Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Michelle Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:35 am
Od: "Airbnb INC" <[email protected]>

irbnb Transaction #901657 started!
Current status: Pending payment!

Dear customer, we have approved the transaction, please fill your Airbnb transaction in 5 easy steps:
1. Both parts agree on the transaction terms and price;
2. The owner contacts Airbnb with the transaction details;
3. Airbnb accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required);
4. The tenant sends the deposit to our representatives. The payment is verified and locked;
5. Getting the documents and keys and the property is checked.

Enjoying purchase protection; the payment must be sent using the method below.
Attention: Sending the payment by any other method, will void this transaction and your right to refund.

Transaction Number Date Amount
901657 February 22, 2016 EUR € 680.00
Detail Quantity Price
Documents and Keys : Ulica 28 Maja 51 1 EUR € 680.00

Martina Mozzoni
Via Maddalena 5
[email protected]

o take the next step: The tenant must send the deposit to Airbnb for this transaction. The payment must be sent within 24 hours of the inspection date above. Payment will be sent by Bank Transfer .

Here are our Central Bank Account agent details that you use for this transaction
Spiridon Ion Marian
IBAN: IT51L0760105138222509922513
Via Lombardia 10 Treviglio,24047 - ITALIA

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Transfer # 901657

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Purchase protection and refund:
Currently this owner deposit €1,000.00 in a Airbnb purchase protection account. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 7 days. The seller is unable to withdraw money from it, within this period.
If you need refund for this transaction, the amount will be taken from the account purchase protection and will be sent to you. The refund will be sent to your bank account by check or money order. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is Airbnb Company.

Important Guidelines for use:
1. The contact information should only be used for resolving matters related Airbnb.
2. This transaction is protected by Airbnb services such as insurance, feedback and dispute resolution.
3. Can you rent or buy with confidence in all transactions with this Airbnb member.
4. Keep the transaction number. Complaints must be made within 7 days from the verification date.

If you experience any problems with this transaction, please contact us click here. If you contact our support team, use the reply feature so that all previous correspondences are in your e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to process your request. To make a refund, simply reply to this message and type in the subject line: Request for refund Airbnb transaction #901657

Thank you for Airbnb!

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities

by Michelle Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:17 am
From: Airbnb INC <[email protected]>
Subject: Transaction Started and Payment Request !

Current status: Pending payment!

Dear customer, we have approved the transaction, please fill your Airbnb transaction in 5 easy steps:
1. Both parts agree on the transaction terms and price;
2. The owner contacts Airbnb with the transaction details;
3. Airbnb accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required);
4. The tenant sends the deposit to our representatives. The payment is verified and locked;
5. Getting the documents and keys and the property is checked.

Enjoying purchase protection; the payment must be sent using the method below.
Attention: Sending the payment by any other method, will void this transaction and your right to refund.

Maria Maya Bealugi
Via Maddalena 5
[email protected]
To take the next step: The tenant must send the deposit to Airbnb for this transaction. The payment must be sent within 24 hours of the inspection date above. Payment will be sent by Bank Transfer .

Here are our Central Bank Account agent details that you use for this transaction
IBAN: IT02R0760114100001031610122
Via Falterona 44, 52014 Poppi - ITALIA

P.S. Please write on Reference/Reason for payment : Transfer # 901657

Once the payment has been sent, please contact us with the confirmation paper from your local branch bank at live support: [email protected]
Then wait for the confirmation that the payment is verified. Once the payment is confirmed by Airbnb agent you will be contacted.

Purchase protection and refund:
Currently this owner deposit €1,000.00 in a Airbnb purchase protection account. For your safety, this account was locked today, for 7 days. The seller is unable to withdraw money from it, within this period.
If you need refund for this transaction, the amount will be taken from the account purchase protection and will be sent to you. The refund will be sent to your bank account by check or money order. Refund requests are processed within 3 days. The insurer of this transaction is Airbnb Company.

Important Guidelines for use:
1. The contact information should only be used for resolving matters related Airbnb.
2. This transaction is protected by Airbnb services such as insurance, feedback and dispute resolution.
3. Can you rent or buy with confidence in all transactions with this Airbnb member.
4. Keep the transaction number. Complaints must be made within 7 days from the verification date.

If you experience any problems with this transaction, please contact us click here. If you contact our support team, use the reply feature so that all previous correspondences are in your e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to process your request. To make a refund, simply reply to this message and type in the subject line: Request for refund Airbnb transaction #901657

Thank you for Airbnb!

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Thu Jun 16, 2016 4:19 pm
From: Airbnb INC <[email protected]>

Abbiamo ricevuto la conferma scritta che siete d'accordo con i nostri termini e le procedure.
Qui di seguito troverete ulteriori dettagli che spiegano passo passo le azioni che dobbiamo intraprendere.

Ci piacerebbe anche informarvi che affitto a lungo termine sono affidate a Airbnb come una società di terze parti, quindi la consueta procedura di pagamento on-line fatto direttamente attraverso il sito web Airbnb`s non è disponibile.

Airbnb terzo accettano il pagamento via servizio di trasferimento Money Gram. www.moneygram.it

Istruzioni di pagamento:

Secondo la nostra politica il passo successivo è quello di trasferire il denaro per l'agente assegnato per gestire la transazione tramite il servizio Money Gram.

Importo di trasferire comprende le tasse Money Gram: € 700
Appartamento : Firenze, Via Gaetano Milanesi ,Italia

Dettagli Proprietario :
Gordana Botalla
64 Withers Close
Ne47 5gq Allenheads
Regno Unito

Dettagli Airbnb dal nostro agente da Regno Unito :

Referenza di pagamento: Numero di transazione : 52390

Affinché i nostri agenti siano in grado di convalidare il trasferimento nel più breve periodo di tempo possibile, si prega di inviare una mail di conferma e la ricevuta scannerizzata dal Money Gram al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: [email protected]

Non appena avremo la conferma che il pagamento è stato ricevuto si prepara tutti i documenti necessari e noi programmare una visita all'appartamento.
Nel caso in cui si decide di non noleggiare rimborsiamo il pagamento in 24 ore.

Grazie per aver scelto di Airbnb!
Questa e-mail è confidenziale.
Esso è destinato solo il destinatario di nome (s).
Se avete ricevuto questo messaggio per errore si prega di avvisare il responsabile del sistema o immediatamente il mittente e non rivelare il contenuto a chiunque o fare copie.
** Norton Antivirus scansione questa e-mail per i virus **
Il team Airbnb

Inviato con Black heart (cards) da Airbnb HQ

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:58 am
Airbnb INC <[email protected]>

Dear Michelle Banks

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Amount to transfer: EUR 800
Apartment : Wien , Austria

Tenant Details :

Owner Details :
Maria Veracruz
Cami Del Mig 66 2N 2A
08349 Barcelona
[email protected]

Airbnb Bank Account Details from our central bank from Spain Sucursale :
Account Holder Agent: ROBERT JIPA
IBAN: ES81 2048 0234 1030 0400 2456
ADDRESS: Carrer Major 18, 43003, Tarragona - Spain

Payment Reference: Transaction No: 419
**So that we can credit your payment, your 5 digit transaction number - 419- must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

Sent with Black heart (cards) from Airbnb HQ

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:27 am
Airbnb INC <[email protected]>

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Amount to transfer: EUR 1260
Apartment : Wien , Austria

Owner Details :
Katrin Faerber
Via Napo Torriani 19
20124 Milano

Airbnb Bank Account Details from our central bank from Hungary Sucursale :
Bank Name: OTP BANK
IBAN: HU37 1177 5025 3656 7887 0000 0000
ADDRESS: Feny Utca 11-13, Budapest 1024 - Hungary

Payment Reference: Transaction No: 52316
**So that we can credit your payment, your 5 digit transaction number - 52316 - must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by Michelle Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:34 pm
From: Airbnb INC <[email protected]>

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Owner Details :
Rosita Udinese
Via Napo Torriani 19
20124 Milano

Airbnb Bank Account Details agent from our central bank from Italy Branch :
Account Holder Agent: DARIUSZ JEDYNAK
IBAN: IT76Z0760105138204099904101
ADDRESS: Via Mascagni,11,73010, Arnesano - Italia

Payment Reference: Transaction No: 419
**So that we can credit your payment, your 3 digit transaction number must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

Sent with Black heart (cards) from Airbnb HQ

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by vasko Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:52 pm

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Amount to transfer: EUR 600
Apartment : Ljubljana , Slovenia

Tenant Details :

Owner Details :
Tanja Petric
Via Balma Aldo 30
00155 Roma

Airbnb Bank Account Details agent from our central bank from Italy Branch :
Account Holder Agent: PAVEL LARISA
IBAN: IT47E0760105138212248212250
ADDRESS: Longarone Piazza Nove - Italia

Noted MW

Payment Reference: Transaction No: 93841
**So that we can credit your payment, your 5 digit transaction number - 93841 - must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

Sent with Black heart (cards) from Airbnb HQ

[email protected]

I was scammed :(
by Mike Wilson Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:33 pm
Hello vasko,
I am sorry to hear that you lost money to these criminals. Thank you for taking the time to post this information as a warning to other possible victims.
If you have any additional questions please ask.

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon
by Michelle Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:36 am
From: Airbnb INC <[email protected]>

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Amount to transfer: EUR 1330
Apartment : Wien , Austria

Owner Details :
Barbara Salreno
Via Napo Torriani 19
20124 Milano

Airbnb Bank Account Details agent from our central bank from Italy Branch :
Account Holder Agent: BOLEK DUNAJSKI
IBAN: IT44V0760105138240730940739
ADDRESS: Morciano Di Leuca, 73040, Lecce - Italia

Payment Reference: Transaction No: 93841
**So that we can credit your payment, your 5 digit transaction number - 93841 - must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

Sent with Black heart (cards) from Airbnb HQ

If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities
by ngr215 Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:43 am
Even I got the same kind of mail,


Dear xxxxxxxxx ,

We have received your written confirmation that you agree with our terms and procedure.
Please find below further details explaining step by step the actions we need to take.

We will also like to inform you that long term rentals are being handled by Airbnb as a third party company, therefore the usual procedure of online payment done directly through Airbnb`s website is not available.

Airbnb third party accept payment only via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service (or SEPA) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer

Amount to transfer: EUR 900
Apartment : Hamburg , Germany

Tenant Details :

Owner Details :
Jhoanna Bruneder
Via Marsala 11/A
20121 Milano

Airbnb Bank Account Details agent from our central bank from Italia Branch :
Account Holder : DAMIAN SYKORA
IBAN: IT15Y0760105138277892377901
ADDRESS: Via Rimini 12,Porto Cesareo,73010 LE - ITALIA
Noted (BW)

Payment Reference: Transaction No: W28948
**So that we can credit your payment, your 8 digit transaction number - W28948 - must be quoted in the transfer details as the payment reference.

In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from the bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get the confirmation that the payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents and we will schedule a visit to the apartment.
In case you decide not to rent we refund your payment in 24 hours.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
This e-mail is confidential.
It is intended for the named recipient(s) only.
If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
** Norton Antivirus scanned this email for viruses**
The Airbnb Team

Sent with Black heart (cards) from Airbnb HQ

Attachments area
Last edited by Bryon Williams on Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total. Reason: Removed personal information.
by Bryon Williams Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:06 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners,

Thank you for the post.

What email address did they use with you?

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/

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