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by HannahsDad Wed May 24, 2017 5:14 pm
INPA Independent National Procurement Agency (Ghana)

The introduction of Public Procurement Reforms in Ghana followed a World Bank Country Procurement Assessment survey conducted in 1999 which established the link between poor/weak public procurement procedures and corruption as well as its far reaching negative consequences on national development especially in the area of infrastructural development in Ghana. The Assessment Report revealed that $0.60 was being lost to underhand practices out of every $1.00 spent by Government and that an average of ten Billion US Dollars ($10b) was being lost annually due to fraudulent practices in the award and execution of public contracts through inflation of contract cost, lack of procurement plans, poor project prioritization, poor budgeting processes, lack of competition and value for money and other kinds of manipulations of the procurement and contract award processes. In order to address the above shortcomings, the Ghanainitiated the Public Procurement Reform as part of its Economic Reform agenda designed to restore due process in the award and execution of government contracts. This led to the setting up of the Budget Monitoring and Price Intelligent Unit (BMPIU known as Due Process) in 2001 to implement the Federal Government's Public Procurement Reform Policy aimed at minimizing open abuses to known rules, processes and standards in the award and execution of public sector contracts in Ghana. Following the growing Public demand that the reforms are sustained and institutionalized with legal backing, a Public Procurement Bill was articulated in 2002 by the Leadership of BMPIU and presented to the National Assembly. The Public Procurement Bill was thereafter passed by the National Assembly on the 30th of May, 2003 and subsequently signed into Law by Mr. President on the 4th of June, 2003. The INPA achievements over the past decade years have earned it a reputation for transparency, integrity, fairness, competitiveness and equal opportunity. This has undoubtedly played a major role in boosting investors’ confidence in the nation’s economy, and enhancing the prestigious status for the Ghana, both regionally and internationally.

Address: No.49 Nautical Road P.O.BOX 273,Accra Ghana
E-mail: [email protected]

Created 22nd May 2017 for 1 year only

Similarly the Regional Independent Procurement Agency, Ghana at http://ripagh.org
238 Kumasi Layout, Broadway Station, Accra, Ghana
Email : [email protected]

AEDSPAS The Agency for Economic Development and Social Planning for African States at http://aedspas.org
House no. 7 AEDSPAS Building, Ring Road, Accra . P.O.Box 3006 Ghana.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +233 264 619 507

BPP - Ghana Bureau of Public Procurement at http://ghbpp.org
P.O.Box 6326 NO 18/19 BPP Building Temple Avenue, Accra - Ghana.
Email: @ghbpp.org


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