Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:17 am
Division Federal EAVF at http://divisionfederaleavf.net


I imagine this one is aimed at victims of Mexican timeshare scams who are refusing to make payments to fake investment/escrow companies.

It was previusly at http://www.divisonfederaleavf.org

Division Federal EAVF. fue creado como una extensión del Gobierno Federal como método de investigación y acción contra la ilegalidad. Nuestra institución se enfoca en la investigación detallada de los casos con procedencia ilícita y fraudes económicos donde se incurrieron abusos y falsificaciones de identidades con el fin de una obtención económica.

Nuestro país se enfrenta a un fenómeno delincuencial que trasciende las fronteras físicas. En este contexto, se materializó la necesidad de una interacción constante entre los actores del orden internacional mediante una colaboración eficaz y efectiva para resolver los asuntos en los que México está involucrado.

Con la colaboración de Investigadores y abogados altamente calificados Division Federal EAVF. tiene entre otras facultades la investigación de los delitos del orden federal, así como su seguimiento ante los Tribunales de la Federación.
Division Federal EAVF. was created as an extension of the Federal Government as a method of investigation and action against illegality. Our institution focuses on the detailed investigation of cases with illicit origin and economic fraud incurred where abuse and falsification of identity were used to obtain an economic variety. Our country is facing a criminal phenomenon that transcends physical boundaries. In this context, we materialized a constant interaction between the actors of the international order through efficient and effective collaboration to resolve the issues that Mexico is involved in.

Division Federal EAVF. was created as an extension of the Federal Government as a method of investigation and action against illegality. Our institution focuses on the detailed investigation of cases with illicit origin and economic fraud incurred where abuse and falsification of identity were used to obtain an economic variety. Our country is facing a criminal phenomenon that transcends physical boundaries. In this context, we materialized a constant interaction between the actors of the international order through efficient and effective collaboration to resolve the issues that Mexico is involved in.

With the cooperation of investigators and highly qualified attorneys, Division Federal EAVF. has the liability to investigate all violations of the federal law as well as prosecuting those found guilty.

Av. Periférico Manuel Gómez Morín #3176, Ciudad Granja, Zapopan Jalisco, México.
Teléfonos / Phones: 52- 33-4170 8131
Toll free: 01-866-224-5658
Email:[email protected]

Created 17th December 2015 for 1 year only by someone in North Dakota?


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