Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Terminator5 Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:18 pm
This website uses stolen credit card numbers , and tries to charge your card for merchandise you didnt order .

Credit Card Fraud.

Registration Service Provided By: Namecheap.com
Visit: http://namecheap.com

Domain name: wefeminist.com

Registrant Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected ()

11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Administrative Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected ()
Fax: +1.6613102107
11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Technical Contact:
WhoisGuard Protected ()
Fax: +1.6613102107
11400 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Daniel 8 :25

by Jillian Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:03 pm
wefeminist.com redirects to http://www.handbagssoon.com, which may very well be fake. However, whenever a claim of a scam is posted on the forum at scamwarners, the posting should include evidence of the scam.
Can you please add evidence for this one, Terminator 5?
Additionally, please note for the future that ScamWarners does not deal with fake electronics sites or similiar as our focus is on advance fee fraud. Sites like this can be posted at http://aa419.org , however they usually do not give Database entries to these types of sites.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by Jillian Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:47 pm
I've done a bit of researching for evidence of fakery for handbagssoon.com.

First, I didn't find any secure pages on the website for creating an account, etc.

Next, the site claims to be selling Louis Vuitton handbags. According to much online research,
it appears that the only authorized online sellers are Louis Vuitton themselves and Exluxury.com. All others will be completely fake shops or selling counterfeits.
See: http://www.productsforresale.com/articl ... esale.html
and http://www.ehow.com/way_5796644_can-lou ... real_.html
and http://www.louisvuitton.com - go to the contact us page and look to the left under "Your Questions" for information.

I'll continue to research and add to this thread as applicable.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by xreactx Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:00 pm
The owner of wefeminist.com has the same registration info as the registrant. I registered a domain at namecheap.com because someone on IRC suggested it was cheaper than godaddy. Not long after, the creditcard had several unauthorized uses. I believe the person who suggested the registrar to me owns namecheap.com, could just be paranoia talking, but setting up a DNS server and web server and becoming a registrar isn't a difficult task to anyone who knows how to use google. :laugh-s: It just makes me sick that these arrogant mindless morons actually get away with these things and get high on themselves because of it.

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