by Mainescambuster
Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:00 pm
I was getting bombarded with handsome men I didn't know sending me messages to me on Facebook in my "other" message box. (Everyone has one, you have to look for it). They all had about 5 pictures, no likes or very few and always the same two or three women. Usually a pic of them, then a pic with a child. Most are military, all widowed or divorced, say they are from the US, but working in Nigeria or their kids are in Nigeria while they are deployed and with family. I have been corresponding with them and as soon as they ask me for money I report them to Facebook. I also see many job listings on craigslist that are very generic, higher than normal pay, and no disclosure of who the company is. I'm glad I k ow better and my goal is to keep exposing these scammers so they don't target people who aren't aware they are scams. I know I can't make them stop, but I can make it difficult for them. I keep posting on posts on Craig's list letting people know which are scams. To the people who have been sucked in, I'm sorry but don't kick yourself, move on and lets get them!!!