Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by princess007 Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:16 pm
Can anyone tell me if Gideon Shuster is a real bank. They are in switzerland and at the minute you cannot access their website. I wonder if it has been taken down because it was part of some scam thing. i am only interested because i wanted to open an offshore account and they seemed as good as any but now i cant find them on any listing of any bank in switzerland. i am intrigued now thats all.

by jolly_roger Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:47 pm
Cannot find any information of said bank in my trusty encyclopedia. Access to the website has been stopped because it probably is fake.
Registrant is listed as PrivacyProtect.org
Domain Admin shows an address of PO Box 16
Nobby Beach in Queensland, 4218. AU
Note - All Postal Mails Rejected, visit Privacyprotect.org
Creation Date: 16-Apr-2012
Expiration Date: 16-Apr-2013
Which all seems strange for a Swiss bank.
by Dotti Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:08 pm
Real banks don't need to hide behind privacyprotect--they have real corporate addresses.

A real bank would not have a 6 month old domain that was only registered for a year.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
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by princess007 Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:49 am
Thanks for that, i figured it was as I could not find it on any search enquiry or swiss bank list, much oblidged to you... :beer:

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