Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by patrick Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:32 am
They have a website and are scamming close friends out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Has anyone here heard of it?

by Ralph Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:45 am
Hi Patrick

Welcome to Scamwarners.

If you could provide some more detail it will be easier for us to look into it for you as well as make it more likely that a potential victim finds your post before sending money to the scammers.

Email address, phone number and early scripts are particularly useful as is the website they are using which we may be able to get closed down
by Ralph Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:42 am
Thanks for the info Patrick

The website is not my area of expertise, I have had a quick look but found nothing of interest to me so I will ask one of our site killers to look into that.

The email address comes up in a search Here so I have no doubt it is a scam but sometimes scammers use legitimate banks details to make their own scam look more authentic.

It is also worth noting that a real employee of a bank will not be contacting you from a yahoo address

The phone number used in this scam has also been used in other scams, you can view those results by clicking Here

I am unsure as to where the address leads to but you can view the results on that Here

Definately a scam so thank you for posting, the website will be reported to be checked out by one of our experts in that field, if it is fake they will most likely be able to get it shut down
Last edited by Ralph on Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
by patrick Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:51 am
Thanks alot.
The real banks website is http://www.icbc.com

Another one we've been getting is:

Fax: +447006070824
Website: http://www.gbsociety.com/net
Email: [email protected]
If you could get that website closed we would be very grateful
by Ralph Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:54 am
Thanks again Patrick,

I have sent a message to our resident site killer already, I will add the new one to his list of things to do.

Just adding the phone number used in the second site you provided is a UK redirect number, you can get one of those from anywhere in the world and the calls redirect to wherever the scammer is located, scammers love them because they look much more authentic
by Ralph Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:28 pm
Thank you to our great site killing team and the advice of one of our warners George for getting accurate and timely advice on these sites :bowdown:

The results are in.

The first site
Mr. Zhang Furong.
There may or may not be a person at the bank with that name but either way, the person who contacted you is not an employee

Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
ICBC Tower 3 Garden Road, Central Hong Kong
There is a real Bank with that name at that address, it is common for scammers to piggy back a legitimate site to make their own scam look more legitimate

Local Fax No: + 852 301-42095
The phone number here, as far as I can tell is not a phone number connected to the actual bank, although I cant be sure on this, it comes up in a lot of scam related articles but again it could be the scammers using legitimate details to make their scam look more realistic, in that case there hope would be that you dont ring it

Email: [email protected]
Now this is not part of the bank, the tell tale yahoo email address for a bank employee, very telling for scammers which is why they like to create fake sites which will shortly bring me to the second one

Their website is http://www.icbc-ltd.com/
This is a legitimate site of the actual bank in question, the scammer is not connected to this bank, just using the site to appear more credible

Now to the second one you posted.

Fax: +447006070824
Website: http://www.gbsociety.com/net
Email: [email protected]

Everything about this one is fake and it has been put in the queue for killing, what will help our fake bank killers is if you could provide the emails they have sent you complete with headers, if you dont know how to extract headers there is some good information in here http://spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/19.html which will explain how to do it. Make sure you dont get the headers from a forwarded email, it simply doesn't work, it must be the original reciever who extracts the headers.

They can be posted here with any real persons details removed or emailed to the email address below with or without the details removed and I will pass them on to where they are needed.

Thanks for posting
Last edited by Ralph on Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
by patrick Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:34 am

How long do these things take because as I see it we are still losing thousands of dollars a day .
Is there any way to speed up the killing of the site asap
by Ralph Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:38 am
depending on the host it could take up to 2 weeks but I will stress that I know little about what they do so 2 weeks it only how long I think it will take

I will ask our site killer about his progress, hopefully it is in the system and awaiting closure
by patrick Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:27 am

I am not very impressed at all , Is this website also a scam?

I don't know who to believe anymore
Over a month and a half ago you told me they would kill the site within 2 weeks so far nothing has been done .

This looks like another scam to me with you as a the scammer pretending to be scamming the scammers whilst very cleverly stopping real scambaiters like me in their tracks
by Ralph Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:01 am
Thanks for those kind words Patrick,

As I may have mentioned, I know very little about fake sites and even less about how to get them shut down.

We do have a team of people who do know about fake site killing that I have passed the information onto.

Perhaps you would be interested in learning more about how to get these sites shut down.

It isn't always an easy process as you would see if you care to read up at our sister site www.419eater.com

From what I do know, several attempts have been made to convince the host that the sites are fraudulent and so far the host has not done anything about it, if you would care to read up on the fake site section at 419eater you will learn what kind of things are needed to get sites closed by hosts and perhaps you will have better luck than those who have already tried, I sincerely hope you do
by Chelsea Parker Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:28 pm

Occasionally it takes more time for a host to take a site down. The site killers are very thorough, but they have no control over the hosts. It frustrates us, too, when a host is slow or unresponsive.

To their credit, the site killers continue to work with the host(s) until they take a reported site down. As Ralph has said, you can see for yourself how the process works at www.419eater.com.

As for your question about this web site being a scam, I assume you said that out of frustration. Read through the information that has been posted here, and read the advice that has been given. It is all done free of charge, and all by volunteers who are knowledgeable about the types of fraud that are listed.
by Jillian Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:30 pm
Hi Patrick, I understand your frustration. I assure you that we're not scammers.

One of the sites has been suspended/terminiated. http://www.gbsociety.com was entered into a database of fraudulent sites quite a while ago. You can see the entry here: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=32137

The other was also added to the database and reported at that time, but it's proving difficult to get suspended. The database entry for the second site (.net) is here: http://db.aa419.org/fakebanksview.php?key=32138

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by patrick Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:13 am
I'd like to say Sorry to every one

I'm just very fustrated because of the amount of lives this man has ruined with his scams . People very close to me .
I myself have never fallen for a scam but to see relatives lose huge amounts of money is very painful

Thanks a lot

Sorry again

by Dotti Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:46 am

One thing you can do for the site killers is post (with full headers) any new emails you receive from a fraudulent domain that is not closing down easily, as sometimes it will go down faster when the stack of evidence of fraud gets higher. If you are getting emails that are piggybacking on a real site, sometimes it helps to forward those to the real site owners and politely ask that they put a warning on the real site--of course it is up to them whether they choose to do so, but some will when they know their name has been used in a scam.

Another thing you can do in the meantime for your friends and family is to install McAfee Site Advisor, or if they are using Firefox, the free Web of Trust (WOT) extension on any computers they are using. I know WOT will automatically go to a big warning screen if you attempt to access any website on the AA 419 database of fraudulent sites, as well as any site reported for distributing malware. Though I have not tried it myself (I use WOT and love it), I have been told that Site Advisor also flags reported fakes in a similar way. Obviously this won't make a difference for all sites, but it can help to protect them from some of these sites.

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