phone by what I am sure are scams. The caller at first claimed to be from my electric company(the caller ID only listed the number, no name), and said something like "Congratulations, you automatically qualify for a discount on your next bill." He then tells me to find my last bill/statement and read him my account number and other information. I don't think so, I was born at night, but not last night, [*]click[*] This is actually the second time in two months that I got a call like this, the first time they claimed they were from my gas company(different number than the second, but could have been the same people). After I hung up the phone, it occurred to me that they could have been from a (semi)legitimate alternate utility company hopping to get me to switch by saying they could provide my service for less. If this is true, the way they go about it is stupid, because it makes them sound much worse that they are by making them sound like scammers out to defraud me and steal my identity. Has anyone else experienced calls like this?