Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.

by Bryon Williams Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:51 am
^^^^ In the future please post evidence of the scam.

Emails received minus your personal information.

If not your post may be removed.

Pm also sent.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by Car Scam Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:57 am
Jasper Lauritsen <[email protected]>:
Hallo ,

Hier finden Sie die Webseite des Transportunternehmens: http://al-transport-ltd.eu

Leider habe ich bereits einen Vertrag mit dem Transportunternehmen und ich habe alle Liefergebühren für das Auto in die Schweiz bezahlt. Die einzige Wartezeit, um das Auto jetzt zu kaufen, ist, die Dienste des Transportunternehmens zu nutzen, da das Auto bereits in deren Gewahrsam ist. Wie auch immer, wie ich bereits sagte, müssen Sie sich keine Sorgen machen, da Sie 5 Tage Zeit haben, eine Autoinspektion durchzuführen und die Autopapiere zu überprüfen und wenn Sie es mögen, werden Sie es kaufen, wenn nicht, können Sie es ablehnen. Du hast nichts zu verlieren . Sie zahlen nur das Geld für das Auto. Keine zusätzlichen Gebühren. Du magst - du kaufst. Es ist einfach. In dieser Testphase kannst du jeden Test machen, den du willst. Das einzige was du vorsichtig sein musst ist, das Auto nicht zu beschädigen.

Wie ich bereits sagte, werde ich für die Versandkosten bezahlen. Das ganze Geld, das Sie bezahlen müssen, ist der Preis des Autos. Ja, Sie haben fünf Tage Zeit, um das Auto zu fahren, um die Dokumente zu verifizieren, und Sie können es auch bei einem örtlichen Mechaniker-Workshop überprüfen. Über die Anzahlung, ja, sobald ich Ihnen die Transaktion bestätige, werden Sie vom Transportunternehmen mit allen Informationen über den Transport und mit den Zahlungsanweisungen benachrichtigt. Nachdem Sie diese Informationen haben, nächsten Schritt für den Start der Lieferung, müssen Sie 50% vom Preis des Autos auf das Bankkonto des Transportunternehmens übertragen. Sobald Sie Ihre Zahlungsinformationen erhalten haben, beginnt die Lieferung an Ihrem Standort. Nach Ablauf des Prüfzeitraums, wenn Sie sich entschließen, das Fahrzeug zu behalten, wird der Kaufvertrag auf Ihren Namen ausgestellt und Sie müssen den Restbetrag auf das Bankkonto des Transportunternehmens überweisen. Wenn Sie aus irgendeinem Grund das Auto nicht behalten möchten, wird das Transportunternehmen Ihr Geld vollständig zurückerstatten und auf meinen Wunsch wird das Auto an einen lokalen Autohändler verkauft. Das Transportunternehmen hat die gesetzliche Befugnis, alle Dokumente in meinem Namen zu erstellen....

Vorname :
Familienname, Nachname:
Straße und Hausnummer:
Telefonnummer :
Und eine Kopie des Personalausweises oder Führerscheins.

Auf deine Antwort wartend!
Vielen Dank.
Jasper Lauritsen

" It is time for a sustainable energy policy which puts consumers, the environment, human health, and peace first. "
" ESE Energi Konseptet "
Sale Department
Jasper Lauritsen
E-mail: [email protected]
by Bryon Williams Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:05 pm
Google translate as we are English speaking forum.

Jasper Lauritsen <[email protected]>:
Hello ,

Here you can find the website of the transport company: http://al-transport-ltd.eu

Unfortunately, I already have a contract with the transport company and I have paid all delivery fees for the car to Switzerland. The only waiting time to buy the car now is to use the transport company's services since the car is already in their custody. Anyway, as I said before, you do not have to worry because you have 5 days to do a car inspection and check the car papers and if you like it you will buy it, if not, you can refuse it. You have nothing to lose . They only pay the money for the car. No additional fees. You like - you buy. It's easy. In this test phase you can do any test you want. The only thing you have to be careful about is not to damage the car.

As I said before, I will pay for the shipping costs. All the money you have to pay for is the price of the car. Yes, you have five days to drive the car to verify the documents, and you can check it out at a local mechanic workshop. About the down payment, yes, as soon as I confirm the transaction, you will be notified by the transport company with all information about the transport and the payment instructions. After you have this information, next step for the start of the delivery, you have to transfer 50% of the price of the car to the bank account of the transport company. Once you have received your payment information, the delivery will begin at your location. At the end of the review period, if you decide to keep the vehicle, the sales contract will be issued in your name and you will need to transfer the balance to the carrier's bank account. If, for whatever reason, you do not want to keep the car, the carrier will refund your money in full and at my request the car will be sold to a local car dealer. The transport company has the legal authority to create all documents in my name ....

First given name :
Surname, Surname:
Street and house number:
Post Code:
Phone number:
And a copy of the identity card or driver's license.

Waiting for your answer!
Many Thanks.
Jasper Lauritsen

"It is time for a sustainable energy policy which puts consumers, the environment, human health, and peace first."
"ESE Energi Konseptet"
Sale Department
Jasper Lauritsen
E-mail: [email protected]

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen. https://www.odmp.org/
by Martin Runer Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:21 pm
This is the new scammer with new email and new shipping company AS WELL HIS NEW NAME AND NEW ID NOW WITH SELFIE
][email protected]
Johan Christian Cappelen - Director Sales
eMail : [email protected]
Vind Energi C.O. - www.vind-energi.com
Stortingsgata 8
0161 OSLO


Hello Evelyn,

The car and documents are at this moment in the custody of the shipping company in Norway , ready for delivery and I can deliver it directly at your home address within 5 business days . The price is 13.000 CHF including handling and shipping fees.
1 )All I need from you is your name and address;
The transport company will send you e-mail with the delivery documents , the Inspection Report , the transaction identification number ( tracking number) and the invoice with the bank payment information . With the transaction identification number, you can go online to their web page to check 24/7 the status of the transaction.
2) Upon receipt of the shipping confirmation e-mail from the company, the next step is to transfer the 40% 5.200 CHF in the company bank account.
Delivered between foreign countries suppose some expenses and the car will not delivered to the purchaser without warranty.
3) Once the company receives the amount of 40% 5.200 CHF in the account , the delivery directly to your home address starts.
4) You will have to sign for the receipt and from that moment you do have a period of 5 days to make a professional test and max. 500 km to drive it.
5 ) Even if you get the car shipped , you are not forced to buy it, you can reject it and you will be refunded 100% in max.24 hours if the vehicle does not comply with my description or it has technical or mechanical problems. I pay for the return taxes in case that you refuse the car.
6) If the car is ok, you need to sign in the contract of sale and the car is yours.
This is the only way you can buy the car and if you accept it , do not forget to write me back with the info I asked above:

First name : ..........
Last Name: .........
Street and house number: .............
City: .............
District: ..............
Postcode: ...............
Phone Number : ...............
And a copy of the identity card or driving license.

Johan Christian Cappelen - Director Sales
eMail : [email protected]
Vind Energi C.O. - www.vind-energi.com
Stortingsgata 8
0161 OSLO

Hello Evelyn ,

My phone number is : +4740966361
The transport company is www.knr-logistics.eu
The car is already into their custody so you are free to ask them more information . Also to trust me attached you have a selfie where you can see me holding my drivers license and my credit card to see my name on them . I just need from you to trust me . I've paid for the car to be delivered in perfect condition and i want a fair and safe transaction for me and for you

Thank you,
Johan Christian Cappelen - Director Sales
eMail : [email protected]
Vind Energi C.O. - www.vind-energi.com
Stortingsgata 8
0161 OSLO
by Photosensitive Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:00 pm
This looks interesting.

vind-energi.com (1 year reg.) appears to be a copy of the legitimate windside.com

ese-energi.com appears to be a copy of http://enokplan.no

knr-logistics.eu just screams scam and uses text shared with other dubious websites.

For example Delivery Express Courier Services at http://delivery-courier.eu
( +44 703 187 5552 )
Carsales Warehouse at http://www.carsales-warehouse.com
( +44 (0) 7459196040 )
Cargo Express at http://www.cargexpress-limited.com
Delivery Network at http://delivery-network.uk
( +44 703 187 5552 - oh we have seen that number before )
A&L Transport at http://al-transport-ltd.eu (a stolen identity )
( +44 (0) 7442909046 )
Tranzat Services at http://www.icontent.me

and no doubt more ....

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