Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by AlanJones Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:14 pm
That is right, your company is listed as a scammer as that is what you are. You may well have registered a Japanese company, but that is not uncommon for scammers to do in these types of scams, so your company registration documents are of no interest and have already been posted here.

What is of interest are the facts that

  1. Your initial email spamming your products was received by an email address specifically set up for catching scammer's emails - that is a pretty big mistake for your "marketing department" to make.
  2. Then there is this post here viewtopic.php?p=237823#p237823 by another of our long-term members, listing a number of machines that you had for sale on your website that are actually being sold by other websites in totally different contries - was that another mistake? Did you somehow get your pictures mixed up and use the pictures of machines that you don't actually have available to sell?
  3. Then there is your refusal to actually prove that you have the machines in your possession that you claim to be selling and the pathetic excuses that you have repeatedly used to avoid providing that proof.
  4. And of course, there is the post of mine of 10 March, which was after you parted company with your Pakistani web-developer, which showed another spam email again sent from Pakistan and the fact that emails to you were actually being opened in China. You seem to be all over the world, except in Japan.
  5. Then there is the closure of your website - that will have been done by your web hosts and they will only have done that after investigating and deciding that there was no evidence that you were a legitimate business.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by Inspector Gadget Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:11 pm
Another of his postings :
http://www.ec21.com/product-details/Exc ... 95649.html

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Company Name:Oizumi Juki Co., LTD
Membership:Free member
Registration Date:2015. 02. 09
City:minatu ko
Contact:kaneko N (Ms.)
Related Keywords:cranes, excavator, loaders, rollers

Add to Basket
Contact Now* Send an Inquiry to this supplier.

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Report Item
Product Details Company Profile

Place of Origin :Japan


Dear Customer,
Will the below machines interest you?

Make: Komatsu D375-5 Serial #19228 YOM: 2010 HRS: 12,000
Engine Serial #318996 Price JPY26,500,000 FOB USA.

Make: Yanmar B6 Serial #10691B YOM: 1992 HRS: 3,832
Canopy Price JPY1,200,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Caterpillar 320D-E Serial #BWZ03266 YOM: 2008
HRS: 5,616 Arm Crane Price JPY7,400,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Kato KR25H-V3 Serial #34105XX YOM: 2000 HRS: 32,576
KMS: 92,972 Price JPY15,000,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Komatsu WA320-6 Serial #70374 HRS: 16,441
Cabin Price JPY5,300,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Komatsu WA300-3E Serial #54039 HRS: 12,055
Cabin Price JPY4,700,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Komatsu PC300LC-6LC Serial #A802XX YOM: 1996
HRS: 17,500 Long Reach Boom 80% U/C Quick Coupler
Price JPY4,400,000 FOB USA.

Payment Terms : Telegraphic Transfer.
Delivery : Prompt.
Subject to prior sales.

Photos on request.

Best regards,
Kaneko N

Oizumi Juki Co., LTD
7F Toranomon 40MT Bldg.,
5-13-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, Japan - Postal 105-0001.
Tel : +81-3-4530-9782 Fax: +81-3-4530-9800
Website : www.oizumijuki.co.jp
by TerranceBoyce Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:06 pm
I'm still trying to get over the suggestion that a major Japanese company would get its website set up by a web builder in Pakistan. :oh-joy:

Not only don't they share a common language but they also use two different typescripts. It's not as if Japan is lacking technical expertise in website building and Japan has very strict and complex social customs that would require a website to be built by a company/person acutely aware of these needs, that are quite opaque to the non-Japanese.

Even as regards who would write or talk to someone else would be governed by Japanese etiquette. In some countries it might be impressive to contact someone as the CEO of a company but in Japan there is a strict hierarchy and CEO's wouldn't contact someone they deem not to be their equivalent.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by mariko Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:47 am

You are right. Most of the companies in Japan prefer using domestic services. The labor cost is very high, so some companies may outsource from overseas but I never heard any companies using Pakistan. There are more high tech and stable and low cost countries nearby.

Only self employed CEO who had small office in a tiny studio apartment would move around and contact with public.
by TerranceBoyce Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:14 am
I have only limited knowledge of Japanese culture and traditions 'mariko' but I do know although in the front line of technology it has conventions that are founded in a civilisation going back at least a thousand years, and you simply cannot translate an English process into Japanese and think it is plausible.

To a lesser extent the same thing applies in the UK and to be treated as a serious and respectable business partner you are expected to do things in a certain way, and that includes website design. In simple terms an analogy would be to say that there's more to being a Scotsman than putting on a kilt.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by Bryon Williams Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:22 am
Please read this thread. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=96207&p=237839#p237839 This is the same scammer that had machines in North Carolina USA.

I had my cousin check it out. It was fake and reported to the State of NC.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by AlanJones Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:03 am
It's interesting that the dumb scammer calling himself "Kazuko Oizumi" has repeatedly returned, but failed to provide any evidence to counter the points made about the fraudulent company "Oizumi Juki Co., Ltd". I guess he has realised that there really are no more lies he can tell to counter the hard facts that have been provided against him and his scam.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by Oizumi Kazuko Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:31 am
Mode Note: Please note that this post was made by the scammer himself in order to try and salvage his scam.
It has been left here for people to see how devious these thieves can be!

You have your own criteria to list a company as scammer which you have done that. On our part we are trying and we will continue to do so to prove on all fronts that we are no scammers. I have spent millions of Japanese yen to register and establish my company. I am a Japan citizen and I am CEO of my company. May be some scammers have done the company registrations but we repeat that we are no scammers.

Now reply to your facts:

- Our marketing team while searching and saving the buyers contact details may have mistakenly saved an email address which I think was the spam trap laid down by your organization or some other spam watching organization. No doubt it was a mistake and for any mistake any good human being should say sorry so do I on behalf of our marketing team.

- In this business the machines comes from owners/contractors for sale to trading companies. In many cases one machine is offered by few trading companies. Almost daily we receive one machine offer from 2 to 3 or even in some cases 4 traders. With some mutual understanding between trading companies the companies in our business post machines on the website for a wide coverage. I think our marketing and IT staff has done that. Upon getting the "sold" confirmation the website is being updated and that particular machine/machines are removed from the website. In our case due to domain/server/website being blocked we were not able to do that. But as soon as our site will be active we will remove all such machines which are sold by the owners or other trading companies. We sincerely feel we should be given a chance to rectify such mistakes.

- For trading practices we already wrote that in our business every machine offered by the trading companies are not necessarily owned by that trading company. You have mentioned this as a pathetic excuse but we are trying to give you the understanding of this business. We are not claiming that we are a multi million dollar company and every machine we offer is owned by us. In trading we do the parallel negotiations. If a customer shows interest in any machine we start the negotiation with the owner and confirm the purchase sensing the serious interest of the customer. If we accept your way of judgment then it will mean only those companies which have too much money to buy every machine they offer have the right to do business. Others with less capital have no right to do business. You are an IT professional and must be aware of the IT matters very well but please do not consider all these details as pathetic excuse. I am writing to you about the trading practices prevailing in the market.

- Once we noticed that you have highlighted our marketing activity from Pakistan, we thought it appropriate to move out the marketing from that country even if it was a cheap outsourcing. Regarding China one of our marketing staff was there to negotiate and finalize the contract for LED lights. It was done and now he is back in Japan. In fact I have decided to centralize all my company activities to Japan only.
You have mentioned that we are every where except Japan. I think you are very good in tracing the IP address so I hope by now you have traced my IP address as well. Is this not a Japan IP address? Not only that, I am in Japan. Even Kaneko-san is also in Japan. Our other marketing staff is coming to Japan as well. Once we will start our business activity you will see that it is all done by Japan team from Japan ISP and IP addresses.

- For the closure of the website, it is obvious that due to the mistakes of our marketing team, the terms of use were violated and your reporting all resulted in that.

Finally my sincere request to you is that please do not make it a personal ego issue. I know you might be thinking that you have reported our company as scammer and how you can reverse your reporting. I think in your field after getting the clarifications you can change your position. It should not be very strange.
On my part after your racist remarks of Little Creature, for a while I also felt being a Japanese my ego was hurt but later I thought why to make it a big issue instead I preferred to write to you to convince you that we are no scammers. Hope you will understand this fact that if we are to be a scammer, we should have ran away to do something else. As we are a legitimate and legal Japan entity which we became after spending millions of JPY, hence we have the right to do our business as allowed to us by the Japan Govt. corporate laws. For this right we will continue our efforts at all levels and at all forums even if it will take a very long time. No way we will be giving up our legal right to do the business. Every human being can make mistakes but that does not mean that he or she should never get a chance to rectify the mistakes.

Alan now i am asking you again to watch your language...
by Bryon Williams Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:49 am
^^^^ Explain your business in Raleigh, NC of the USA. I too was fake.

Please read this thread. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=96207&p=237839#p237839 This is the same scammer that had machines in North Carolina USA.

You have documented your locations of business. Our people have visited. There are no businesses there. You rmachines are listed on other sites. Some have been sold. Your IT guy stopped dealing with you. You tried another another website and that provided found you to be a faker.

Am I missing something.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by AlanJones Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:00 am
Oizumi Kazuko wrote:we repeat that we are no scammers.

Yes you are, the facts speak for themselves.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:- Our marketing team while searching and saving the buyers contact details may have mistakenly saved an email address which I think was the spam trap laid down by your organization or some other spam watching organization. No doubt it was a mistake and for any mistake any good human being should say sorry so do I on behalf of our marketing team.

Not just 1 address, but at least 2 or 3 judging by the other anti-scam organisations that you managed to email.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:- In this business the machines comes from owners/contractors for sale to trading companies. In many cases one machine is offered by few trading companies. Almost daily we receive one machine offer from 2 to 3 or even in some cases 4 traders. With some mutual understanding between trading companies the companies in our business post machines on the website for a wide coverage. I think our marketing and IT staff has done that. Upon getting the "sold" confirmation the website is being updated and that particular machine/machines are removed from the website. In our case due to domain/server/website being blocked we were not able to do that. But as soon as our site will be active we will remove all such machines which are sold by the owners or other trading companies. We sincerely feel we should be given a chance to rectify such mistakes.

Rubbish, at least one of the machines was listed as being sold on the other side of the world 18 months ago. Yet its picture was being used by you while your website was active.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:- Once we noticed that you have highlighted our marketing activity from Pakistan, we thought it appropriate to move out the marketing from that country even if it was a cheap outsourcing. Regarding China one of our marketing staff was there to negotiate and finalize the contract for LED lights. It was done and now he is back in Japan. In fact I have decided to centralize all my company activities to Japan only.

It's very strange isn't it that the company you chose to partner with in Pakistan had also registered a number of other fraudulent plant machinery sales domains - one of which was using a shell company to back it up just like you are doing.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:You have mentioned that we are every where except Japan. I think you are very good in tracing the IP address so I hope by now you have traced my IP address as well. Is this not a Japan IP address?

I have no access to your current IP address, but I'm sure that the delay in response from you was while you either found a Japanese proxy or someone to post on your behalf.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:Even Kaneko-san is also in Japan. Our other marketing staff is coming to Japan as well. Once we will start our business activity you will see that it is all done by Japan team from Japan ISP and IP addresses.

Another lie, none of your previous emails, even those from "Kaneko" have ever come from a Japanese IP address.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:Finally my sincere request to you is that please do not make it a personal ego issue.

The only ego here is yours as you really think that you can persuade people with many years expertise in dealing with scum like you that you are legitimate.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:I know you might be thinking that you have reported our company as scammer and how you can reverse your reporting.

No, the thought of reversing my reporting is not even crossing my mind as I know that you are a pathetic scammer who is too lazy to get a real job, so steals from others.

Oizumi Kazuko wrote:racist remarks of Little Creature

Do you even know what racist means or are you just clutching at straws to try and get the moral high ground - that's pathetic and shows that that you have no real argument. As far as I am concerned, all scammers like you are disgusting little creatures who are lower than cockroaches.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:28 pm
Here's yet more proof of just how much of a disgusting little scammer, dumbo is.

Way back on 11 Feb

Disgusting little scammer, kaneko wrote:As we spoke to our firm Lawyer, his comments:

According to Act of 1952, it is a case of defamation, could be sued and this website could be shut down from official govt IT department and will be fined as well.

"The publication of any false imputation concerning a person, or a member of his family, whether living or dead, by which (a) the reputation of that person is likely to be injured or (b) he is likely to be injured in his profession or trade or (c) other persons are likely to be induced to shun, avoid, ridicule or despise him.

Publication of defamatory matter can be by (a) spoken words or audible sound or (b) words intended to be read by sight or touch or (c) signs, signals, gestures or visible representations, and must be done to a person other than the person defamed."

Over a month later and all the "lawyer" seems to have done is spout some irrelevant copy and paste. Perhaps he realised that the key word in what he was writing was "FALSE" - everything that has been posted in this thread (other than by stupid scammers "kaneko" and "Oizumi Kazuko" is TRUE and backed up by evidence.

And then there was this extract from an email from around 19 Feb

Vide this email we are hereby giving to you a 24 hour notice to withdraw the negative postings against our company.

You have no legal or moral right to spoil the name of our very clean company. Your this act is very much falling under the Cyber Crime category

So without being prejudiced, we reserve all our rights to take appropriate actions as per the Cyber Crime Laws of Japan and Interpol authorities if you will fail to remove your negative propaganda against our company Oizumi Juki K.K (co., Ltd)

Just for your information in Japan every police station has a Cyber Crime wing and we have already approached and discussed this matter with Tokyo Police. Our office being in the Tokyo vicinity they are the right forum. We will not limit our report only to Tokyo police, we will for sure report to Interpol office in Tokyo Japan too.

Hope you will be wise enough to understand how hurt we felt with your this very unwanted act.

The 24 hours are well and truly up and I've had no contact from the Tokyo police or the Interpol office in Tokyo, perhaps the scammer found it difficult to file a report about their scam company being revealed on various anti-scam websites. I guess the journey from Islamabad to Tokyo would have been difficult for them as well.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:10 pm
Here's what the pathetic little scammer "Oizumi Kazuko's" second spammy Facebook profile had (oops :laugh-s:) as its header


Notice the word "exporter" - how can you export things if you don't actually have them in your possession (or they aren't even in the same country or continent).

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:31 pm
Poor dumb "Oizumi Kazuko" has had to resort to setting up a new website for "her" scamming.

From: Oizumi Juki Co., Ltd Japan - [email protected]

Dear Customer,
Will the below machines interest you?

Make: Komatsu PC200-6 Serial #88252 YOM: 1994
HRS: 14,113 CABIN Price JPY4,200,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Kawasaki KLD80ZA Serial #80N2-0210 YOM: 1994
HRS: 4,599 CABIN A/C Price JPY4,800,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Kato Truck NK500E-V Serial #4415641 YOM: 1997/7
KMS: 60,465 Nissan Chassis Price JPY36,600,000 CIF Jebel Ali or Doha or Dammam or Kuwait.

Make: Tadano All Terrain AR1000M-1-90101 Serial #GA509X
YOM: 1994/12 HRS: 10,280 Nissan Engine NE6T. Working HRS: 1,480
FAUN Carrier Gmbh RTF-104-1. KMS: 86,498
Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM402LA Boom: 11.7m to 45.0m (5 Section)
Jib: Full Auto Jib 9.0m to 19.0m Hook: 100t, 45t, Ball 6.5t.
Price JPY57,000,000 CIF Jebel Ali or Doha or Dammam or Kuwait.

Terms & Condition:
Payment: Telegraphic Transfer or L/C at sight.
Delivery: Prompt.
Subject to prior sales.

Photos and further details are available.

Best regards,
Kaneko N

Oizumi Juki Co., LTD
7F Toranomon 40MT Bldg.,
5-13-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, Japan - Postal 105-0001.
Tel : +81-3-4530-9782 Fax: +81-3-4530-9800
E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.ojkk.ne.jp

Domain Information:
a. [Domain Name] OJKK.NE.JP
d. [Network Service Name] Ojkk
l. [Organization Type] Network Service
m. [Administrative Contact] KO24304JP
n. [Technical Contact] KO24305JP
p. [Name Server] ns1.jp-domains.jp
p. [Name Server] ns2.jp-domains.jp
s. [Signing Key]
[State] Connected (2016/03/31)
[Registered Date] 2015/03/25
[Connected Date] 2015/03/30
[Last Update] 2015/03/30 03:14:19 (JST)

Contact Information: [contact information]
a. [JPNIC handle] KO24304JP
b. [name] Oizumi Kazuko
c. [Last, First] Oizumi, Kazuko
d. [e-mail] [email protected]
f. [organization name] limited company Taka enterprise
g. [Organization] Taka Enterprise Ltd.
k. [deployment]
l. [Division]
m. [title]
n. [Title]
o. [phone number]
p. [FAX number]
y. [Notification Address]
[Last Update] 2015/03/25 10:01:48 (JST)
[email protected]

Contact Information: [担当者情報]
a. [JPNICハンドル] KO24305JP
b. [氏名] オイズミ カズコ
c. [Last, First] Oizumi, Kazuko
d. [電子メイル] [email protected]
f. [組織名] オイズミ カズコ
g. [Organization] Oizumi,Kazuko
k. [部署]
l. [Division]
m. [肩書]
n. [Title]
o. [電話番号]
p. [FAX番号]
y. [通知アドレス]
[最終更新] 2015/03/25 10:02:54(JST)
[email protected]

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by Bryon Williams Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:26 am
This was sent to me by a potential victim of this scam.

Dear Customer,

Will the below machines interest you?

Make: Caterpillar 916 Serial #5KC01445 YOM: 1989 HRS: 2587?

Cabin Price JPY2,850,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Hitachi EX200-1 Serial #145-37365 YOM: 1988

Cabin Price JPY2,900,000 FOB.

Terms & Condition:

Delivery: Prompt.

Subject to prior sales.

Photos and further details are available.

Best regards,

Kaneko N

Oizumi Juki Co., LTD

7F Toranomon 40MT Bldg.,

5-13-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku,

Tokyo, Japan - Postal 105-0001.

Tel : +81-3-4530-9782 Fax: +81-3-4530-9800

E-mail : [email protected]

Website : www.ojkk.ne.jp

Dear Customer,

Will the below machines interest you?

Make: Komatsu PC200-6 Serial #88252 YOM: 1994

HRS: 14,113 CABIN Price JPY4,200,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Komatsu PC200-7 Serial #200512 YOM: 2001 HRS: 7,000

Piping Price JPY5,200,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Caterpillar 910H Serial #SAT00951 YOM: 2010 HRS: 4,767
Price JPY3,850,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Kawasaki KLD80ZA Serial #80N2-0210 YOM: 1994

HRS: 4,599 CABIN A/C Price JPY4,800,000 FOB Japan.

Make: Kato Truck NK500E-V Serial #4415641 YOM: 1997/7

KMS: 60,465 Mitsubishi Chassis Price JPY36,600,000 CIF Jebel Ali or Doha or Dammam or Kuwait.

Make: Tadano All Terrain AR1000M-1-90101 Serial #GA509X

YOM: 1994/12 HRS: 10,280 Nissan Engine NE6T. Working HRS: 1,480

FAUN Carrier Gmbh RTF-104-1. KMS: 86,498
Engine: Mercedes-Benz OM402LA Boom: 11.7m to 45.0m (5 Section)

Jib: Full Auto Jib 9.0m to 19.0m Hook: 100t, 45t, Ball 6.5t.
Price JPY57,000,000 CIF Jebel Ali or Doha or Dammam or Kuwait.

Terms & Condition:

Payment: Telegraphic Transfer or L/C at sight.

Delivery: Prompt.

Subject to prior sales.

Photos and further details are available.

Best regards,

Kaneko N

Oizumi Juki Co., LTD

7F Toranomon 40MT Bldg.,

5-13-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku,

Tokyo, Japan - Postal 105-0001.

Tel : +81-3-4530-9782 Fax: +81-3-4530-9800

E-mail : [email protected]

Website : www.ojkk.ne.jp

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by AlanJones Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:24 am
Pathetic little scammer "Oizumi Kazuko" is still trying to get "her" new website to work fully

7F Toranomon 40MT Bldg., 5-13-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan

Oizumi Juki Co., Ltd
[email protected]

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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