Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:17 pm
Macro Acquisitions LLC at http://macroag.us


Macro Acquisitions LLC is an online and traditional broker/dealer. Macro Acquisitions LLC stands for a fast and professional handling on the stock exchange and on the over-the-counter market. With the transaction systems Macro Acquisitions LLC offers tailor-made tools for individual trading demands. With the Macro Academy Macro Acquisitions LLC provides its customers a large and free of charge education and advanced training platform. Currently Macro Acquisitions LLC services more than 56.000 customers and carries out approx. 1 million trades per year.

At inception we meet with you to listen to you and understand your objectives. Once we have understood your needs, we consider what investment options might suit you best from structure to portfolio composition which we then present to you – each investment proposal is unique to the individual client's needs and objectives. Each client is allocated a dedicated experienced Investment manager who acts as your primary Macro Acquisitions LLC relationship manager but is backed by a strong team of in–house research and asset specialists.

Once the proposal is agreed and implemented, accessibility is a core feature of the Macro Acquisitions LLC Wealth Management service and you will have direct access to your investment manager as well as regular generation of reports on transactions, performance and holdings so you have full transparency on your investments.

Macro Acquisitions LLC was established in early 2003 by an experienced team of specialists and investment bankers aiming to create the ultimate and most innovative trading experience. The company employs over 150 employees with offices in more than 3 cities worldwide.

1717 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone 1 215 525 0371
Fax 1 215 689 4161

Created in 2013 and renewed annually since.


by Terminator5 Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:29 pm
(215) 525-0371
Owner's name hidden by Whitepages for privacy reasons
Owner is based in Philadelphia, PA
VoIP - Broadvox-CLEC SMSEnabled

(215) 689-4161
Owner's name hidden by Whitepages for privacy reasons
Owner is based in Philadelphia, PA
VoIP - Broadsoft/XO Communications SMSEnabled

Macro Acquisitions Llc

http://www.whitepages.com/business/PA/P ... tions-LLC-

Sorry, we could not find a match.

Daniel 8 :25
by Terminator5 Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:41 pm

Public Alert: Unregistered Soliciting Entities (PAUSE)

List of Unregistered Soliciting Entities That Have Been the Subject of Investor Complaints

The SEC receives complaints from investors and others, including foreign securities regulators, about securities solicitations made by entities that claim to be registered, licensed and/or located in the United States in their solicitation of non-US investors, and entities not registered in the United States that are soliciting US investors.

In some cases, the complaints are about entities claiming to offer investments endorsed by governmental agencies, including the SEC. These claims are important because when an entity claims to be registered with the SEC, it is in effect claiming that it has made itself available for SEC regulation and oversight. Generally, US entities that solicit you to purchase or sell securities for your own account are required to register with the SEC. For this reason, it is important for you to consider whether the entity that solicits you is, in fact, registered with the SEC.

In many cases, SEC investigation reveals that the soliciting entities are not registered in the United States as they claim or imply. In an effort to warn the public about these entities, the SEC is publishing information it has learned in reviewing these complaints.

For each of the entities named below, the SEC has determined that there is no US registered securities firm with this name. Where applicable, the "Note" section for each entity provides additional relevant information we have learned. The SEC will regularly update this list.

Additional PAUSE Lists

In addition to the unregistered soliciting entities listed below, the SEC also receives complaints about entities impersonating genuine US registered securities firms as well as entities falsely claiming affiliation with government agencies or international organizations, including the SEC:
•Impersonators of Genuine Firms
This is a list of entities that use a name that is the same as, or similar to, the name of a US registered securities firm, notwithstanding the fact that the soliciting persons are not affiliated with a US registered securities firm.
•Fictitious Regulators
This is a list of entities that claim an endorsement, approval or other support by a governmental agency or international organization that does not exist or does not really lend support to the entity or the investments it is offering.

You should be aware that these lists do not include all unregistered entities, impersonators of genuine firms, fake regulators, or entities that have been the subject of complaints received by the SEC. Also, you should understand that the inclusion of a name on these lists does not mean that the SEC has concluded that a violation of the US securities laws has occurred or that the SEC has made any judgment about the merits of the securities being offered by these entities.

You can view the official SEC release describing and providing more details about these lists. If you have information, questions or comments about the entities on this list, submit a question or complaint to the SEC.
•Archive of Unregistered Soliciting Entities


Daniel 8 :25

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