by AussieBaiter
Tue May 07, 2013 5:50 pm
Hi all, as a long time baiter from Australia, who enjoys nothing more than making life hard for scammers. While chasing a scammer who has set up fake profile on, more research found he had being running scams on Graigslist, which in turn lead me to ScamWarners. I am proud to be a Baiter, as while they deal with me, they are not scamming others. I have had countless scammers bank accounts closed down which is a major pain for the scammer, but allows the bait to continue, while they await their payment. I can see already the countless baits I can pick up from ScamWarners, and will be using the old ASEM (Accidently Sent Email) trick to pull them. And on a final note to anyone wanting to try baiting, online security is a must to ensure the scammer cannot track you.