Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Katharina Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:44 pm
I know, but when the booking process starts, isn't there an email correspondence? Or do victims just click and pay without further enquiries? - Oh dear, this is nasty.

by drun Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:11 am
pbn123 wrote:new site to add to these: availablehotelsbook.com

I booked a room via this website last night availablehotelsbook.com. The contact number didn't work so I rang the hotel direct as I had a question about parking. They didn't have a reservation for me but it was too early to say if there was a problem and to ring back.

I became suspicious and after finding these warning postings I cancelled my credit card, although the payment for this room was already "flagged" to be paid to "roomsrecord.com" so couldn't be stopped. I would have to dispute the payment when the money was taken and goods not received.

Later this morning I again rang the hotel who confirmed that they had my booking, it had just been received by fax. I have also had a reply to an email I sent to availablehotelsbook.com to confirm this and for me to contact Hotelbeds UK Ltd with my reservation number if I am concerned. The hotel has directly confirmed my reservation so all is ok.

Should I still be worried, whats the scam?
by snap Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:38 pm

I have also booked a hotel using availablehotelsbook.com. I also rang the hotel and they have confirmed that they have a booking for me.

Can someone be tell me what the scam is so I can check it out ?

Thanks for your help.
by Katharina Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:39 pm
canonical name www.availablehotelsbook.com.
Domain Whois record

Queried whois.internic.net with "dom availablehotelsbook.com"...

Whois Server: whois.networksolutions.com
Referral URL: http://www.networksolutions.com
Name Server: NS87.WORLDNIC.COM
Name Server: NS88.WORLDNIC.COM
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 05-aug-2011
Creation Date: 05-aug-2011
Expiration Date: 05-aug-2012

>>> Last update of whois database: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 21:28:37 UTC <<<

Queried whois.networksolutions.com with "availablehotelsbook.com"...

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Record expires on 05-Aug-2012.
Record created on 05-Aug-2011.
Database last updated on 1-Sep-2011 17:18:56 EDT.

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So, their website has been registered on 05 of August for one year only. But they say
© 2000 - 2009
This is always a red flag: They lie about when they created the website, and they don't plan to stay in business for long.

You said you called the hotel: Where did you get the phone number from - from the website or by an independent search? And if you were in contact with the real hotel, did they say the room was already paid or going to be paid for by Available Hotels? Or did they expect you to pay?
by drun Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:13 pm
The hotel I rang was definately the hotel! Its their headquarters phone number on an independent search. The phone number is the same number that is quoted on the invoice from the booking company. I rang again for the 5th time. They admit they have never heard of the website but thats not unusual.

They have my booking, the room has been paid for. There is no problem. They must think I am mad.

So again I ask - what is the scam?
by snap Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:44 pm

I seem to be in the same situation as Drun.

We checked with the hotel using the phone number on the official hotel website. We also contacted them via e-mail and they informed us that the booking had been made via Hotel Beds whom they had a contract with.

So it looks like the bookings have been made, however there is a known scam whereby the booking gets cancelled shortly before you the client arrives, with this in mind we have asked the hotel to let us know if the booking gets cancelled. If this happens we will update this forum so other are made aware.

I think I am going paranoid
by ChrisSmith Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:47 am
If the hotel exists and the number you've contacted them on is genuine, then there should be no problem.
If you've paid by credit card, you should be insured if anything untoward occurs.

Regarding "official hotel websites". Try to find the same phone number independently. That is, not on a website affiliated to the hotel you're looking at. Scammers are known to set up official looking websites with the intention of tricking people into thinking that it belongs to the real deal.
White Pages, Yellow Pages, etc are a good bet. If the number they give matches with the website, then you know you've got the right place.
by snap Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:18 pm
Thanks for that Chris. I feel a little better as the phone number we rang the hotel on and the e-mail correspondence with the hotel came from their official site. However I am still not convinced that we have not been scammed. I will keep the site informed of any further developments regarding our booking.
by pbn123 Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:26 pm
I would be wary of people posting anything that suggests these may be valid booking sites as they are 100% not.
by etranger01 Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:01 am
Because I also was a victim of this criminal organisation I've done some investigating into this criminal organisation behind yourhotelsbook.com. All the mentioned websites belong to the same criminal organisation. DO NOT BOOK ON THESE WEBSITES! The websites that still are active are followed by (SA):
www.yourhotelsbook.com (SA)
www.bookmeanhotels.com (SA)
www.roomsrecord.com (SA)
www.expertrooms.com (SA)
www.availablehotelsbook.com (SA)
www.stayandhotels.com (SA)
www.hotelsvision.info (SA)
If you don't trust this message, feel free to google on the website names in combination with the word 'scam'. You will find messages of victims of their scams from all over the world.
Suppose you have made a booking through one of their websites and you received an email with the hotel voucher. Open the voucher immediately. If you can't open it, you probably will be a victim of this scam. Call your credit card company right after that to stop the payment.
by alanacork Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:07 pm
I made a booking with Availablehotelsbook.com recently and became quite alarmed when I read some of the reports about them. I got a confirmation from the hotel but I was still very worried. But when we arrived at our hotel 12 days ago everything was in order .The money had being received by the hotel and we only had to pay for extras when we were leaving yesterday..Hope this helps ..
by drun Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:04 pm
Just to let you all know. All was in order with our booking and we had a lovely stay. No scam with availablehotelsbook.com. I think you are worrying people needlessly
by Aurelijus Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:08 pm
Hello all,

I read all posts above and can tell my story.

I also booked a hotel room via availablehotelsbook.com. Afterwards, I've done a quick research and found out that this website is on the "blacklist" over here and other websites. I cancelled my debit card immediatelly and called hotel reception which informed me there was no reservation under my name at that time. It was 2 weeks ago. I called hotel yesterday and they confirmed that they got a reservation under my friend's name who's travelling together with me. Shouldn't it be under my name as it was me who paid for it and made booking? Strange. Hotel also confirmed that room is prepaid and I am only responsible to pay for tourist's taxes. Even though hotel confirmed my reservation I am still concerned about this situation as there are too many evidence of scam. For example, when I pay for something online with my card an added protection "verified by VISA" window appears where I have to enter particular letters from my secret code. That didn't happen when I paid for my room at availablehotelsbook.com. Another thing, just after payment I received an automated call from my bank asking me to confirm that transaction (very unusual) and that was a red signal for me. What else can I check?

Can those guys cancel my room just before I arrive and how can I avoid this? What else they can do?

P.S. I don't believe those people posting above that availablehotelsbook.com is not a scam.
by Bubbles Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:37 pm
Aurelijus wrote:P.S. I don't believe those people posting above that availablehotelsbook.com is not a scam.

Welcome to ScamWarners Aurelijus and thank you for posting your experience. <snip>

I don't know what to tell you about the reservation. If you have confirmed with the hotel I don't think they would cancel your reservation. Hopefully the hotel gave you a confirmation or reference number.

I would get back in touch with the hotel to see what the cost of the room actually is and compare it to what you are charged on your card.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by Aurelijus Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:12 pm
Bubbles wrote:
If you have confirmed with the hotel I don't think they would cancel your reservation.

Why not? I read posts where people complain their rooms were cancelled just before the arrival without a refund.

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