Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:58 am
i have something read about Rezel bank with fake sites !
well i have here the same problem , this bank ask me 85000 euro for transfer money too my account .
i have write letter too National Bank of malaysia , and thye have explain me that this bank is corrupt and doing on fraude ! this is the email adress that thye use [email protected] .
if you search them on internet you can t find them anymore !
thye operated now from Malaysia this is the IP adress that i have found from them ,
Puchong Selangor !
this was the link that thye have used for see them on internet http://www.infrezel.com/index.html now thye are gone !anyway , i have lost 70000 euro ! :(

by vonpaso xlura Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:10 pm
infrezel.com was shut down by the registrar, presumably for fraud. It was registered for only one year. Would you bank at a bank that expects to be in business less than a year?

Please post the emails explaining what happened.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:17 pm
2 September,2014.

Good day sir,

The Board Directors of the Bank are eminent personalities with vast experience in business and the financial sector. The Board of Directors is fully committed to a high standard of corporate governance, which among others encompasses the principles of full disclosure and transparency, social responsibility and accountability, "zero tolerance" compliance culture, business and customer confidentiality, intolerance of conflict of interests, and an independent management.

Irregardless the Board of Directors, All transaction made from our Bank is under the procedure from above us

We abide with the rule and regulation legal powers under the following Legislation to regulate and supervise the financial system. These legislation include:-

1. Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 (Revised 1994)

The Act provides for the administration, objectives of the Central Bank. It also enumerates the powers and the duties of the Central Bank in relation to issuance of currency, maintenance of external reserve, authorized business of the bank, specific powers to deal with ailing institutions, its relationship with the Government and financial institutions. The Act also contains general provisions on the Bank's accounts, powers to compound etc.

2. Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA)

The BAFIA which came into force on October 1, 1989 provides for the licensing and regulation of institutions carrying on banking, finance company, merchant banking, discount house and money-broking businesses. It also provides for the regulation of institutions carrying on scheduled business comprising non-bank sources of credit and finance, such as credit and charge card companies, building societies, factoring, leasing companies and development finance institutions. Non-scheduled institutions which are engaged in the provision of finance may be subject to Part X and XI of the BAFIA as the Minister of Finance may decide.

3. Exchange Control Act 1953

The Act restricts dealings in gold and foreign currencies, payments to and from residents, issuance of securities outside Malaysia, imports and exports and settlements. The Act also empowers the Controller for Foreign Exchange to grant permissions and consent on the foregoing and to enforce the provisions of the Act.

4. Islamic Banking Act 1983

An Act to provide for the licensing and regulation of Islamic banking business. The Act inter alia has provisions on the financial requirements and duties of an Islamic Bank, ownership, control and management of Islamic banks, restrictions on its business, powers of supervision and control over Islamic bank and other general provisions such as penalties etc.

5. Insurance Act 1996

The provisions of the Act deal with the licensing of insurers, insurance brokers adjusters and reinsurers. It also deals with setting up of subsidiary and offices, establishment of insurance fund, direction and control of defaulting insurers, the control on management of licensee, accounts of licensee, examination and investigation powers of the Central Bank, winding-up, transfer of business of licensee. The Act also provides for matters relating to policies, insurance guarantee scheme fund, enforcement powers of the Central Bank, offenses and other general provisions.

6. Takaful Act 1984

An Act to provide for the registration and regulation of takaful business in Malaysia and for other purposes relating to or connected with takaful. "Takaful" in this context means a scheme based on brotherhood, solidarity and mutual assistance which provides for mutual financial aid and assistance to the participants in case of need whereby the participants mutually agree to contribute for that purpose.

7. Emergency (Essential Powers) Act, 1979
Essential (Protection of Depositors) Regulations 1986

An Act to give the Central Bank the powers to investigate the affairs of any person it suspects or has reason to believe is a deposit-taker. It empowers the Bank freeze the properties of the deposit-taker and other persons associated with the deposit taker, assume control over the deposit-taker, and to appoint receivers and managers. The Act also enumerates the powers of the Managers, provisions on priority of payment and cost.

8. Loan (Local) Ordinance, 1959

An Ordinance to authorize the raising of loans and matters connected thereto within the Federation by the Government for the purposes of the Development Fund. The Act amongst other things appoints the Central Bank as the agent of the Government and enables the raising of the loans by way of book-entry i.e. scripless.

9. Treasury Bills (Local) Act 1946 (Revised 1977)

An Act to provide for issue of Treasury Bills in Malaysia. The Act amongst other things appoints the Central Bank as the agent of the Government and permits the issue by way of book-entry i.e. scripless.

10. Government Investment Act 1983

An Act to confer on the Minister power to receive investments of moneys for a fixed period and to pay dividend thereon. The Act amongst other things appoints the Central Bank as the agent of the Government and allows the issue of the investment by way of book-entry i.e. scripless.

Disclaimer may result to a huge loss,we advice you to comply with us within 14 Business days.

Thanks for Cooperation.
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:18 pm
29 August,2014

Dear valued Customer,

The issue of Levying fixed commission for processing remittance to the Beneficiary (Jurgen Pieters) the Board of Directors grant you 15 Business days to arrange the Sub-charges.

Therefore after been approved,Miss Victoria Bodelier will use a self-selected Wire Transfer Pin which will be generated further to Initiate the transfer status to completion.

I have reviewed our policy concerning the international outgoing wire transfer fees to you,As mentioned in my prior correspondence, we are extremely sensitive to this issue and every paperwork have been issued and verified for security purpose...There is nothing we can do if the charges are not paid then the codes can not be generated.

Please note that no compliance with the above advisory may attract penal consequences under the Intern National Revenue
Rezel Bank will not be held liable for dishonor of such Loss.

The Board of Directors demand a rapid action for payment.

Thank you for cooperation
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:19 pm
Level 15 Main tower,

Financial Park Labuan
Jalan Mardeka. 87100
WP Labuan Malaysia

Dear Ma,

Recommended criteria by which the Board of Directors can evaluate the credit facilities presented from various customers, As the matter of fact that we adhere to make estimation for second quarter with a result that we recommend that you complete your pending Transfer in order to audit from our Bank.


To review the credit portfolio of the Bank.


To consider all credit facilities above Management approval limit.


To establish and periodically review the bank’s credit portfolio in order to align organizational strategies, goals, and performance.


To evaluate on an annual basis the components of total credit facilities as well as market competitive data and other factors as deemed appropriate, and to determine the credit level based upon this evaluation.


To make recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to credit facilities based upon performance, market competitive data, and other factors as deemed appropriate.


To recommend to the Board of Directors, as appropriate, new credit proposals, restructure plans, and amendments to existing plans.


To select and retain independent experts and consultants in the field of credit analysis subject to Board’s approval, to advise with respect to market data and assist the Committee with its duties, and to approve fees and set terms of engagement for such consultants.


To report to the entire Board at such times as the Committee and Board shall determine, but not less than every quarter.


To perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board of Directors may assign from time to time.


Hesistation or refusal may lead to a total loss to Government revenue resources if action is not taken

NOTICE:We received several email from Third Party Account holder,Further we ignore complaint as Securityserve.

Qualityservice always, We are Rezel....FIDELITY
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:19 pm
Attn: XXX

We are in receipt of your mail and all the content are quite well understood...As the Board of Directors Proclaim to review Audit for second quarter year,we have a huge pending transfer needed to be completed.We can no longer have this such a huge amount of money on pending transfer for various reason i.e
-Money Laundering

-Currency Smuggling

The physical movement of illegal currency or monetary instruments over the border

-Currency Exchanges

Purchasing foreign money with illegal funds through foreign currency exchanges

-Blending Funds

Using a legitimate cash focused business to co-mingle dirty funds with the day's legitimate sales receipts

-Financing Terrorism

Be noted that we don't have any access to deduct any amount from your account in order to complete the transfer as the total account balance has been processed for a transfer pending to the Third party.

Failure to complete the transfer procedure to complete the transaction from Pending may result to a total loss as Intern National Revenue for the Government,if reaction is not taken.

Please don't hesistate to contact us at our Office for more consultation.

Thanks for cooperation !

Qualityservice always,We are Rezel....FIDELITY
by AlanJones Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:38 pm
The whole thing is a classic Advance Fee Fraud scam and everyone you have been in communication with about it (the person who first wrote to you (Miss Victoria Bodelier ?), any lawyers they referred you to and everyone claiming to be at Rezel bank) is part of the scam.

There is no money involved, except for the money that they want to steal from you. Just delete all their emails and do not respond to them - do not tell them you know it is a scam or point them to this site, they will just try to lie to carry on scamming you.

Can you also post the email address that the first person to write to you used and any one else they introduced you to and examples of their emails as this will help other victims.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:47 pm
[email protected]
operate from that adress !!!
Cornerstone Hotel
> > No 5 jalan 5 pjs 20/28
> > Kajang
> > Malaysia
> > code: 5000
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:55 pm
this person is also in that complot
[email protected]
thye are also on it !!!!
NAME : Evo Tec Resources
ACCOUNT NUMBER : 8006884542
Cimb Bank herhad 22a lorong batu nilam 4b
Bandar Bukit Tingi
41200 Klang
company hilbort cityrush security company are also in that complote
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:57 pm
phone number +601116654012 victoria bodelier !!!! with her is everything start !!!!!
by jurgen pieters Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:00 pm
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: victoria Bodelier < [email protected] >
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 8:29 PM
To: Removed (BW)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Infrezel Bank < [email protected] >
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 5:53 PM
To: victoria Bodelier <[email protected]>

Dear valued Customer,
Thank you for your letter dated on 16,June 2014.I am writing in response to your inquiry for the Transfer code,We have requested the full details of all the disputed transactions by the CENTRAL BANK NEGARA OF MALAYSIA.

We were made to understand that you have to make sub-charges payment of €84,890,00 for generating the transfer code by Bank Negara of Malaysia before your Transaction can be completed.

Please be advised that, In accordance with its legal obligations,Bank has complied with and acted up the pending transacion to be approved

Kindly pay the tax we are working under instruction so bear with us.

We advice you to adhere to our instruction to enable us proceed immediately.

Thanks for your understanding. We are at your service anytime.
by vonpaso xlura Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:35 pm
They may be in Malaysia, but their writing shows that they are West Africans. There's a concentration of Africans in Malaysia, many of whom are scammers.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by jurgen pieters Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:33 am
Dear Sir,

We propound that our Bank is well known,The Bank is run by professionals having sound experience and exposure in commercial banking...Rezel is one of the most respectable banks in Malaysia based on honorable conduct and long-term financial performance.

RezelBank Image can not be tarnished so far for the record we have achieve , Rezel Bank do not advice you to stop putting up fake story on different site...We take a legal action !!!

Our goal To become a leading bank in Malaysia by providing complete financial solutions to our customers, superior value to our shareholders and promising growth opportunities to our employees.

NOTICE: Rezel Bank will not be held for any Loss if Miss Victoria Bodelier can not complied with our terms and conditions within the time given.

Thanks for Cooperation.
by vonpaso xlura Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:08 am
Again, that was written by a West African. What address did he write it from? Could you post complete headers?

Ignore the threat of legal action. Scammers are criminals and aren't going to take legal action.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by jurgen pieters Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:13 am
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