Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Michelle Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:53 pm
From: "Airbnb LTD." <[email protected]>
Date: Sep 2015
To: Michelle Banks
Subject: Transaction Started and Payment Reqest !

[email protected]

Airbnb Transaction #27539089 started!
Current status: Pending payment!

Dear customer, we have approved the transaction, please fill your Airbnb transaction in 5 easy steps:
1. Both parts agree on the transaction terms and price;
2. The owner contacts Airbnb with the transaction details;
3. Airbnb accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required);
4. The tenant sends the deposit to our representatives. The payment is verified and locked;
5. Getting the documents and keys and the property is checked.

Enjoying purchase protection; the payment must be sent using the method below.
Attention: Sending the payment by any other method, will void this transaction and your right to refund.

Transaction Number Date Amount
27539089 September EUR € 1200.00
Detail Quantity Price
1 EUR € 1200.00
Owner Tenant
Luis Eduardo Deniz Valencia
Herman Triers Plads 6
Denmark Passeig Xavier Azqueta, 6B

[email protected]

To take the next step: The tenant must send the deposit to Airbnb agent responsible for this transaction. The payment must be sent within 24 hours of the inspection date above. Payment will be sent by Bank Transfer .

Here are the representatives Airbnb payment details that you use for this transaction

Mr. Stefan Bija
Sort Code: 9070
Account Number: 1625343468
IBAN: DK7290701625343468
Bank Name: Sparekassen Vendsyssel
Address: Strandvejen 62, 9800 Hjørring,

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Tranfer # 27539089

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Purchase protection and refund:
Currently this owner deposit €1,000.00 in a Airbnb purchase protection account. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 7 days. The seller is unable to withdraw money from it, within this period.
If you need refund for this transaction, the amount will be taken from the account purchase protection and will be sent to you. The refund will be sent to your bank account by check or money order. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is Airbnb Company.

Important Guidelines for use:
1. The contact information should only be used for resolving matters related Airbnb.
2. This transaction is protected by Airbnb services such as insurance, feedback and dispute resolution.
3. Can you rent or buy with confidence in all transactions with this Airbnb member.
4. Keep the transaction number. Complaints must be made within 7 days from the verification date.

If you experience any problems with this transaction, please contact us click here. If you contact our support team, use the reply feature so that all previous correspondences are in your e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to process your request. To make a refund, simply reply to this message and type in the subject line: Request for refund Airbnb transaction #27539089

Thank you for Airbnb!

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities

by Michelle Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:55 am
Airbnb LTD. <[email protected]>

Airbnb Transaction #27539089 started!
Current status: Pending payment!

Dear customer, we have approved the transaction, please fill your Airbnb transaction in 5 easy steps:
1. Both parts agree on the transaction terms and price;
2. The owner contacts Airbnb with the transaction details;
3. Airbnb accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required);
4. The tenant sends the deposit to our representatives. The payment is verified and locked;
5. Getting the documents and keys and the property is checked.

Enjoying purchase protection; the payment must be sent using the method below.
Attention: Sending the payment by any other method, will void this transaction and your right to refund.

Transaction Number Date Amount
27539089 September 22, 2015 EUR € 1200.00
Detail Quantity Price
Documents and Keys: Calle de Antonio Acuña, 27,
28009 Madrid
1 EUR € 1200.00
Owner Tenant
Niels Bertelsen
Herman Triers Plads 6
[email protected]

To take the next step: The tenant must send the deposit to Airbnb agent responsible for this transaction. The payment must be sent within 24 hours of the inspection date above. Payment will be sent by Bank Transfer .

Here are the representatives Airbnb payment details that you use for this transaction
Mr. Lucian Vredoiu
Sort Code: 600849
Account Number: 68153813
IBAN: GB28NWBK60084968153813
Bank Name: Natwest
Address: 2 Three Tuns Parade Stafford, WV10 6BF, Road Wolverhampton
United Kingdom

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Tranfer # 27539089

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Purchase protection and refund:
Currently this owner deposit €1,000.00 in a Airbnb purchase protection account. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 7 days. The seller is unable to withdraw money from it, within this period.
If you need refund for this transaction, the amount will be taken from the account purchase protection and will be sent to you. The refund will be sent to your bank account by check or money order. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is Airbnb Company.

Important Guidelines for use:
1. The contact information should only be used for resolving matters related Airbnb.
2. This transaction is protected by Airbnb services such as insurance, feedback and dispute resolution.
3. Can you rent or buy with confidence in all transactions with this Airbnb member.
4. Keep the transaction number. Complaints must be made within 7 days from the verification date.

If you experience any problems with this transaction, please contact us click here. If you contact our support team, use the reply feature so that all previous correspondences are in your e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to process your request. To make a refund, simply reply to this message and type in the subject line: Request for refund Airbnb transaction #27539089

Thank you for Airbnb!

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Wed Oct 21, 2015 6:05 am
From: "Airbnb LTD." <[email protected]>

Airbnb Transaction #27539089 started!
Current status: Delivery Started - Payment Pending!

Dear Michelle Banks

We have to announce you that we have received the first deposit made by you for the 1 month of rent + security deposit.
The delivery of the keys and the contract has started and they are now on France border .
When the keys were at the border to pass it towards your destination, there at the border they have inspected the papers and the contract .
The delivery has been stopped !
The reason is that the contract has been made for a period of 6 months and up to a undetermined period until you will make the decision how long you will wish to stay in the apartment .
They have explained to us that the rules and the conditions of the contract must be accomplished so they can let the keys and contract pass the France border .
So to avoid and resolve this problem we must announce you that you must pay the rest of 5 months in advance .
Please make this deposit of 2250 EUR to our company bank account so we can proof at the border that the contract is fully accomplished and continue this delivery with success .
You will receive this money 2250 EUR back when the agent will meet with you.

Here are the representatives Airbnb payment details that you use for this transaction
Mr. Robert Oun
IBAN: DK8468120001077926
Bank Name: Sydbank
Address: Jernbanegade 6, 8800 Viborg, Denmark

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Transfer # 27539089

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Thank you for Airbnb!

Copyright © 2015 Airbnb, Inc. All rights reserved.

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:44 pm
From: Airbnb LTD. <[email protected]>

Airbnb Transaction #27539089 started!
Current status: Pending payment!

Dear customer, we have approved the transaction, please fill your Airbnb transaction in 5 easy steps:
1. Both parts agree on the transaction terms and price;
2. The owner contacts Airbnb with the transaction details;
3. Airbnb accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required);
4. The tenant sends the deposit to our representatives. The payment is verified and locked;
5. Getting the documents and keys and the property is checked.

Enjoying purchase protection; the payment must be sent using the method below.
Attention: Sending the payment by any other method, will void this transaction and your right to refund.

Svendsen Erik Steen
Herman Triers Plads 6
[email protected]

Here are the representatives Airbnb payment details that you use for this transaction
Mr. Sarmina Racman
IBAN: IT35I0760105138211339811343
Address: VIALE EUROPA 190/A , ROMA (RM) , 00144 , ITALY

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Transfer # 27539089

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Purchase protection and refund:
Currently this owner deposit €1,000.00 in a Airbnb purchase protection account. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 7 days. The seller is unable to withdraw money from it, within this period.
If you need refund for this transaction, the amount will be taken from the account purchase protection and will be sent to you. The refund will be sent to your bank account by check or money order. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is Airbnb Company.

Important Guidelines for use:
1. The contact information should only be used for resolving matters related Airbnb.
2. This transaction is protected by Airbnb services such as insurance, feedback and dispute resolution.
3. Can you rent or buy with confidence in all transactions with this Airbnb member.
4. Keep the transaction number. Complaints must be made within 7 days from the verification date.

If you experience any problems with this transaction, please contact us click here. If you contact our support team, use the reply feature so that all previous correspondences are in your e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to process your request. To make a refund, simply reply to this message and type in the subject line: Request for refund Airbnb transaction #27539089

Thank you for Airbnb!

Copyright © 2015 Airbnb, Inc. All rights reserved

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:57 am
From - [email protected]

Airbnb Transacción # NHM8SM825 comenzó!
Estado actual: Pago en Tramite

2015-10-16 19:51:02 +0000

Estimado cliente, hemos aprobado la transacción, por favor complete la transacción Airbnb en 5 sencillos pasos:
1. Ambas partes están de acuerdo en los términos de la transacción y el precio;
2. Los contactos del propietario Airbnb con los detalles de la transacción;
3. Airbnb accepta la transacción y ofrece protección del alquiler (si la transacción es rechazada, no se requiere ninguna otra acción);
4. El inquilino envía el depósito a nuestros representantes. El pago es verificado y bloqueado;
5. Los documentos , las llaves y la propiedad estan verificadas por Airbnb;

Disfrutando de protección de la compra; el pago debe ser enviado por el método de abajo.

Atención: El envío del pago por cualquier otro método, anulará esta transacción y su derecho a la devolución.

Documentos y Llaves: Calle Sierra Bermeja, 62, 29602 Marbella/Málaga, España


Marco Enrest [email protected]
Kurfürstendamm 35
10719 Berlin

Para dar el siguente paso: El inquilino debe enviar el depósito de agente de Airbnb responsable de esta transacción. El pago debe ser enviado dentro de las 24 horas de la fecha de la inspección anterior. El pago será enviado por Transferencia Bancaria
Aquí están los representantes Airbnb detalles de pago que se utilizan para esta transacción
Nombre del Agente: Tudor-Marian ARTENIE
Cuenta Bancaria: 63356892
Sort Code: 20-77-62
IBAN: GB93BARC20776263356892
Nombre del Banco: Barclays Bank
Direccion del Banco: 1 Station Road, Knowle, B93 0HW, United Kingdom

Por favor escriba en Referencia / Motivo de pago : Transferencia # NHM8SM825

Una vez que el pago se ha enviado, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros con el documento de confirmación del pago :
[email protected]
Luego esperar a la confirmación de que se verifique el pago. Una vez que el pago esta confirmado por el agente Airbnb, usted será contactado.

Reglas Importantes:
1.La información de contacto sólo se debe utilizar para resolver asuntos relacionados Airbnb.
2.Esta transacción está protegida por los servicios Airbnb, como los seguros, la retroalimentación y la solución de controversias.
3.¿Se puede alquilar o comprar con seguridad en todas las transacciones con este miembro de Airbnb.
4. Mantenga el número de transacción. Las quejas deben hacerse dentro de los 7 días desde la fecha de verificación.

Si experimenta algún problema con esta transacción, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros .Si se comunica con nuestro equipo de soporte, utilice la función de respuesta de manera que todas las correspondencias anteriores están en su correo electrónico. De lo contrario no seremos capaces de procesar su solicitud. Para realizar una devolución, simplemente responda a este mensaje y escriba en la línea de asunto: Solicitud de reembolso Airbnb transacción #NHM8SM825
Gracias por utilizar Airbnb!

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:39 pm
From: Airbnb LTD. <[email protected]>
Subject: Transacción # NHM8SM825

Airbnb Transacción # NHM8SM825 comenzó!

Tenemos que anunciar que hemos recibido el primer depósito hecho por usted por el de 1 mes de alquiler 380 Euros + depósito de seguridad 800 Euros.
La entrega de las llaves y el contrato ha comenzado y ahora están en la frontera con Francia.
Cuando las llaves estaban en la frontera para pasar la directa hacia su destino, no en la frontera se han inspeccionado los papeles y el contrato.
La entrega se ha detenido!
La razón es que el contrato se ha realizado durante un período de 6 meses y hasta un período indeterminado hasta que se tome la decisión de cuánto tiempo va a querer quedarse en el apartamento.
Ellos nos han explicado que las normas y las condiciones del contrato deben llevarse a cabo para que puedan dejar las llaves y el contrato de pasar la frontera de Francia.
Así que para evitar y resolver este problema debemos anunciar que usted debe pagar el resto de 5 meses de antelación.
Por favor haga este depósito de 1900 euros a nuestra cuenta bancaria de la empresa para que pueda revisarlo en la frontera que el contrato es completamente realizado y continuar esta entrega con éxito.
Usted recibirá este dinero 1900 EUR volver cuando el agente se reunirá con usted.

Aquí están los representantes de Airbnb datos de pago que se utilizan para esta transacción
Nombre del Agente: Badea Cristian Augustin
Cuenta Bancaria: 251224051228
IBAN: IT79Q0760105138251224051228
Nombre del Banco: Poste Italiane Spa
Direccion del Banco: Viale Europa 190, 00144 Roma, Italia

PD Por favor escriba en referencia / Motivo de pago: Transferencia # NHM8SM825

Una vez que el pago ha sido enviado, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros con el documento de confirmación de su sucursal bancaria local en el apoyo directo: [email protected]

A continuación, esperar a la confirmación de que se verifique el pago. Una vez que el pago es confirmado por el agente de Airbnb usted será contactado.

Gracias por Airbnb!
+44 7624 811064. - 07624 811064

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:37 am
De: Airbnb LTD. <[email protected]>
Asunto: Airbnb Transacción # NHM8SM825 comenzó!

Airbnb Transacción # NHM8SM825 comenzó!
Estado actual: Pago en Tramite

Estimado cliente, hemos aprobado la transacción, por favor complete la transacción Airbnb en 5 sencillos pasos:
1. Ambas partes están de acuerdo en los términos de la transacción y el precio;
2. Los contactos del propietario Airbnb con los detalles de la transacción;
3. Airbnb accepta la transacción y ofrece protección del alquiler (si la transacción es rechazada, no se requiere ninguna otra acción);
4. El inquilino envía el depósito a nuestros representantes. El pago es verificado y bloqueado;
5. Los documentos , las llaves y la propiedad estan verificadas por Airbnb;

Disfrutando de protección de la compra; el pago debe ser enviado por el método de abajo.

Atención: El envío del pago por cualquier otro método, anulará esta transacción y su derecho a la devolución.

Propietario Inquilino
Alexander David Muller
Kurfürstendamm 35
10719 Berlin
[email protected]

Para dar el siguente paso: El inquilino debe enviar el depósito de agente de Airbnb responsable de esta transacción. El pago debe ser enviado dentro de las 24 horas de la fecha de la inspección anterior. El pago será enviado por Transferencia Bancaria
Aquí están los representantes Airbnb detalles de pago que se utilizan para esta transacción
Nombre del Agente: David Iftimia
Cuenta Bancaria: 93547736
Sort Code: 20-08-98
IBAN: GB39 BARC 2008 9893 5477 36
Nombre del Banco: Barclays Bank
Direccion del Banco: 449 Stratford Rd, Birmingham B11 4LD, United Kingdom

Por favor escriba en Referencia / Motivo de pago : Transferencia # NHM8SM825

Una vez que el pago se ha enviado, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros con el documento de confirmación del pago :[email protected]
Luego esperar a la confirmación de que se verifique el pago. Una vez que el pago esta confirmado por el agente Airbnb, usted será contactado.

Reglas Importantes:
1.La información de contacto sólo se debe utilizar para resolver asuntos relacionados Airbnb.
2.Esta transacción está protegida por los servicios Airbnb, como los seguros, la retroalimentación y la solución de controversias.
3.Se puede alquilar o comprar con seguridad en todas las transacciones con este miembro de Airbnb.
4.Mantenga el número de transacción. Las quejas deben hacerse dentro de los 7 días desde la fecha de verificación.

Si experimenta algún problema con esta transacción, por favor póngase en contacto connosotros .Si se comunica con nuestro equipo de soporte, utilice la función de respuesta de manera que todas las correspondencias anteriores están en su correo electrónico. De lo contrario no seremos capaces de procesar su solicitud. Para realizar una devolución, simplemente responda a este mensaje y escriba en la línea de asunto: Solicitud de reembolso Airbnb transacción #NHM8SM825
Gracias por utilizar Airbnb!

Copyright © 2016 Airbnb, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:21 am
Scammer reported using telephone number

+34 617598042

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