Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Donald Duck Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:11 pm
Never filled any lottery ticket outside of my country,and this is outsider "Lottery Board"
typical scam...

The Irish Lottery
P O Box 1010
11 G Lower Dorset Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland
(Customer Services)

Ref Number: UK/9420X2/68
Batch Number: 074/05/ZY369


Dear Valued Winner,

Please contact the office of the Allied Irish Bank Services United Kingdom with this email address:

Official Email:[email protected]
Transfer Department
Allied Irish Bank (GB)
Mr. Craig Ashton
Allied Irish Bank (GB)
Operations Department
Sovereign House,
361 King Street,
Hammersmith London,
W6 9NA,United Kingdom
Tel: +447035948087
Fax: +44-70 495 5565


1.FULL NAMES:.........................................
5.MARITAL STATUS:.........................................
7.E-MAIL ADDRESS:.........................................
8.TELEPHONE NUMBER:.........................................
9. COUNTRY:.........................................

Its is imperative that you add your IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS{FWC/IRS/8971} as the subject of any correspondence with the Allied Irish Bank.

The Allied Irish Bank Services would be responsible for the transfer of your funds (payment of your prize money), and original copies of your winning certificate which would require the fiduciary agent signature,and Please oblige to follow their instructions so that your winnings prize can get to you on time. Do ensure to file your claims to them with a copy of your verification particulars and scaned copies of driver's lisence or any form of national identity.Endeavour to make your winnings confidential during the process of the transfer of your winnings.

We happily announce to you that you are a winner of the draw (#2011) of the Irish National Lottery, online Sweepstakes International program held this week. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky numbers:(bonus no.), which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £1.350,000 Great British Pounds in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online. This promotion takes place weekly. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in England as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your £1.350,000 Great British Pounds Would be released to you by this office.

Thanks for your understanding.

Mr.Steven Mark,

Dr.Albert P.
Chief Executive Officer

Online Co-ordinator.

Mr Danny Jordan Mrs. Rose K. Mary

(Zonal Co-ordinator Sec.) (Zonal Co-ordinator) (Board Member)

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.

by Donald Duck Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:15 am
Lähettäjä: ALLIED IRISH ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 17. huhtikuuta 2009 21:47:56

Transfer Department
Allied Irish Bank (GB)
Mr. Tom Smith
Allied Irish Bank (GB).
Operations Department
Sovereign House,
361 King Street,
Hammersmith London,
W6 9NA,United Kingdom
Tel: +447035948733,

Fund Release.

Transfer Options for the Immediate Transfer of your Winnings of the Sum of £1,350,000GBP GBP Pounds Sterling with Transfer Identification code: ELPC/MWT/0143


You are welcome to Allied Irish Bank (GB) an affiliate of the Irish National Lottery.We are pleased to be at your service.Allied Irish Bank (GB) is Regulated and Stipulated by the Financial Service Authority(FSA).,the financial institutions that Govern all Financial activities in the United Kingdom.

Compliment of the day to you as we welcome you to the Lottery Winners Funds Transfer Unit of the Irish National Lottery here in the Allied Irish Bank (GB),United Kingdom.This is to officially inform you that we have also received your approved winning file in this office and have seen your registered full winning information that show you are one of the legally approved winners of the Irish National Lottery On line Promotions that has been cleared for payment.Your winnings payment and all the legal documents backing your winnings have been processed and has been finally approved for release to you.

Your winnings and all the legal backing documents that have been approved include the following among others;

1.Your winnings international certified bank cheque of the sum of £1.350,000GBP(GBP) Pounds Sterling.
2.The original copy of your approved winning certificate.
3.The original copy of your endorsed winning clearance certificate.
4.The original copy of the Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through the Irish National Lottery online promotions.
5.The original copy of Clear Source of funds from the British Government (COF).

In line with the transfer of your winnings to you,according to the Irish National Lottery Terms and Conditions for winnings claims,you are now required to follow the transfer associated conditions which are listed below which means the way you desire to receive your winnings that is in our custody.

Below are the two options with their associated conditions.

Account Opening and On-line Swift Transfer Option:

In this option you will be given the proper guidelines on how you will directly and personally transfer your winning funds in liquid cash into any bank account you nominate through the Allied Irish Bank (GB) e-banking services.

But for this to be done,first your winning cheque in our custody have to be converted into liquid cash in the UK Cheque Clearing house because we Allied Irish Bank (GB) are allowed by the UK banking laws and policies to proceed with the swift transfer process of the winnings to you while the funds is still in cheque form.

And due to the fact that your winning cheque was issued in your name by the Irish National Lottery,which makes it legally impossible for any ordinary third party or entity to cash your cheque on your behalf in the UK Cheque Clearing house,you will then have to open and activate an account with this bank with an opening balance/initial deposit of £610 Pounds Sterling's before we can officially and legally possess the legal right as your bank to cash your winning cheque on your behalf in the UK cheque clearing house(UKCCH).

This is in regulation to the UK Banking laws and polices laid down by the Bank of England and the FSA(Financial Services Authority) which clearly states that for any UK registered bank to have the legal right to cash a certified bank cheque on behalf of the bearer(owner of cheque or payee), the owner of the cheque must have an activated account with the bank that will present the cheque for liquidation in the UK cheque clearing house(UKCCH).

Alternative Option (2) "Courier Check Transfer Option":

In this option,your certified winning cheque along with the legal documents backing your winnings will be delivered to your address that you will provide within 72 hours,we will have to use international licensed DHL Courier Company to deliver your winnings parcel to your address.Note that in this option,your winning parcel can not be delivered to P.O.Box addresses or street corners but to your residence because the DHL delivery officers in charge of the delivery must have to sight your personal valid identification and other required documentations to confirm your legal identity before they will hand over your winning package to you in person.

Below are the mandatory charges associated with the Courier Check Transfer Option via DHL that you are required to pay if you prefer this Courier Check Transfer Option.

Post Fee____________________40 Pounds sterling
Vat________________________250 Pounds sterling
Insurance___________________220 Pounds sterling
TOTAL_____________________ 510 Pounds sterling

Please do clearly note that your winnings has been insured to the full real value and is protected by a hard cover insurance policy which makes it impossible to deduct any amount from your winning funds before it has been remitted to you.This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly.This law was put in place by the Lottery Governing board to protect winners from the misappropriation of their winnings funds before it is been remitted to them.

To avoid any delay in your funds transfer process due to the limited time stipulated by the Irish National Lottery for the claiming of winnings, all that is needed from you now is to clearly state your perfected options.

If you need any advice or have any question, complains or comments, do call our 24 hours customer care desk-top number (+447035948087) and it will be our pleasure to address those issues for you.

We look forward to serving you better.

Treat with dispatch

Yours Faithfully
Transfer Department
Allied Irish Bank (GB)
Mr. Tom Smith
Allied Irish Bank (GB).
Sovereign House,
361 King Street,
Hammersmith London,
W6 9NA,United Kingdom
Regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Last edited by Donald Duck on Mon May 04, 2009 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by The Enchantress Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:46 am
The above scam also on this site;


Also another scam using same Transfer Identification code ELPC/MWT/0143

UK National Lottery, 2 Lansdowne Row, Berkeley Square, London, W1J 6H, United Kingdom, WINNING PARAMETERS Ref : UK/776090X2/23 Batch: 013/05/8394369 Winner's name: David S. Anderson Raffle Draw Winning Email: [email protected] Congratulations Lucky Winner, On Behalf of the Screening Committee of United Kingdom National Lottery, I wish to formally inform you that you have successfully passed the Email Screening and Verification Matching Test conducted for all online winners in your winning in accordance with the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions. Hence you are therefore cleared for payment by the verifications and fund release department at the United Kingdom National Lottery Headquarters and your winnings has been duly signed and approved for release to you by the legal attorney to the United Kingdom National Lottery. Your approved winning Certificate number is UK/9876125 Your winning Transfer Identification code is ELPC/MWT/0143. As you already know, all winners for the online version of the United Kingdom National Lottery Online promotions were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from an exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies listed online as part of our international promotion to promote international co-operation between the United Kingdom and other countries worldwide and I must say that you should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of our winners in this week's lucky dip sweepstakes and we do sincerely hope you will put part of your winnings into good use for community, educational and business development and also to render selfless services to the less privileged in your community. The process for claiming your winnings has been made very simple so that by the end of one week at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of the sum of £2,696,385 Pounds Sterling and all the legal documents backing your winnings. In the light of the above mentioned, you are to contact the the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning to you with the contact informations below: CONTACT INFORMATION:- Mr. Nick Ward Fast Way Delivery Limited Telephone Numbers: +44-702-402-4531 +44-702-402-4572 +44-701-113-2986 +44-702-402-4644 +44-702-402-4763

Fax Number :

Official Email: [email protected]

Note that you are to provide the Lottery Winners Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning with the required details below to officially identify you:

1) Winner's Full Names:
2) Present Full Address:
3) Telephone Number:
4) Raffle Draw Winning Email:
5) Amount Won:
6) Winning Reference Number:
7) Winning Batch Number:
8) Winning Transfer Identification code: ELPC/MWT/0143
9) Winning Certificate Number: UK/9876125

Note that there exists a periodic condition on all claims process; therefore you have limited time to claim your winnings. Failure to claim your winnings within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings after which your winnings remitted back to the United Kingdom National Lottery Headquarters and will then be added to next winning draws. Also kindly be aware that the United Kingdom National Lottery winning prizes are regulated by the Financial Services Authority and as a result, you are advice to follow the Lottery Claims Terms and Conditions to ensure the remittance of your prize to you within the stipulated time of the claiming of winnings.

Further to this, due to some recent miss-up of some winning numbers, as a Prize winner and according to the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions, you are only privy to your winnings informations and your winnings transfer information in order to avoid any form of double claiming and misappropriation of your winnings, hence the release of your winning informations to a third party(friends and family members inclusive) is absolutely ruled out as this will lead give room to double claiming by a third party which is against the United Kingdom National Lottery Terms and Conditions. You are hereby advice to keep your winning information personal from any third parties (friends and family members inclusive) until your winnings have been remitted to you.

Lastly, I will require a concise update on your proceedings with the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning. If you need any assistance whatsoever from this office, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Marc Kenneth
Accredited Fiduciary Agent

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