Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Michelle Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:59 pm
[email protected]

Transaction ID #: 371926372115 - 2006 Honda Civic EX

This is a confirmation mail regarding authenticity of Clara Bart Vehicle Purchase Protection membership. We verified all the details of this transaction and we concluded that they are accurate and the transaction is approved.
eBay seller Clara Bart has selected eBay Motors Vehicle Purchase Protection Program to handle a secure on line transaction with you.
Seller Name: Clara Bart

A Verified Member in good standing.
Identity and/or Contact Information Verified.

After verifying the membership of this specific member and confirming his overall good standing, we have approved the development of this transaction, based on the seller's purchase protection account on file with eBay Safety Department. Currently the seller can provide a Vehicle Purchase Protection Coverage up to US $10,000.00 (because of his 100% feedback). Transactions with this eBay seller are covered by purchase protection against fraud and description errors. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 30 days time period.

Inline image 5
Transaction ID #: 371926372115
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016
Item Title: 2006 Honda Civic EX
Item Condition: Used
Shipping: FREEShipping (3 business days)
Item Price: US $2,000.00

Please pay for your item so that the seller can ship it as soon as possible!

eBay Verified Agent Details!
Name: Adam Adkins
Address: 2103 Parkland Way
City: Norman
State: OK
Zip: 73069
Country: United States

Pay at MoneyGram agent location!
Invoice # 371926372115
Price: US 2,000.00
Shipping: US 0.00
Moneygram Fee: US 40.00
Total : US 2,040.00
Payment status: Pending

Name: Clara Bart
Address: 5622 Erskine St
City: Omaha
State: NE
Zip: 68104
Country: United States
Certified by VPP and eBay Inc!

How to make the payment?

Click Here! to locate the nearest MoneyGram Office; MoneyGram agents are primarily banks, post offices, exchange offices or retail locations - grocery stores, mail box centers, drug stores, travel agencies, depots, other retail locations.
Go to MoneyGram with cash ($2,040), your ID, and make the payment using the above eBay verified agent's details (the service you have to use from MoneyGram is a person to person transfer)

Complete the MoneyGram form with:
Your name and address, as the sender;
The agent's name and address, as the receiver;
The amount you have to send.

How to confirm the payment?

By faxing the MoneyGram payment receipt at our fax #: +1 (844) 240 5734
Reference # (8 digit number on the receipt)
The exact sender's name and address on the MoneyGram receipt
The exact receiver's name and address on the MoneyGram receipt (eBay Verified Agent)
Total amount sent
Transfer fees
We strongly advice you to send payment confirmation by both fax and email !
For any questions please respond by replying to this invoice. Your email will go directly to our Customer Support Department.

When the payment is received, it will be verified and secured into a non-interest bearing trust account. Payment verification process usually takes less than 12 hours. After payment is secured, the Seller is authorized to ship item. Your funds will not be released to the Seller until you have received and approved the item you are purchasing.
The Buyer receives the item and has 5 days to inspect it. If it is complete and as described, the Buyer should accept the item. If he refuses the item, the Buyer must ship the item back to the Seller within 5 business days and the Seller will support the shipping charges.
After the inspection period is over, the Buyer must contact eBay with the result of the inspection. If the Buyer refuses the item, the refund will be sent to the Buyer after the tracking number for the returned shipment is verified. If the item is accepted, eBay submits the payment directly to the Seller within 3 business days.

Marketplace Safety Tip
You are receiving this e-mail because you are going to buy an item over the www.craiglist.org and your seller requested to use eBay Vehicle Purchase Program. The eBay Motors Vehicle Purchase Protection Program offer a set of services that build protection into every step of the vehicle buying process. Some of the elements are automatically included when you buy an item covered by the program element (not all elements are available for all vehicles) while some of the elements are available for a small fee. The eBay Motors Vehicle Protection Program is your safety net in the rare occasion that something goes wrong. The eBay Motors Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP) Program provides protection of up to $50,000 against certain losses associated with some types of fraud. You are automatically enrolled in the program at no charge when you want to purchase a vehicle from a verified member. These terms and conditions shall govern your participation in the VPP Program.
Complete your eBay transaction in 5 easy steps:
Buy with Confidence! eBay protects your vehicle purchase against fraud and material misrepresentation.
This program is provided for FREE on all eligible vehicle transactions. There is no sign-up, opt-in, or registration necessary.
Complete your eBay transaction in 5 easy steps!
Buyer and seller agree on the transaction terms and a selling price. Seller contacts eBay with the transaction details;
eBay accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection to the buyer (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required from either the buyer or the seller);

The Buyer receives an invoice and complete the money transfer to Vehicle Purchase Protection Program Department.
After the payment is received by eBay Vehicle Purchase department and approved the seller will initiate the delivery.
The seller has three business days to send the buyer and eBay the tracking number of the shipment. If no tracking number is provided, a full refund is immediately sent to the buyer;

Buyer receives the merchandise and has five days to inspect it. If it is complete and as described, the buyer should accept the merchandise. If he refuses the merchandise, the buyer must ship the merchandise back to the seller within three business days. The seller will pay for shipping back the merchandise

After the inspection period is over ( 5 business days ), the buyer must contact us with the result of the inspection. If the buyer refuses the merchandise, the refund will be sent to the buyer after the tracking number for the returned shipment is verified. Should you need a refund for this transaction, the insured amount will be taken from the seller's purchase protection account and sent to you. The refund is sent to your bank account, or by check or money order.
You have 30 days from the above verification date to request a refund. Refund requests are processed within 3 days.
Copyright © 2016 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. eBay Inc. is located at 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125.

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities

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