Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:22 pm
Transnational Regulatory Authority at http://registryjpn.com

We are the regulating authority for investment firms and institutions in Japan providing oversight, policy change as outlined by the Diet of Japan and its councilors. Our primary responsibility is to maintain the stability of Japan's investment systems and for protecting the interests of shareholders, insurance policy holders and securities investors. We endeavor to ensure Japan's monetary systems operate smoothly through policy making and supervision of private investment institutions.

Planning & Policy Making

The policy and legal division is tasked with the overall planning and policy making of the investments system. Planning and policy making concerning non-banking business and planning and policy making of teh scheme for resolving investment trouble.

The biggest task is the overall coordination, formulation of fundamental and overall policy, affairs dealing with the National Diet of Japan, the review of regulatory provisions, policy evaluation, public relations, information disclosure, liaison and corrdination with local and foreign bureaus, administrative litigation and solving financial trouble.

Inspection & Supervision

The Inspection Coordination Division is responsible for the overall control and conduct of investment inspections. The Risk Management Inspection Office conducts investment inspections concerning integrated risk management and adherence to governing rules.

Responsibilities also include the formulation of inspection policy and inspection plans, establishment of standards for investment firm inspection, review of inspection reports and notification of the results of financial inspections.


The monetary system offers financial intermediation functions and settlement function economy. The financial intermediation functions mean to supply necessary funds to individual corporations that need funds from other individual corporations that have extra funding.

The settlement functions refer to the practice with which payment for goods and borrowing or lending money is undertaken without cash transactions. These financial functions ensure efficient allocation of funds and ensure efficient allocation of funds and also assure smooth settlement that sustain economic investment. These functions are both indispensible for the sound development of the Japanese and global economy and ensure a sound financial system.

Transnational Regulatory Authority
Tokyo, Japan.
Call Us: +81 (123) 456-78-90

Created 2nd February 2017 for 1 year only


by HannahsDad Fri Feb 03, 2017 1:08 pm
Firms we serve
? Ichigo ?
HC Asset Management – Legitimate websites http://www.hcax.com and http://www.investmentinjapan.com
Sompo Holdings – Legitimate website http://www.sompo-hd.com/en
The mountain logo belongs to the legitimate Prudential at https://www.prudential.com
Sony Financial - Legitimate website http://www.sonyfh.co.jp
Togaku Securities - Legitimate website https://www.easthillfx.co.jp/en
Makita Management – oh dear me. See viewtopic.php?f=10&t=133536

by HannahsDad Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:00 am
We are presently in the process of migrating our site to a new provider. With recent changes to policy regarding internet privacy, the TRA felt better suited to migrate all internet traffic to a hosting company who shares the same values as we do concerning the privacy of clients, the privacy of employees and the confidentiality of proprietary information. We do apologize for the short downtime this will cause however privacy is a right that all indivuals should have and we take privacy matters with a high regard of priority.

Presumably those "values" will need to permit fraudulent websites!

by HannahsDad Sun Feb 05, 2017 9:55 am
Now back in full

But still at the same hosting company.

No proper address, no telephone number, just an email address
[email protected]

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