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by Seng Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:43 pm
I've been a long-time reader of 419eater.com, and those folks directed me here due to my father-in-law getting scammed in a big way. I needed to find out a good way to get him "learned" about what he fell for.

General question for the admins on the site. Is scamwarners.com something you'd like publicized at all? Some of the local TV stations here have had public-service segments on fraud and scams, and your site would be a wonderful thing for people to hear about to read up on things that happen in the wild world. However, I also respect the fact that you may not want massive amounts of scammers reading the site.

by ChrisSmith Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:22 pm
Hi Seng.

This is a great site to direct your father-in-law to:


Or, if he refuses to sit at the PC and read, print off a few pages for him.

by benjamin Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:43 pm
Hi Seng and welcome. (not that I'm an admin but...) 'm sure any publicity is good publicity. The idea is to get the information across to as many people as possible, and though a few odd scammers may listen to local radio/tv stations, the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. Any anti scam information is freely available to scammers and potential victims alike, but most scammers are too busy scamming or can't understand the logic of someone trying to stop a scam when there is nothing in it for them - so I don't think you need to worry about that aspect too much.

by Michelle Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:39 am
Hi Seng ..... I'm sure that no one will object to you mentioning this site to any TV company, Radio Station, Newspaper etc ...

I have often been contacted by the Media for comments .... if anyone wants to contact me then they can contact me at help (at) scamwarners.com
Thanks for your offer of support :)
Last edited by Michelle on Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Ted Baker Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:28 pm
Hi Seng and welcome. I hope your father-in-law comes to his senses soon.

As to giving the name of this site to the media, I imagine it would do no harm. The site is often mentioned in warnings sent out, and I guess there are victims who pass those warnings on to the scammers, so some at least are aware of us.

And if they do visit us, what will they find? Their own names listed as the criminals they are.

I can't see them trying to take us to court can you?

I am sure my wrists will be slapped if I have spoken out of turn :lol:

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