Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by HannahsDad Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:44 pm
This is obviously a fraudulent website as documented in the Employment Scams thread here:

There are also descriptions / complaints elsewhere on the web describing the anonymising and forwarding of parcels

I am forwarding packages that are sent to me, to people in eastern europe. (Ukraine, Moldove, etc,) I receive prepaid USPS labels, already filled in, and forward the parcels via USPS to the addresses in the labels, after removing all enclosed paperwork from all parcels. The parcels come via UPS, FedEx, etc., addressed to me. I must sign the USPS labels when I reship the parcels, as per the USPS. This makes me look like the I paid for the labels online. They are always USPS Express Mail labels. So far there has been no banned items in the parcels. I don't think! Mostly sports nutritional products, tires, toys, and other merchandise.

Since my complaint was filed I have been contacted by FedEx about a fraudulent purchase that was sent to me. I no longer have that parcel as I was instructed to forward it to someone in Russia. This leads me to believe that I have been involved unwittingly in an illegitimate scheme. This parcel was the last one sent to me, and of course I have yet to be paid for my efforts.
I have copies of all communications with the persons involved, as well as shipping labels and invoices.

The individuals names are: Otto Bismarck, and Joseph Garibaldi. Their contact information is:

Joseph Garibaldi
Blue Wave FC
Tel: +44 0208133 1517
Email: [email protected]


Otto Bismarck
Regional Manager Blue Wave FC
Tel: +44 0208133 1517
Email: [email protected]

I am elderly and sick, and I really needed a job, but I don't need any more problems! I hope this helps in putting an end to this scam.
I sent numerous emails directly to Blue Wave Financial Corporation through their website, but of course had no response. I was supposed to be paid close to $3,000, and I sure could use the money, but at least I'm only out my labor not any of my money. I just hope I'm not in any trouble.

Love the names. The telephone numbers are in London, UK, and were used in a previous scam.

But I still think the clincher is their use of photographs of senior Yahoo executives in their "Management Team". Fantastic!


by TerranceBoyce Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:46 pm
They should be shut down for using grey script on a blue background alone.

I love their list of certificates here


Their Chamber Award is best, as being in the name of Blue Wave FC Financial Corporation, anyone in the UK would expect them to be a football club. :D

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle

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