Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by TerranceBoyce Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:54 pm
Their favourite place is Eastern Europe radek.valclav, though they post them all over Europe and I've even seen ads in Russia. This is very unusual but I can understand the reason they do this. They believe that people in Eastern Europe feel more confident dealing with UK companies and they know that reporting fraud will be much more difficult than if they targeted UK victims.

It's much easier if we post the identities they're using and their contact details so that potential victims can pick up this information using Google. I could waste a lot of time and effort chasing down all their fake adverts. We prefer them to waste their time, not ours.

If anyone contacts them and finds out what bank account(s) they're using that information would be helpful.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle

by martin o'sullivan Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:57 pm
radek.valclav I have emailed many of the websites that have the adverts with my name, some of them have been very proactive and removed the adverts within minutes, others have called me direct from France and Germany asking me for more details, on the whole most of the adverts in my name have been removed but my name and address is still on the page even though no advert shows up.

I will continue to chase down all the adverts but the fact is that they will just start using someone elses name soon and then it will all start over again.
by TerranceBoyce Sun Jun 09, 2013 4:14 pm
Different groups are operating these sites, and the ones I've tracked down are UK based. One is of African origin and another of Eastern Europe origin. It's quite possible that some are of UK origin. They've also branched out in to auto sales but that's more tricky as they can't sell to the continent due to the left/right hand drive issue.

They're very poorly set up and operated.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by labda Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:20 am
Good day to you all

Today I found this site.
12,000 euros transferred it yesterday:
Bank Account Holder: A C. SIMONCA
Bank Name: Barclays Bank plc
Bank Address: 28 Regent Street, Swindon, SN1 1QB, UK
Bank Sort Code: 20-84-61
Bank Account No: 53432416
Bank IBAN: GB04BARC20846153432416
Bank Swift Code: BARCGB22

Christian Nielsen
Sales Manager
Company Registration No: 6528103
Website: http://www.plant-equipment-sales.com
Tel: +44 191 645 2876
Email: [email protected]

How can I get my money back?
by TerranceBoyce Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:59 am
Welcome to Scamwarners labda and I regret to hear that you have joined the long and growing list of UK and foreign victims of this type of scam.

I don't hold out too much hope for you getting your money back as I can only describe the general attitude of the UK banks and police, in my opinion, as being largely lackadaisical and disinterested. Whilst boasting that the UK has the most stringent money laundering legislation in the world I get the impression that no one in authority has the will to make use of it. It's not enough to have the legislation if it doesn't function or isn't implemented.

The overall effect will be to make buyers avoid buying British goods and to mistrust UK bank accounts, but that doesn't appear to concern anyone.

You should report it to your local police and you also submit a formal complaint to the receiving bank but the fraudster has every advantage if operating through a UK bank account. The only hope is to attempt to try and make UK legislation function and some UK victims are trying to do this through their MP's but that's going to take time and effort, and won't help you now.

I'm ashamed that this is how it is in the UK.

Perhaps when foreign buyers treat UK bank accounts as being synonymous with fraud someone will do something about it.

It's helpful that you've posted the account details here so that other potential victims can be warned but it appears that they may have hundreds of these accounts they can all on.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by Willc2 Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:18 am
Bank details given to me today by foreign voice at constplant ltd, as account to send money to today because they need to " start delivery process" for my jcb. yea right

Bank Account Holder: David Blegu
Bank Name: Barclays Bank plc
Bank Address: 129 Brent Street , Hendon, NW4 2DU, UK
Bank Sort Code: 202941
Bank Account No: 53418103
Bank IBAN: GB15BARC20294153418103
Bank Swift Code: BARCGB22

Thanks Boycie, you saved me an embarrassment and 7500 euro.
by Willc2 Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:24 am
Well Boycie, pity delboy didnt have internet access. This constplant website takes some beating. I have been looking for a particular model jcb and found it at a bargain price on their site ( by the way I did a company search on constplant ltd and it is legit registered and up to date in the name of two men with surname Patterson. Co reg no 6528103)

The offer i got was exactly as others have posted here with sales manager given as Christian Nielson though when I called the foreigner that answered the phone, "mr nielson", he seemed confused. His accent was definitely not scandinavian. They gave me bank account details to send the money to and i will paste details into a following post. My question is HOW THE HELL CAN THEY KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH It? Where are UK authorities, british Bobbie etc? I nearly fell for it, but having found this site and your great posts I have been saved. They are still calling me to ask if I am sending the money today because " they want to start delivery process", yea right!
Last edited by Willc2 on Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by TerranceBoyce Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:55 pm
"Blegu' also appears to be Romanian for 'you fool'.

It seems that some people aren't taking the account opening procedure very seriously.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by HannahsDad Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:40 pm
Scam Tractor & Digger sites typically offer machines at prices about 1/3 the going rate.
Too good to be true?

You can get realistic guide prices in any currency from the American tractorhouse website here

The prices on these fake sites are hard coded - just right click on some white space on the page and select "View page source"

How long would a real company last if it built a website with prices that could not change with the market?

Most of the addresses given by these fake sites are Googleable - is it a residential area? Does the address belong to another company.

But the big giveaway is to check the website's whois listing. Go to http://centralops.net/co/DomainDossier.aspx and type in the domain name as you see it in your browser address bar
to get
Then ask yourself why an English company would register anonymously in China, host in Russia and only plan to have a website for 1 year.
Scammers are the tax we all pay for the wonders of the internet

by Willc2 Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:39 am
TerranceBoyce wrote:"Blegu' also appears to be Romanian for 'you fool'.

It seems that some people aren't taking the account opening procedure very seriously.

Yes, but if I want to open a new bank account, even where I am already known, i must have my passport, two utility bills in my name as proof of address and a copy of a recent bank statement!

If bank staff did their job right, these guys would not be able to open these accounts.
by TerranceBoyce Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:29 am
This is a professional operation by organised crime operating a multi million pound fraud that is entirely predictable, and it's easy to see why they mock the system that is so easy to abuse.

Forged passports are easy to obtain, though it's quite possible that they aren't using forgeries, and one person opening 10 accounts with 10 different passports has created their own money making empire. There isn't a system or structure that can't be accessed or penetrated and abused with the right payment, and I doubt that passport issuance in Romania begins as a very secure set up.

I don't have to describe in detail how it functions, as the undeniable truth is that the set up exists, and there is no doubt that this will only be a part of their operation. The police won't be able to do anything because the ID used to open the accounts will be of no use whatsoever.

Think I'm exaggerating ? Try Googling 'holiday scam australia class action law suit'.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by GuidoSteven Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:30 am
don't try to buy from this one,they will ask you money in advance (i lose 21.400 euro and i get nothing). if someone else know something please let me know.

GroupWare LTD
Address: 8 Orgreave Close, Handsworth, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S13 9NP - United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 114 360 1378 | Telephone 2: +44 114 360 3377 | Fax: +44 114 206 6379
Office Email: [email protected] | Sales Dept. Email: [email protected]
by LillePus Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:13 pm
GuidoSteven wrote:don't try to buy from this one,they will ask you money in advance (i lose 21.400 euro and i get nothing). if someone else know something please let me know.

GroupWare LTD
Address: 8 Orgreave Close, Handsworth, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S13 9NP - United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 114 360 1378 | Telephone 2: +44 114 360 3377 | Fax: +44 114 206 6379
Office Email: [email protected] | Sales Dept. Email: [email protected]

Can you please send me a PM? I tried to send you one PM, but not sure you received it.
by TerranceBoyce Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:09 pm
Be very cautious of anyone who might suggest they have a means to enable you to get your money back from these fraudsters.

Anyone who has any information should pass it on to the police for them to take action.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle

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