Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by createedemos Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:25 am
Traktor bol na našej farme v Dunsfold, Plaistow Road, Godalming GU8 4PQ, Anglie. V tomto okamžiku je traktor v opatrování Transwings (dodávka spolecnosti). Jak jsem psal již dríve, mel jsem kupce z Opava, na Ceské republice, ktery chtel koupit traktor. Bohužel, on nereaguje na naše volání. TransWings mi dal nabídku 420 liber nebo 590 EUR pro dodávky a služby notáre. Souhlasím s nezaplacenou polovinu techto nákladu, pokud bychom dokoncili tuto dohodu co nejdríve.
Dovolil jsem si, aby vám napsal nejaké podrobnosti o traktoru. Traktor je technicky ve velmi dobrém stavu, bez vad nebo problému s motorem.

K dispozici je následující příslušenství, které je plně zahrnuto v ceně: přední zvedací mechanizmus, lžice-lopata a paletizační vidle.
Registrace a pojišťovací dokumenty jsou aktuální, což umožnuje velmi jednoduchou změnu vlastnictví.
Prihlásil jsem se na vládní financní prostredky na nákup nových zemedelských zarízení, ale musím za to zaplatit. Chci prodat své puvodní vybavení tak rychle, jak je to možné, abych mel na zaplatení zálohy.
Bylo mi zdeleno, že Zetors jsou v poptávce v Ceské republice nebo Slovensko.
Pokud souhlasíte s cenou a podmínkami, prosím, pošlete mi vaše údaje (jméno, adresa, telefonní císlo) abych mohl kontaktovat Transwings na pripravu smlouvy o prodeji traktoru.
Moje texty jsou preložene pomocí Google Translate, ale doufám, že je mužete pochopit. Pokud budete potrebovat další informace prosím, zavolejte mi na +447425870074 (anglicky).

S pozdravem, Adam Macea

Google translate:

The tractor was on our farm in Dunsfold, Plaistow Road, Godalming GU8 4PQ, England. At this point, the tractor is in custody Transwings (delivery company). As I wrote earlier, I had buyers of Opava, to the Czech Republic, who wanted to buy a tractor. Unfortunately, it does not respond to our call. TransWings gave me the offer of 420 pounds or 590 EUR for supplies and notary services. I agree with unpaid half of these costs when we have completed this agreement as soon as possible.
I took the liberty to write to you some details about the tractor. The tractor is technically in very good condition, without any defects or problems with the engine.

The following accessories are available, which is fully included in the price: front lift, bucket-bucket and forks.
Registration and insurance documents are up to date, which makes it very simple change of ownership.
I applied for government funds to purchase new agricultural facilities, but I have to pay for it. I want to sell original equipment as quickly as possible, I had to paid the deposit.
I was are told that Zetors are in demand in the Czech Republic or Slovakia.
If you agree with the price and terms, please send me your details (name, address, phone number) to be able to contact Transwings in the preparation of contracts for the sale of the tractor.
My lyrics are translated using Google Translate, but I hope you can understand. If you need further information please call me on +447425870074 (English).

Sincerely, Adam Mace

by Bryon Williams Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:40 am
I will copy and paste Mike Wilson's reply to your last post. You will also need to translate your post to English. We are an English speaking forum.

Mike Wilson to you on a previous post:
You did not provide enough information to make an accurate determination.

Any company offering equipment for sale on the internet using a free email account such at gmai, hotmail, etc. is probably a scam.

Never used equipment of any kind without an in person inspection.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

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