IM Oct 26, 2013 10:38:49 AM
10:22:04 AM gabriel.perry84: hey honey
10:22:37 AM ME: Hi babe!!!
10:22:54 AM gabriel.perry84: how are you doing today?
10:23:01 AM gabriel.perry84: are you working today?
10:24:23 AM ME: Yes, I'm working today and I'm not having a very good day. I was so aggravated wIthin 10 minutes of getting here.
10:25:53 AM gabriel.perry84: oh sorry
10:25:57 AM gabriel.perry84: i missed you
10:26:48 AM ME: It's day just got better now that I heard from you! I missed you too!
10:27:21 AM gabriel.perry84: when will you be off today?
10:27:59 AM ME: I get off at 2...and I'm off tomorrow!! Yay!
10:28:20 AM gabriel.perry84: ok that;s great
10:28:52 AM ME: So what are you doing today? Do u have to work?
10:29:06 AM gabriel.perry84: no
10:29:18 AM gabriel.perry84: i just came back from training
10:29:56 AM ME: u have training everyday?
10:30:02 AM gabriel.perry84: yes
10:30:48 AM ME: Even if it's bad weather?
10:31:02 AM gabriel.perry84: yes sometimes ..
10:31:49 AM ME: Well that sucks!! U shouldn't have to do that...u might catch a cold!
10:32:15 AM gabriel.perry84: well i manage and we are trained for that you know
10:33:13 AM ME: I guess thats true! I would hate if anything happened to u though.
10:33:49 AM gabriel.perry84: i know
10:34:08 AM gabriel.perry84: do you get paid well at work?
10:34:27 AM gabriel.perry84: cause i hate to work on weekends
10:36:10 AM ME: It pays the bills. I just had my annual eval yesterday and on November 23rd I will get a 60 cent raise! Woo-hoo!
10:36:36 AM gabriel.perry84: How much do you earn per year?
10:37:23 AM ME: I hate working on the weekends too...until September I hadnt worked any except a Saturday every once in a while...then we got a diff asst mgr.
10:38:15 AM sarahs47167: Last yr I made a little over $27,000.
10:38:38 AM gabriel.perry84: oh ok..
10:38:49 AM gabriel.perry84: i will not like you to be stressed
IM Oct 26, 2013 10:56:50 AM
10:39:37 AM ME: Well honey I don't like to be stressed either but I have to have a job.
10:40:00 AM gabriel.perry84: i know it's ok..
10:40:13 AM gabriel.perry84: do you have any pics for me?
10:40:29 AM gabriel.perry84: i will like to see your pretty face
10:41:18 AM ME: I will see what I can do. Do I get one of u? Id like to see your handsome face too!
10:41:34 AM gabriel.perry84: yes i will surely send to you
10:41:58 AM ME: I can't wait!
10:44:26 AM gabriel.perry84: i cant either
10:44:43 AM ME: Sent one to your email...
10:45:11 AM gabriel.perry84: i will check it now and reply to you!
10:45:34 AM ME: Ok!!
10:45:44 AM gabriel.perry84: :*
10:46:18 AM ME: :*
10:53:25 AM gabriel.perry84: honey you look so amazing
10:54:12 AM ME: Awwww...thank you sweetheart!
10:54:31 AM gabriel.perry84: you're welcome
10:54:36 AM gabriel.perry84: i'm sending you one now
10:55:19 AM ME: R u sending me one so I can tell u how handsome u are?
10:55:31 AM gabriel.perry84: im sending it now
10:56:10 AM ME: Sweet! I wish u were here so u could have lunch with me.
10:56:20 AM gabriel.perry84: i wish that too honey
10:56:50 AM gabriel.perry84: done
IM Oct 26, 2013 11:26:51 AM
11:01:43 AM ME: Babe u are so handsome...and hot! But I'm sure u hear that all the time!
11:02:44 AM gabriel.perry84: well it's sweeter from you honey
11:03:35 AM ME: Awww..and who else is telling u that u are hot? Do I need to whup some butt?
11:04:38 AM gabriel.perry84: lol.. you got me babe
11:06:09 AM ME: So do u have more training today? If not, what will u do with the rest of your day?
11:06:50 AM gabriel.perry84: no honey.. i have to do my laundry
11:08:17 AM ME: Wow!! Laundry...that sounds exciting...but that's what I did on my day off, so I can't say much! LOL
11:09:08 AM gabriel.perry84: lol.. well it's great
11:10:03 AM ME: I guess you've gotta have clean clothes!!
11:10:14 AM gabriel.perry84: yes i do
11:11:33 AM ME: So do u wear fatigues during the week or a uniform? How about on the weekends?
11:14:17 AM gabriel.perry84: uniforms and the tee shirts on weekend
11:15:28 AM ME: a man in uniform! Maybe during the week u could take a pic in your uniform and send it my way!
11:15:43 AM gabriel.perry84: ok babe i will do that for you!
11:16:20 AM ME: Yay!!! Thank u honey!!
11:17:28 AM gabriel.perry84: ok babe
11:18:12 AM ME: So what kind of training did u have this morning? What did u do?
11:18:36 AM gabriel.perry84: climbing and some combat stuff
11:19:12 AM ME: Do u do different stuff everyday or is it the same thing?
11:20:12 AM gabriel.perry84: yes sometimes different and sometimes same
11:24:53 AM ME: So am I gonna get to actually talk to u maybe this weekend...remember my minutes are free on the weekend?
11:25:28 AM gabriel.perry84: ok honey i will call you when i'm avaliable
11:26:42 AM ME: U don't have to if u don't want to. But if u do want to, just call whenever you're available.
11:26:51 AM gabriel.perry84: ok babe
IM Oct 26, 2013 5:04:34 PM
4:41:57 PM ME: <ding>
4:42:07 PM ME: Hi sweetie!!! Are you still resting?
4:46:26 PM gabriel.perry84: How are u sweetie
4:46:53 PM ME: Hi honey!! I am much better now that work is over. How are you? Did you get some rest?
4:47:05 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did..
4:47:34 PM ME: Well, that's great!! So what are you doing? Still just chillaxin?
4:47:57 PM gabriel.perry84: No I'm watching tv!
4:48:10 PM ME: Oh, what are you watching?
4:49:41 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm watching news
4:49:55 PM ME: The news??
4:50:07 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes
4:50:18 PM ME: Hmmmm....well ok. Did you get your laundry done?
4:50:37 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did.
4:50:59 PM ME: Yay!!!! LOL
4:52:07 PM ME: So, are you learning anything interesting from the news?
4:53:24 PM gabriel.perry84: Nothing!
4:53:51 PM ME: Nothing?!?!? Then why are you watching it?
4:54:21 PM gabriel.perry84: Lol..
4:54:38 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm leaving there now.
4:55:18 PM ME: LOL!!! What are you changing it to? If it's like here, there is NOTHING on worth watching.
4:56:23 PM gabriel.perry84: I don't know yet maybe talk with my friends
4:56:46 PM ME: Oh, ok.
4:56:56 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes
4:57:00 PM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing?
4:57:27 PM ME: Nothing...sitting here talking to you.
4:57:41 PM gabriel.perry84: Oh.
4:58:22 PM ME: Well, that's not nothing's become just about my favorite thing!!!
5:04:16 PM gabriel.perry84: Same here too honey!
IM Oct 26, 2013 5:31:29 PM
5:31:04 PM gabriel.perry84: Hey honey are u there?
5:31:17 PM ME: I'm here!!! Are you there?
5:31:29 PM gabriel.perry84: What are u doing?
5:32:08 PM ME: Still nothing...just scrolling through Facebook, catching up on what I missed today. LOL
5:32:31 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.
5:32:39 PM ME: What are you doing?
5:33:29 PM gabriel.perry84: Talking to you!
5:34:01 PM ME:'re so sweet!! I'm doing something NOW...talking to you too!!
5:34:51 PM gabriel.perry84: Aww..
5:35:12 PM ME: I wish I was there, so I could talk to you in person.
5:35:48 PM gabriel.perry84: I wish that too honey!
5:36:52 PM ME: So what big plans do you have for tomorrow? Training, then what?
5:37:09 PM gabriel.perry84: Well I go to the base chapel.
5:37:26 PM ME: Oh, that's good.
5:37:32 PM gabriel.perry84: And u?
5:38:12 PM ME: No plans...maybe walk with Allie later in the afternoon, but nothing else going on.
5:38:29 PM gabriel.perry84: Ok.
5:40:31 PM gabriel.perry84: I'm calling you now honey!
5:40:33 PM ME: So, if you hadn't joined the Army, what would you have done with your life? Was there anything else you wanted to do...or did you know you could be all you could be in the Army?
5:41:00 PM gabriel.perry84: Well I will have love to be a civil engineer
5:41:46 PM ME: So did you go to college while you've been in the Army? Or have you just been a military man?
5:42:18 PM gabriel.perry84: Yes I did college in a army school!
5:42:29 PM gabriel.perry84: In WI
5:46:13 PM ME: What did you major in?
5:46:57 PM gabriel.perry84: Health science..
5:47:06 PM gabriel.perry84: I love your voice honey!
5:47:30 PM gabriel.perry84: So sweet honey!
5:47:39 PM ME: Cool!!!! I just love your voice...I could talk to you all day long!! You made my day...I will definitely have a wonderful evening.
5:47:56 PM gabriel.perry84: I love u sarah.
5:48:21 PM ME: Wow!!! I love you too!!!
5:50:19 PM gabriel.perry84: Really honey! I can't wait to be with you!
5:52:11 PM ME: Gabriel, I haven't even been talking to you for a week, but this has been the most amazing week of my life!! No one has ever wanted to get to know me for anything MORE. I just feel so blessed right now.
5:53:21 PM gabriel.perry84: i feel so blessed too for meeting you
5:53:33 PM gabriel.perry84: i have already deleted my profile of DH
5:53:47 PM gabriel.perry84: are you on computer now?
5:53:49 PM ME: Me too!!!!
5:53:56 PM ME: Yes, I am.
5:54:05 PM gabriel.perry84: ok can i see you?
5:54:31 PM gabriel.perry84: i will love to see your pretty face.. so sad my computer has no cam..
5:54:44 PM ME: LOL!!! Mine doesn't either!!!
5:54:54 PM gabriel.perry84:
5:55:03 PM ME: I know!!!!
5:55:09 PM ME: We need new laptops!!!!!
5:55:32 PM gabriel.perry84: lol.. well it's because we are not allowed to use laptop with cams (THIS SHOULD'VE BEEN A RED FLAG)
5:57:02 PM ME: Ohhh, mine is just little brother bought it for me for my birthday a couple of years ago, but I've never needed a cam before.
5:57:17 PM gabriel.perry84: oh that's ok..
5:57:34 PM gabriel.perry84: i really havent felt like this a lot time honey
5:57:53 PM gabriel.perry84: i wanna love someone with my whole heart and be loved too
5:58:26 PM ME: I've NEVER felt like this, honey!!!! I do too, and I want someone who wants all the love I have to give...and I have a lot to give!!
5:58:59 PM gabriel.perry84: i have too..
5:59:36 PM gabriel.perry84: honey i havent told you i have a family business that my sister helps me monitor in Wi
5:59:41 PM gabriel.perry84: it's a farm
5:59:56 PM ME: Oh, really??
6:00:19 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i dont wanna hide anything from yoy so i have to tell u that.
6:00:56 PM ME: Well, I think that's great!!
6:01:13 PM gabriel.perry84: my father owns before he died but i have been the one taking care of it.. i have plantation and horses
6:02:13 PM ME: Wow!!!! That's nice!!
6:02:21 PM gabriel.perry84: yes thanks
6:02:27 PM gabriel.perry84: i love horses
6:02:52 PM ME: I've never been around them. Where I live, we have lots of cows around.
6:03:39 PM gabriel.perry84: ok..
6:04:25 PM ME: I will tell you that I was in debt, well I still am, but by probably March I will be debt free. That's why I've stuck out working at (removed by me) because I need to make so much money to pay it off...then after that I can get a less stressful job that might pay a little less.
6:05:00 PM gabriel.perry84: oh ok
6:05:18 PM ME: Since we are sharing our "deep dark secrets!!" LOL
6:05:24 PM gabriel.perry84: how much debt do you have?
6:05:48 PM ME: A little over 6,000, I think.
6:05:56 PM gabriel.perry84: why?
6:06:26 PM ME: To make a long story short, because I'm too nice sometimes...people take advantage. (LIKE YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO DO)
6:06:38 PM gabriel.perry84: oh so sorry
6:07:34 PM ME: It's ok...I learned my lesson. I just thought you should know. Also, at some point you will probably meet my family and they are a little dysfunctional, but I love them anyways.
6:08:04 PM gabriel.perry84: it's ok babe ok
6:08:40 PM ME: Although, I'd like to meet you at some point, too...preferably before my family. LOL
6:08:56 PM gabriel.perry84: yes i will like that too
6:12:26 PM ME: If you don't wanna answer, that's fine, but what are your plans for the future? How long will you stay in the you have to be in there for a certain amount of time?
6:12:59 PM gabriel.perry84: i will love to be there for amwhile more
6:13:20 PM ME: Ok.
6:13:47 PM gabriel.perry84: yes
6:17:58 PM ME: I still can't believe it...right there in black and white!!! You are the first guy who has ever said they loved me...well, first guy not related to me.
6:21:07 PM ME: So when am I going to get to meet you?