Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:40 pm
CBRFOC - Cross Border Regulatory Financial Oversight Commission at http://www.cbrfoc.org

Anyone referring you to this “organisation” is a fraudster.
Any company endorsed by this organisation is a fraud
Any “deal” involved is a scam

CBRFOC since its inception in 2013, is a not for profit G20 initiative, and UN observer organization, constituted so as to include representatives of the public and private sector and allow elected and coopted expertise from the G20 nation states and emerging global economies. The CBRFOC is not a think tank but is born out of necessity to ensure organizational cross borders integrity and at the same time ensure the practical participation of the sector customer, the humble investor and has developed “best practice” standards for conducting benchmarks, price assessments, insurance and professional practices that serve to enhance consumer confidence in all such assessments and more generally, promotes, both the integrity, and efficiency of the global financial markets and its continually unfolding products. CBRFOC first issued its principles in preliminary form in September 2014, and refined them based on a series of multilateral discussions with many significant participants with a view of achieving an across the board consensus with special reference to their clarity and observance through their practicality.

List of Fradulent Companies

These companies get bad fame very quickly. Therefore scammers are building and generating new websites of new companies, products and even regulatory bodies at an amazing rate. There is never going to be a totally safe firm or a totally watertight without risk investment. There is a wealth of ingenious new binary option, digital currency, investment tools and companies who sell them and they are forever trying to persuade you or they try to obtain some credibility for brand new "asset management", "investment services", "financial holdings" companies, they are generating incredible amount of sometimes very convincing press releases and advertisements all over the internet.

The Office of the Cross Border Regulatory Financial Oversight Commission decides whether an organization is eligible to become, or continue to be, a community interest company. It is responsible for support, investigating complaints - taking action if necessary - and it provides guidance and assistance to help people..

77Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku. Sakai City Osaka 590-8577 Osaka, Japan
Tel: +81 6 45604869
Email: [email protected]

Created anonymously 13th June 2017 for 1 year only


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