Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Almstrooked Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:31 pm
This is to warn all who may be taken in by this man!
I had the forethought to not give this person any banking information. Please make sure you do the same. This was an e-mail that I thought might be lagit; because my daughter is in China. Very strange for me to get e-mail from company in China. My daughter and I keep in touch through e-mail mostly. I wrote to her regarding this company; she informed me she knew nothing of them. Watch out for this man.

We Are In Need Of A Book Keeper.?
From: DFS FURNITURES LTD. ([email protected])
Sent: Sun 1/04/09 6:49 AM


I am Peter Woods from Dfs Furnitures Ltd Uk .(
Website: dfs | think sofas think dfs ) Visit our site

DFS Furnitures : We are into furnitures and have a project at hand to
establish various mini-market structures in some parts of the Mexico,
Americas , Canada & Sub
Regions in Europe for the purpose of exhibiting our goods and services .

We are in need of a book keeper. someone who can represent our company in
his/her country and handle the companys payment department in your

Our client in your location will contact you and make the company payment
to you. You will be entitle to 11% of every payment been made out to you.

This is because our company headquaters is in china and most of our
officer are from china and they do not understand english very well.its
hard for them to contact our customers.

Our head office is located in CHINA. But we have a sub-office in the uk.

If you are interested, Kindly get back to us for more information.

EMAIL : [email protected]
PHONE NUMBER : +447024073653.

Send us an email and we will get back to you.



Thank you for your information sent to our company. I have been directed by our board of directors to contact you as regards

The publication made. Due to the language barrier, All employment enquiries are directed contact me.

We know you must being wondering how we got your email address. Participants were selected anonymously through a private ballot system (computer ballot) from over 35,000 companies and 55,000 individual e-mail addresses all over the world. At the final draw your e-mail address emerged as one of our luckyrepresenatative.

As earlier stated in the e-mail you received from our company, you have all possibilities to make good money from home by assisting this company. There is no start-up cost or any other fee to begin working with us.

We need you to establish a medium of receiving payment from our customers/clients in the United States , Canada well as indian.

The rationale for this is not far-fetched, here in China, we have a very slow process in receiving and making payments abroad and this tend to pose hinderances in dealing with our customers and associates abroad.

Before we can proceed with you, we will like you send the company your personel information to enable us update you on our company server. You are required to send us the below verification form.

FULL NAMES:...........................................................
FULL ADDRESS:..........STATE , CITY, ZIP/POSTAL CODE..........................................
CELL PHONE NUMBER:........................................
LAND LINE NUMBER : .................................
FAX:................................. (If any)

As soon as we receive a copy of your VERIFICATION FORM, we will then send it to our payment processing department for acknowlegdement and also we will inform our customers/clients in United States and Canada to contact you whenever they are ready to make payments.

Please understand that in any payment made through you to us, you will be entitled to 11% commission from every payment made by clients. This is put in place to take care of your running cost and miscellaneous activities.

Our client can send you a certified cheque of any amount depending on the kind of purchase he has made. Also he can send payment directly to your bank account, credit card via bank wire.
You will be entitle to 11% of any payment cleared by you.

Please note that we are not involved in any kind of illegal activity and we believe you are a legit person too. You are about to be handlings the companys affairs and we will want you to be legal and legit .

Our company will be responsible for any tax paying.

Thank you for agreeing to work diligently with this company.

I will await your response.


Good day to you. I am Douglas Levi with PMR Consulting and I am contacting you on behalf of MR PETER WOODS of DFS FURNITURES LTD UK. I am handling all their Financial Transactions. I shall be in-charge of informing you of payments to be made, how, when and how such payments shall be disbursed.

I am just opening correspondence with you to make sure we are on the same page. I have your contact details in which payment shall be sent out to by our customers.

Do have your Direct Phone Number sent to us in your reply. I hope to hear from you soon. Have a nice day and thanks for your understanding and time.

Douglas Levi
How are you and your family?I hope all is well.I am William Billings the Accounts officer for DFS Furnitures Ltd.Your Information has been sent to my desk by our Marketing Officer Mr Peter Woods for payment to be made to you.

Before I start having customers contact you for payment,I want to first of all inform you that we have different methods of payment by our customers.I want you to kindly choose from amongs the three below method of payment.

1.Payment By Check.

2.Payment By Bank Transfer.

3.Payment To a Bank Credit Card.

You are advised to choose from amongs the above three methods of payment so our outstanding customers can start making their payments to you without any delay.

I will be standing by to hear from you.

God Bless.

With Best Regards,

Mr William Billings

by Jillian Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:44 pm
Hi Almstrooked and welcome here. I'm very glad to know that you realized the scam before losing any money. Thank you for posting this here, it very likely will save someone else. Keep spreading the word about these scams, it does help!


Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by GomerPyle Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:46 am
For those who don't know, DFS is a very well known and well advertised UK furniture retailer, and undoubtedly has nothing whatsoever to do with this scam.

This scammer is an imposter. The danger being that someone looks up DFS and doesn't realise this.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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