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by HannahsDad Sun Jul 23, 2017 3:14 pm
Private Equity Investments at http://privateequityinvestments.co.uk


Opportunity to invest in first round of fund raising
Entry levels from £5000 with high returns
Multinational company with large expansion plans
Multiple exit strategies for investors

A slate of valuable tax benefits are offered to investors, including 30% income tax relief on the total investment.
Company is set to build the words first specialised Networking platform for Tech academics and employers.
Company has network of 1,500 employers signed up to internship programs.
Company operates in London and Barcelona with planned expansion into USA, Europe and China.
Company has network of 1,500 employers signed up to internship programs.

Enterprise Initiative Scheme (EIS) Benefits

The EIS is designed to help SMEs raise finance by offering a range of tax reliefs to investors who purchase new shares in these SMEs. Investors are eligible for the following tax reliefs:

Up to £1 million per individual may benefit from 30% income tax relief. For each £100,000 of investment, the actual cost is £70,000. The whole of this allowance can be carried back to the previous tax year to offset against income tax, i.e. a theoretical £2 million could be invested of which £1 million (the maximum EIS qualifying investment in a single tax year) could be carried back to the last tax year.

With increasing rates of tax and restrictions on pension's contributions, this opportunity may be increasingly attractive for tax planning. Shares must be held for a minimum of three years from the date they are issued to the Investor for this relief to be available.

Provided the shares are held for a minimum of three years, there is no Capital Gains Tax (CGT) due on the proceeds. However, the shares can be held for much longer, to realise the investment potential, thus continuing sheltering gains from CGT and potentially sheltering substantial capital gains.

Inheritance Tax (IHT) has been dubbed the 'optional tax', and many individuals today are exposed to potential IHT bills, largely because of relatively high property prices. However, high-earners are potentially more exposed. After two years from the investment date, EIS qualifying companies generally fall outside the estate for IHT purposes, potentially allowing considerable assets to be preserved intact for dependants, saving 40% IHT.

Loss relief applies in the event a share should become crystallised at a loss. Were a share to be worthless, the loss could be offset against income tax. For a 40% taxpayer, the £70,000 net cost could be offset against that year's tax bill, or the previous tax year's allowing £28,000 to be claimed back, so the actual loss would be £42,000. In other words, 42p in the pound is the maximum exposure i.e. less than half the original outlay is at risk. For a 45% taxpayer, the same relief mitigates downside exposure to 38.5p in the pound. Losses can also be offset against CGT at the prevailing rate, currently 28% for higher-rate tax payers, in either the current tax year or subsequent tax years.

This is also available in addition to the above and is not capped at £1 million. This allows up to three-year-old capital gains tax to be rolled over into EIS qualifying companies and potentially be further reduced by other tax allowances over a period of time, such as timing disposals in order to utilise annual CGT allowances and inter-spousal transfers to maximise tax efficiency.

Private Equity Investments. All Rights Reserved. Private Equity Investments is the trading name of Vantage Initiative a limited liability company registered in England and Wales (No. 09995620). Registered office: 107 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 4AF.
Totally untrue.

Call Us: 0203 865 0251

Created 13th February 2017 for 1 year only


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