Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:12 am
ABM International Transfer at http://abminternationaltransfer.com

If someone has recommended this firm to you they are a fraudster.
Any associated deal is a scam.
If they offer you a job it will be as a money mule.


We are a Delaware based company with national reach that offers escrow agent services, stock transfer, registrar services and complimentary business services.

We serve over 1,100 clients and provide these clients with a full range of services — dependably, day in and day out. Your selection which. means that you will have a partner capable of meeting all your needs as they change and grow.

We focus our service on businesses just like yours. Unlike many of the bank agents which focus their systems and allocate their most experienced personnel to large shareholder-based accounts, we understand the needs of the mid-sized and smaller companies. Your selection of us ensures that you will be treated well and fairly, and that you and your shareholders will feel like the important clients you are.

Our technology is state-of-the-art. We use the CSSII system, the most widely accepted and recognized transfer system in the country. Your selection of us means that your needs can be easily met without lengthy and potentially costly programming and delay.

We offer a complete range of services and specialize in assisting firms with their Initial Public Offering or Small Shareholder Buy-Back Program.

We will provide quality service to you every day and be more responsive than other agents. Our senior staff averages almost 25 years of experience. These managers will be personally involved in making sure that your needs are met. Your selection of us means that you will finally enjoy working with your transfer agent.

Our pricing is clear, fair and a great value. We do not charge you inflated minimums because larger accounts receive special pricing considerations. Our pricing is all-inclusive and we do not charge extra simply because you need an extra list or a set of labels. You may expect to save 40% or more with us.

Corporate Headquarters
ABM International Transfer
43 East Regal Boulevard Newark, DE 19713
E-Mail [email protected]

Created anonymously in 2013 but changed hands in June 2016


by Terminator5 Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:07 pm
Claimed location address appears to be a vacant residential lot in Newark , Delaware . Careers page and services page code 404 . Fake Escrow and Money Mule Scams.


Contact Us

We provides a number of avenues for clients and shareholders to contact us. We encourage you to take advantage of our experience and expertise. Our goal is to provide helpful information as promptly as possible. E-mail contacts are encouraged.

Corporate Headquarters
ABM International Transfer
43 East Regal Boulevard
Newark, DE 19713

General – [email protected]

Note: No account information may be given out over the phone for safety purposes. All requests for account information must be in writing. Please include your name, the company you own stock in and where you would like the response sent to. Replies may be requested sent via E-Mail for faster response.

Escrow Services

Delivering Excellence

Treating your escrow with personal attention is our business. From property sales to relocations, our Escrow Officers possess the know-how to handle a variety of services with meticulous care.

» Residential Resale
» New Home Sales
» Manufactured Homes
» Commercial/Industrial Real Estate
» Investment Properties
» Business Opportunities
» Refinance
» Relocation
» Real Estate Owned (REO)

Residential Resale

Definition: The act of buying or selling a previously owned home.

The role of escrow in the sale or purchase of a previously owned home is to ensure the following steps and requirements are met by all parties involved in the real estate contract:
Both the Buyer and Seller complete all forms and instructions necessary to complete the transaction, including documentations required by federal, state and local governments.
The Buyer deposits funds sufficient to meet the total sales price plus costs. (Usually, some of the funds are obtained through new lender financing, although Buyers sometimes assume the Seller's current loan, obtain financing directly from the Seller or pay all cash.)
The Buyer furnishes any documentation required by the new lender, such as evidence of new fire insurance coverage for the property.
The Seller deposits a deed to the property in favor of the Buyer. (This is generally prepared by escrow.)
The Seller furnishes all required disclosure reports and the governing documents of any applicable Homeowners Associations.
The new lender deposits loan proceeds.

Once all conditions of the escrow have been met, the deed is recorded to transfer the ownership interest in the property to the Buyer (other documents may also be recorded at this time, including a trust deed, which is the lender’s security document), and net proceeds are paid to the Sellers.

Choosing an escrow company that will treat your closing with personal attention and the highest level of customer service is a crucial component of your timely closing. Your Escrow Officer must meet every deadline and understand each factor in your transaction. TMR Transfer Ltd. understands that every residential resale has its own unique combination of circumstances, and our Escrow Officers possess the education and experience to overcome both the anticipated and unforeseen challenges.

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New Home Sales

Definition: The act of buying a house, directly from the Builder, that is currently in the process of being built or has recently been constructed.

The purchase of a new home is very different from that of a previously owned home. First and foremost, the Builder of your home has already contracted with an escrow company that they trust to handle the close of every Buyer’s transaction. In turn, the Buyer receives the benefit of an established business relationship: an informed Escrow Officer who is well-versed in both the specialized arena of new developments, and the standard procedures and practices of a particular Builder, which helps to streamline the entire process. Our Builder Services Division manages all aspects of the home building escrow process and maintains a substantial escrow staff to handle heavy-volume closings and Builder deadlines.

TMR Transfer Ltd. maintains a solid reputation among Builders and holds a proven track record of helping them meet their everyday business challenges. Members of this specialized division are experts in the new home market, active members of the Building Industry Association and other industry organizations. We provide attention to detail and professional service for both the Builder and Buyer.

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Manufactured Homes

Definition: The act of buying or selling a manufactured (or 'mobile') home.

The sale and transfer of manufactured homes is considered a specialized area of real estate. First, unless attached to the foundation, a manufactured home is considered personal property, making the guidelines for this escrow different from those of a site-built house. In this instance the home is registered with the Department of Housing and Community Development. However, when the property is affixed to land, it is considered real property and the transaction is then similar to that of a residential resale, regulated by the Department of Corporations.

A specialized Escrow Officer who understands all regulations and has up-to-date knowledge of this unique process, is an absolute necessity in providing a smooth transaction. TMR Transfer Ltd. remains educated on all laws and requirements involved in manufactured home sales and our in-house dedicated Escrow Officers are extremely capable of successfully handling these types of transactions.

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Commercial/Industrial Real Estate

Definition: The act of buying or selling a property that is zoned for commercial or industrial use.

Commercial/Industrial transactions are considered by some to be the most difficult to manage and close successfully. The sale often requires that more than just real property pass through escrow and may include multiple leases and deposits (and, in the case of business sales: personal property, inventory, and/or liquor licenses). While commercial/industrial sales follow the same basic procedures as residential resale, there are many more details involved in commercial closings. For this reason, an Escrow Officer who comprehends every aspect of the transaction and can establish the most efficient processes in the best interests of all parties often proves to be a rare commodity.

Our specialized commercial/industrial Escrow Officers have successfully managed and closed a wide variety of transactions including:
Investment Properties
Land Acquisitions
Retail Properties
Office Buildings
Shopping Centers

We are proud that brokers and principals trust our commercial transaction specialists to manage thousands of commercial, industrial, investment property and business opportunity escrow transactions every year.

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Investment Properties

Definition: A property that is not occupied by the owner, usually purchased specifically to generate a profit through rental income or resale.

Investment Properties commonly fall under the umbrella of commercial/industrial real estate due to a large interest in office buildings, regional malls, multi-family apartment communities, and grocery and drug store anchored shopping centers.

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Business Opportunities

Definition: The act of buying or selling a business or franchise.

A business opportunity is also known as a bulk sale. The sale of a business may or may not include the sale of real property, as there are occasions when the business owner is leasing a building and only desires to sell the business name, goodwill, client list and inventory or merchandise.

Bulk sale escrows are controlled by state regulations to protect not only the Seller and the Buyer but to ensure that existing creditors have an opportunity to satisfy their claims before the business is sold. An important part of the Escrow Officer's duty is to arrange for the sale to be advertised in local publications so that creditors are notified where and when to submit their final bills. An Escrow Officer who specializes in this unique type of escrow is essential to the success of a business sale.

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Definition: To replace an existing mortgage loan with new financing.

Refinancing involves the payoff of an existing loan with the proceeds from a new loan, using the same property as collateral. In order to decide whether this is worthwhile, the savings in interest must be weighed against the fees associated with refinancing. Additional reasons to refinance include reducing the term of a longer mortgage, replacing an adjustable rate loan with a fixed-rate loan or withdrawing cash equity in real property by obtaining a larger new loan.

The process of refinancing can sometimes be a problematic and cumbersome endeavor that requires innovative problem solving and timely follow-up. Leading financial institutions trust TMR Transfer Ltd. to process refinance transactions for their customers.

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Definition: To become established in a new place of business and residence.

Often a company makes a commitment to financially support the relocation of employees on a regular basis and will choose to use a relocation company to coordinate these transactions. If an employer has contracted with a relocation company, the escrow company has been chosen long before the escrow is opened. The role of a well-informed and communicative Escrow Officer is essential due to the unique characteristics of a relocation transaction.

Unlike many locations that use attorneys and/or closing companies, in Hong Kong, the Escrow Officer performs all the following functions:
Prepares escrow instructions specific to the practices of the relocation company in addition to the original purchase agreement prepared by the Real Estate Agent.
Works with the relocation company and/or its agents to complete the necessary documentation and effect the employer's customary cost credits to the employee through the closing.
Coordinates with the new lender to verify employer requirements, prepares estimated closing statements and arranges for the clients to sign the new loan documents.

TMR Transfer Ltd. has a handful of Escrow Officers who specialize in such transactions. They are experienced in the handling of this multi-layered and complicated escrow. Relocation transactions require constant communication with a professional who takes care to tend to every detail and specification of each relocation contract. Place your trust in The TMR Transfer Ltd. Company for excellence in attention and service.

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Definition: The acquisition of property which is in the possession of a lender as a result of foreclosure or forfeiture.

R.E.O. stands for Real Estate Owned. Often as the economy takes a downturn owners face a predicament in which they must turn the property over to the lending institution because the mortgage cannot be met.

Commonly, when a Buyer plans to purchase an R.E.O. property, they incur special challenges such as tighter time-lines and rigorous policies. We have a team of Escrow Officers who specializes in R.E.O. transactions and understands the importance of taking action on all matters within 24 hours.

Daniel 8 :25

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