Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Donald Duck Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:20 pm
From Arthur?
Lähettäjä: Arthur Muhammed ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 29. maaliskuuta 2009 13:51:47

Dear Friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise since we have not known or met before now, but please, I would like you to treat it like blood brother affair and with the urgency and secrecy it requires. I am Mr. Arthur Mohammed, an Audit staff of Banque Commerciale Johannesburg South Africa.

An investor (name with-held) died without naming any next of kin to his fund he deposited in my bank. The amount is $1.5M (One Million Five hundred Thousand) and banking regulation/legislation in South Africa demands that I should notify the fiscal authorities after three years. The above set of facts underscores my reason to seek your permission to have you stand in as the next of kin to the deceased.

This fund will be approved and released in your favor as the next of kin if only you will adhere to my instruction and cooperate with me in one accord. I have all the legal and banking details of the deceased client that will facilitate our putting you forward as the claimant/beneficiary of the funds and ultimately transfer of the $1.5M plus interest to any bank account nominated by you. I am prepared to compensate you with a 35% share of the total funds for your efforts. The final details will be given upon receipt an affirmation of your desire to participate.

Please contact me immediately on:[email protected] if you are interested in my proposal to enable me not to start scouting for another foreign partner.


So obvious lies,his bank and next of kin is missing..heh...heh...and I´m his friend...
I sended to him a bait,so let see what he will answer.

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.

by Donald Duck Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:30 pm
I wish to thank you for your reply,I am sorry to contact you through this medium, but I have no choice. Note that what I ask of you is 100% legal and there is no risk to you or your family. All I want from you is your 100% commitment and sincerity and we will move on.

Note that there is no risk involved in this transaction so please have no fear. All that I will want fro you is to follow my instructions and this money will be transferred to you as the Next of Kin. I am ready to give you 40% of the total sum of US$1.5 million for your assistance.

Once again I thank you and promise you that you have nothing to worry about as I have made good plans for this fund to be transferred abroad without any problem. Please write back to me and I will start making the plans immediately. Also please I will like you to keep this transaction confidential because I am still in the employment of the bank and if it’s leaked I may lose my job. All I need from you now is the following and we will start the process.

1. Your full name and address.
2. Your contact telephone and fax number.
3. Your age and occupation.

Once I receive this information i will release more informations and documents that will help us claim this fund. This is my private number so do call me anything you feel, +27 72293 4553

Yours faithfully
Mr Arthur Muhammmed.
+27 72293 4553

This all must be a secret between Mr.Muhammed and me,otherwise they will kick him in the ass,cos he´s
a bad boy by telling things like that to me.
He´s working in his own bank and at the same time cheating them :shock:
Anyway,he will get another bait :twisted:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by The Enchantress Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:57 pm
Well done Donald Duck. :=)

You are posting these scammers and helping others become aware and also helping them to stay safe.

I noticed another scammer using the same phone number +27 72293 4553.

Hello Friend,

I’m happy to inform you about my success in getting the money transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Paraguay. Presently I’m in Paraguay for investment projects with my own share of the total sum.
Meanwhile, I didn’t forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now contact my secretary, his name is Mr. Ken Brown his telephone number is
+27 72293 4553, E-mail is: [email protected] ask him to send
the cash of $800.000.00 which I have made available for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So feel free and get in touched with my secretary and instruct him where to send the amount to you.
Re-confirm below information’s to him:

[1]Your full names
[2]Your Contact address
[3]Your telephone/fax numbers

Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the sufferness at that time. At the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and the new partner are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to the secretary on your behalf to receive that money, so feel free to get in touch with him and he will send the amount to you without any delay.

Best Regard,

Mrs. Doris Janjani.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Donald Duck Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:00 am
Dear Peter C.Pulimov,

Thanks for your quick response to my mail. Once again I thank you and promise you that you have nothing to worry about as I have made good plans for this fund to be transferred abroad without any problem. Please write back to me and I will start executing these plans immediately. I will also like you to keep this transaction confidential because I am still an employee of the bank and if our plan is leaked I may lose my job. Once the money is transferred into your account, you will invite me over to your country where I hope to use my share to start up a business venture with you.

What I will like you to do now is to contact Banque Commercial Bank, South Africa and tell them that you are the next of kin to Engr Robert and that you wish to claim his asset left with the bank. Once they reply you kindly get back to me and we will take it from there.

The email to write them is [email protected], please write them immediately.
Attention your mail to Mr. Daniel Muswange. Once you have done that and they reply you get back to me a.s.a.p. Again I will like to remind you to keep this transaction confindential because I am still working with this bank,let it be between me and you and nobody else.In case you want to discuss further with me, you can get me on this number +27-7229-34553.

Mr Arthur Muhammmed.
+27 72293 4553

My "good friend" Arthur is using the same phone number as Mrs.Doris Janjani,that number is showing to South Africa,so maybe they are a couple..heh..heh...
Anyway,this scammer(group)is very hard worker,but those little mistakes shows that they are not so professionals.
Thank you Enchantress of your valuable post.

I sended another bait to address Mr.Muhammed told,but he´s going to read it him self.
Banque Commercia Bank in South Africa went straight to 419baiter warnings.
As well in Caumeroun and Burkina Faso have those banks,very suspicious :shock:
Hoping these scammers are taking so much stress from their actions as possible(brain damages) :lol:
Now I have to wait next email and read what that bank is going to answer to Peter Pulimov,
so I can start my global business journey with Arthur :rolley:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:30 am

FW: Attn: sir?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 31. maaliskuuta 2009 16:21:34
Vast.ott.: [email protected]


I send this email forward to you,cos you need to fill those open informations.
Like you see,other informations are included in email.
I`m hoping they were those details you needed.
If something else,please dont hesitate to contact me.


Peter Pulimov

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Attn: sir
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:16:43 +0000


Johannesburg, south Africa

Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Web site : http://www.banqucommercial.com

Telex: BCB233TL0433

Email: [email protected]

Attn: Sir

This is to confirm your inquiry about late Mr.Robert V. Chang To help you with your claim, kindly send by email attachment or fax the following information,

1. Your full names and address.Peter Christopher Pulimov :lol:
Pillukatu 5
00640 Mulkkula 49
2. Your contact telephone and fax numbers.tel.+358 700 94010(fee of 25 dollars,when they call ,charity number :mrgreen: )
3. A copy of the death of Mr.Robert V. Chang( Mr.Muhammed)
4. A copy of deposit certificate.( Mr.Muhammed)
5. A copy of your international passport or driver's license.(For identification purpose's only) FILE

Once we receive these information, we will be able to help you.

Mr. Daniel Muswange.

Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Email: [email protected]

When Mr.Mohammed sended to me that name of the dead client,it was Engr Robert,now it was Robert V.Chang.
Well,boys are maybe confused when they are making money. :lol:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:13 am

Hello sir?
Lähettäjä: Arthur Muhammed ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 1. huhtikuuta 2009 10:35:27
Vast.ott.: [email protected]

Hello sir,

Thanks for you email and your proposition, I will be delighted to receive you in South Africa. If you wish to come and see me and wait until we finish this transaction that will be nice.

At the moment I believe that I have given you enough information that the bank requires and I hope that you have sent it to them. I cannot say what the decision of the bank will be, but I believe that we have a good case to get the fund transferred to you as the Next Of Kin, and until that happens I can say if there will be money involved or any other thing, but I will advise you to wait until the bank makes their decision.

However if you want to come to South Africa to see it, you will really enjoy yourself as my country is one of the worlds top holiday destination. Do reply sir.

Arthur Muhammed.

What a great fellow,I gave to him a proposition,and now the most top holiday destination is open to me :=)
In fact,going there is just a commit suicide,"six feet under" in this case.
So I need to play and spend his money and time. :mwave:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:41 am
For [_______________ ]
Issued to:
[ ________________________]
[ ________________________]
Dated [___________________]
From whom transferred to:
[ ________________________]
Dated [ ]
Received Certificate ?. [ _______]
For [ _______________ ]
this [ ______] day of [ _________]
[ ________________________]
[ ________________________]
[ _________ ] [_______ ]
[ ______________________________________________] has deposited the
Sum of [ ________________________________________________________ ] for custody and
investment Subject to section five (5) joint deposit and investment act, and will be rolled over upon the
expiration of every banking quarter. Interest shall be con-currently reinvested unless mentioned otherwise.
B.CB has caused this Certificate to be signed by
its duly authorized officer and its Corporate Seal Is to be hereunto affixed
this[ _______________ ][____________________ ], A.D. [________]
US$1,5 MILLION (One million five hundred thousand dollars)
A109777BD Personal

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:45 am
Full Names of Beneficiary:
Company Name:
Contact Address:
Post Code:
Phone & Fax:
Marital Status:
Occupation : Position Status:
Cash: Bank Draft: TT-Transfer
Receiving Bank Name:
Account Number: Swift/ Routing Number:
Bank Address:
Phone & Fax:
Deposit Certificate Number:
I hereby declare that information given for claims in this form is as true as stated and authentic
Signature & Date
Checked by: Vetted By:
Approved By: Authorized By:
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Telex: BCB233TL0433
Email: [email protected]
www. banqucommecial.
:mad2: :mad2:

These scammers are really working hard,even it´s not leagal :yikes:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:53 am
Date: 1st April 2009
ATTN: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Pillukatu 5
00640 Mulkkula 49
Attn: Sir
Final verification exercise has been carried out by this bank with reference to the documents accompanying your
application for release of fund with this bank in account number Account number: 00-488-972-09.Account Code:
BBARS/878302.MTY originally belonging and deposited by Mr. Robert V. Chang (deceased) to you, therefore we certify
today 1st April 2009 that your are recognized as the benefactor to the account, holding the sum of US$1.500,000.00
million. And has conferred every legitimate and financial rights whatsoever to you to handle this fund. Additional
approval has also been given for the accrued interest of US$50,000.00 (Fifty thousand U.S dollars) which summed up to a
total of US$1,550, 000.00 million. (One million, Five hundred, Fifty thousand United States dollars only.)
Finally this approval has been given a transaction code for easy identification and handling. Always quote this code
anytime you are dealing with the bank. BCB/TAC/2178009. This is a temporary code pending the normalization of the
account. (Change of ownership) This is necessary for the law of South African to recoginse you as the lawful Next of Kin.
Please kindly confirm to Mr. Daniel Muswange of Claims department by email if you will be able to come and represent
yourself, but if you cannot our legal team can apply for letter of administration (oath without will) for you in proxy. Once
granted we will confirm and effect transfer to your nominated bank account. Also kindly complete the form in attachment,
scan and send as email attachment to the Attn: Daniel Muswange, Claim Department.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Amadi Yusuf.

I´m so rich now...

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:01 am
Things are in this point at this moment,I invited my self to Africa,hoping that invite is going through.
Otherwise the deal is off with Mr.Muhammed :lol:
I wan´t very expensive and 5 star hotel to my self,not any cheap place.... :=)

FW: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 2. huhtikuuta 2009 9:55:56
Vast.ott.: [email protected]


I sended email below to the bank,so I´m going to be there in person and I have to ask from you few things.
What is the name of the airport where I come,I will book the flight and let you know arrival time.
You need to look a good hotel from there,and make a reservation when I let you know my arrival time.
I´m hoping that I can come over there as soon as possible,so we can make things happen with the bank.
It´s better me to be there,bank might be need my signatures and documents.
At the same time I can see your beautiful country and see you in person.


Peter Pulimov
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:46:27 +0300


Thank you of your email and informations,I accept those documents you sended.
So next thing for me is to come in person there and put things in order with your bank.
Firs I have to ask what will be the total fees with this thing.

I´m waiting your answer and after that I have to arrange my flight and put my time table in order.

Yours sincerely

Peter Pulimov

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:03 am
This is going just there I believed it goes,money requests from two directions(same person anyway) :mrgreen:
I try to "swim" through those requests so well as I can..

:cool: Mr.Muhammed
RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 2. huhtikuuta 2009 15:52:02
Vast.ott.: [email protected]
I believe that I can handle to you that kind of small sum when I´m over there,and you need to say to me,
do you have a family,and what kind of presents you want me to take with me.
Cos I think those a correct manners and showing that respect you earn.
Don´t worry Mr.Muhammed,I will take care of all expences,we need just get this thing moving on.
I let you know as soon as possible when I can book my self in that flight.


Peter Pulimov

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:54:32 +0000

Hello sir,

The airport that you will land at is O.R Thambo international airport, I will pick you up from there. I have made some enquiries about reservation and i was ask to deposit $250, please if you can send me this fee immediately so that I can make the reservation.

Arthur Muahmmed

:dancebaby: From Bank

RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 2. huhtikuuta 2009 15:41:39
Vast.ott.: [email protected]

Thank you of your informations,I´m taking cash with me when I´m coming.
First thing is to meet you and I give to you that 2,300$ for handling.
When you organize those documents for transfer,I will spend holidays in your beautiful town,
so you will have those needed days.
This all because I want to be there in person that whole time when things are going on,and at the
same time have a quality time.
I have a friend over there,who will arrange my accommodation,but thank you from your tip.
Meet you soon.


Peter Pulimov

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 12:10:17 +0000


Johannesburg, south Africa

Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Web site : http://www.banqucommercial.com

Telex: BCB233TL0433

Email: [email protected]

Attn: Sir

Note that before you come to South Africa , you need to make arrangements for your hotel accommodation and transportation. Also you will have to give us at least three working days notice before your arrival, which will not be later that 22nd April 2009.

You will be required to pay send the sum of $2,300 for handling and adminstrative charges before we give an appointment date to you. Kindly contact me for payment instruction.

Mr. Daniel Muswange

Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Email: [email protected]


Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:55 pm

RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 2. huhtikuuta 2009 20:49:25
Vast.ott.: [email protected]

Usually when I´m doing something,it´s happening fast,and so this time.
Below you can see my booking.
The flight is in Johannesburg(O.R.Thambo International Airport) 9.4.2009 and time is 07.25,
you have to be in the airport with a sighn,where is my name,so I can find you and we can continue.
You didn´t tell to me do you have a family,I can bring some presents to you and your family,
I hope it´s okay with you.
Can you kindly tell to me what kind of presents you want.
I was looking at the hotels,there is Protea Hotel Parktonian All-Suite in 120 De Korte Street,
and I believe it´s my kind of place,can you ask if there is vacancy on that day I´m coming.
And if there is,can you book me in,I think I´ll be there least two weeks,thank you.
When we are doing this kind of business,I need to say that I´m taking just for a case alot of cash
with me,if there is coming any problems with documents and so on,I´m not running out of money.
But I have my credit cards as well with me.
You can call me Peter and I hope you don´t mind if I say Arthur.
See you lkater and if you have something to ask before I come,please do so.

See you

857,26 €
857,26 €
Matkan hinta yhteensä, sis. verot

* 1 aikuinen, 857,26 € yhteensä
* 1 lentolippu(a), aikuinen, 605,00 € /henkilö
* 1 lentokenttävero(t), aikuinen, 252,26 € /henkilö

Meno - keskiviikko 08 huhtikuu, 2009

Mistä Mihin Lähtö Saapuminen Lento Lentoyhtiö
Suomi Frankfurt
Saksa 13:35 15:05 LH3103


Saksa Johannesburg
Etelä-Afrikka 20:45 07:25
9 huhti SA261

South African Airways
South African Airways
Lentoaika: 18t 50min

Vaihda meno

Paluu - torstai 30 huhtikuu, 2009

Mistä Mihin Lähtö Saapuminen Lento Lentoyhtiö
Etelä-Afrikka Lontoo Heathrow
Iso-Britannia 19:50 06:25
1 touko SA234

South African Airways
South African Airways

Lontoo Heathrow
Iso-Britannia Helsinki
Suomi 10:20
1 touko 15:15
1 touko AY832

Lentoaika: 18t 25min

Etelä-Afrikka Lontoo Heathrow
Iso-Britannia 20:20 06:55
1 touko SA236

South African Airways
South African Airways

Lontoo Heathrow
Iso-Britannia Helsinki
Suomi 10:20
1 touko 15:15
1 touko AY832

Lentoaika: 17t 55min

I´m might be come like a pathological liar with these scammers :shock:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:24 am

RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: peter pulimov ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 3. huhtikuuta 2009 12:22:26
Vast.ott.: [email protected]
Thank you of your email,I understand what you said about appointment day.
I booked and payed allready my flight,can´t cancell it.

So I will be in you beautiful country in person thursday 9.4.2009
There is a contact person waiting for me,after that I´m coming to your bank and we can confirm appointment day,
cos I´m staying in your country so far,that we can manage things.

Have a nice day.

Sincerely yours

Peter C.Pulimov

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 07:51:23 +0000


Johannesburg, south Africa

Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Web site : http://www.banqucommercial.com

Telex: BCB233TL0433

Email: [email protected]

Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Pillukatu 5
00640 Mulkkula 49

Kindly note that the Handling and Administrative fee has to be paid upfront before we can confirm your appointment date. Do contact me for payment instruction.

Mr. Daniel Muswange.

Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel / Fax +27 866-982-454
Email: [email protected]

:=) Yes,yes,Mr.Muhammed is getting nervous cos he sended a note,fee has to be paid upfront.He don´t want me to go there this fast :rundude: I can play this stupid!

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:22 am

RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov?
Lähettäjä: Arthur Muhammed ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 3. huhtikuuta 2009 10:46:08
Vast.ott.: [email protected]
Dear Peter,

Thanks for your reply. I will be at the airport waiting as instructed.

A. Muhammed

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Attn: Peter Christopher Pulimov
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 09:37:11 +0300

Hello Arthur.
I´m just waiting that day when I can get that flight and meet you in person.
I´m going to buy to your children i-pods,I think they will like them,
and to you something special,but that is a suprise.

I´m in O.R.Tambo Airport on next thursday 9.4 and time will be in the morning 07.25
The whole flight is taking 18 hours 50 minutes,cos it´s going via Germany.
You need to be in airport with the sighn where is my name,so I can find you,okay.
ps.did you call to that hotel allready.




Mr.Muhammed didn´t tell nothing about hotel,so the plan is pick me up from airport and he have maybe two other people with him,pure heist and a dead body.
This is very serious and dangerous thing to people,who really eat that hook and go to meet those scammers,
no return ticket :shock:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.
by Donald Duck Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:01 am
:lol: :lol:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 08:14:40 +0300

Good morning Arthur.

I bought to your kids those I-pods and something special to you.
How about Mrs.Muhammed,does she exist?
I need to prepare all kind of things berore I come there.
I let you know if time table is chancing by flight,but it seems that there are no problems with that.
I´m waiting us to meet very much.


RE: ?
Lähettäjä: Arthur Muhammed ([email protected])
Lähetetty: 6. huhtikuuta 2009 9:25:41
Vast.ott.: [email protected]
Hello sir,

Yes I live with my wife. Thanks for the gift, please do let me know if your time table changes.

Arthur Muhammed

Very polite fellow,he´s not calling me Peter,even I asked to do so.... :dancebaby:

Every day, we are assaulted by stories of stupid people -- many of whom use their stupidity for personal gain. From time to time, though, we hear of those who strive to achieve new levels of stupidity.

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