Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by matt_thurston27 Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:52 am

Their E-mail is infogouldinginternail.com

first email i got:JOB TITLE: Account Executive

LOCATION: United Kingdom

SALARY: £18,000 (PART TIME); £24,000 (FULL TIME) - Permanent


- Working together as part of a team across disciplines
- Action oriented
- Integrity and Trust
- Priority setting
- Career Ambition
- The desire to learn

We provide Computer Training,Free tutorials and study material for computer certification in UK.

If you want to work as part of a successful team and would like to learn more about this permanent available opportunity please contact.

HR Manager
Julia R. Nunez
Goulding International Ltd

Second email I got:
More detailed information about available position

Please fill out the "Application form" carefully and send
the form by email.

P.S The application must be completed in full detail
Our manager will call you within 1-2 working days.

Sincerely , Julia R. Nunez
HR Department , Goulding International Ltd

Third E-mail I got:

In attached file you can find Training manual about training
Your training will start on (Monday, 25, February, 2013)

Please confirm that you are ready to start the training
as soon as possible.

P.S. Our manager will call you.

With respect,
Julia R. Nunez,
Goulding International Ltd

here is a document they sent me

Training Course Basic Information

Company is engaged in various financial activities, cooperating with national and international payment services in USA and Europe. Now, the company is expanding its business activity on the territory of UK. Both jobs are considered as office-based and home-based, so that you may choose your working hours and your job-schedule at the first meeting that will be held on fourth training day.
Before you start to work, you should pass a free 10-days training course to practice with software and learn theoretical materials ( and other documents) preparing you for all the duties and future responsibilities. After you complete the free training course, company guarantees your employment within one business day (all necessary assignments will be discussed on the 1st interview already – as soon as your local supervisor receives your practical and test results).
The training course is distant, except for two personal meetings with one of the company’s managers in your city. It combines both practical and theoretical part for each lesson. The lessons will be assisted and controlled online by your local supervisor and distantly (only during the 1st lesson) by the training manager. While studying, you will permanently move from the easiest and the simplest tasks to levels that are more complicated. You will receive studying materials that you should learn and strengthen then your knowledge by passing tests after each practical part.

The training days do not have to be consecutive (you can make breaks for one or several days if it's necessary).

Our trading training courses include the following steps:

1. Initial professional level check (distantly coordinated by training manager): Accounts. Payment systems. Immediate transfers.
2. Determinants of Foreign Currency Exchange Rates.
3. Access to company’s software (trading platform & financial messaging network).
4. Types of Markets. Requests handling. Databases.
5. Brokerage and investment banking. Types of investments.
6. Exchanges between payment systems. Records of different transactions. Reports.
7. Volatility and Variance Products. B2B- and B2C- applications.
8. Interest Rates and Interest Rate Products.
9. Accounting documents. Financial Engineering.
10. Practical usage of training experience. Workday rehearsal with Key Trader (local supervisor).Practical usage of training experience.

Initial professional level check (instructions for the 1st lesson).

1. Your Training Manager (TM) calls prescribe you into the list of trade-trainees and to confirm that everything is ready for the start of practical part of the Lesson. (The training manager will assist you by the phone to report about your skills to organize, calculate, communicate, count, etc.)
2. Then TM informs when the money for practicing with elementary operations and your training wage £30 are available on the account that you have specified for training. (The exact amount can’t be specified at the moment since the training money goes from one training person to another by a chain: company sends the initial amount to the 1st trainee, he/she takes £30 as the training wage and sends to the 2nd trainee the rest of the amount after deduction of the commission for the transaction; the 2nd trainee takes £30 and sends to the 3rd trainee the rest minus the commission etc.(subject to the number of the trainees before you in the training chain, the amount that you receive can be different).
3. You call your TM after withdrawing the total amount to receive new details.
First, £30 you should take for yourself as your personal training wage for the lesson (you may leave it on your account) and the rest of the amount you will use for practicing with Money Gram and Western Union payment systems. Then you go to the nearest Money Gram location to perform a transaction using the data you will receive from your personal manager. Pay attention to the details to be able to compare and learn the differences between this and other financial services.
The Receipt that you get from the Money Gram managers has to be saved.
5. Your TM will provide your practical results according to all references to your local supervisor and compose several questions to check your initial professional level. After you complete the practical part, you will receive theoretical materials. You should answer questions in the test form and send it back to company’s e-mail address within next 24 hours. Some of the questions will concern your practicing for the first training day, some of them will be based on your results (to confirm your skills, abilities, etc).The deadline for sending out the test form: next workday, 6:00 pm.

In response to this email, please specify the day when you are ready to start the training. Your personal training manager will contact you by the phone. So, please, make sure to stay accessible by the phones provided.

Every training step was weighed and deeply tested during our trading and training work so that every person may show the best results. Our education initiatives incorporate classroom learning, simulated trading sessions, specialized financial engineering seminars, and a variety of other instructional programs. We view education as a continuous process—as the markets, products, and valuation techniques evolve, we adapt our coursework to reflect those innovations.

Basically should I set up another account, or just do it through my account? It sounded dodgy at first, but i have looked at their website: Gouldinginternational.com and it looks legit

Opinions? Training is supposed to start tomorrow so could someone reply asap?

by began steele Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:56 am
This is a scam.
Then TM informs when the money for practicing with elementary operations and your training wage £30 are available on the account that you have specified for training. (The exact amount can’t be specified at the moment since the training money goes from one training person to another by a chain: company sends the initial amount to the 1st trainee, he/she takes £30 as the training wage and sends to the 2nd trainee the rest of the amount after deduction of the commission for the transaction; the 2nd trainee takes £30 and sends to the 3rd trainee the rest minus the commission etc.(subject to the number of the trainees before you in the training chain, the amount that you receive can be different).
3. You call your TM after withdrawing the total amount to receive new details.
First, £30 you should take for yourself as your personal training wage for the lesson (you may leave it on your account) and the rest of the amount you will use for practicing with Money Gram and Western Union payment systems. Then you go to the nearest Money Gram location to perform a transaction using the data you will receive from your personal manager. Pay attention to the details to be able to compare and learn the differences between this and other financial services.

It is money laundering or fake cheques and each time you forward cash to a victim no doubt by Western Union. No business is going to send money via a bank transfer or cheque to an internet stranger and neither should you. At best the action you took would be criminal if you did so and you will be left out of pocket by a substantial amount, be blacklisted by all banks, possibly arrested etc. I will check the fake and depending on what arises ensure it is dealt with.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by began steele Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:25 pm
Here is the whois information on the fake site.It is registered for one year which is bad news.
Domain Name.......... gouldinginternational.com
Creation Date........ 2013-02-15
Registration Date.... 2013-02-15
Expiry Date.......... 2014-02-15
Tracking Number...... 1780498276_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Organisation Name.... Neal Martinez
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. US

Admin Name........... Admin PrivateRegContact
Admin Address........ PO Box 61359
Admin Address........ registered post accepted only
Admin Address........
Admin Address. Sunnyvale
Admin Address........ 94088
Admin Address........ CA
Admin Address........ US
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +1.5105952002
Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ TECH PrivateRegContact
Tech Address......... PO Box 61359
Tech Address......... registered post accepted only
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
Tech Address......... 94088
Tech Address......... CA
Tech Address......... US
Tech Email...........
Tech Phone........... +1.5105952002
Tech Fax.............
Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com
Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com

Google maps shows the businesses at the address and this is not one of them .
http://www.gouldinginternational.com/in ... ?q=contact
[email protected]
Selected businesses at this address:
ATM Services NY, Inc.?
Difco Insurance & Financial?
Fashion Update?
Investigative Solutions LLC?
Lane Jewelers?
Lawyers Photo Services?
Pigs Eye Pictures Inc?
Shobek Inc?
TeleStar Locksmiths?
Wall Street Wine Merchants?

ADDRESS: 117 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
The text is stolen.
PowerPoint presentations and trading simulators. For a beginner, this form of education is invaluable. People can self-pace the teaching and can learn from the comfort of their own homes. This is also the more inexpensive form of education. The downside here is that a personal teacher is not available at one’s disposal and one-on-one discussions may not take place.

http://currencytgfarhan.blogspot.co.uk/ ... chive.html
and hereA CLONE!
http://garrisoncg.com/index.php?q=index A SCAM SITE.
ADDRESS: 117 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Reverse Whois:
"Joseph Garcia" owns about139 other domains
Email Search:
is associated with about 544,201 domains
NS History:
1 change on 2 unique name servers over 0 year.
IP History:
2 changes on 2 unique IP addresses over 0 years.
Whois History:
7 records have been archived since 2013-02-16 .
Reverse IP:
206,830 other sites hosted on this server.
Log In or Create a FREE account to start monitoring this domain name
Preview the complete Domain Report for garrisoncg.com

Domain Name.......... garrisoncg.com
Creation Date........ 2013-02-15
Registration Date.... 2013-02-15
Expiry Date.......... 2014-02-15
Tracking Number...... 1780506089_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Organisation Name.... Joseph Garcia
Organisation Address. PO Box 61359
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address.
Organisation Address. Sunnyvale
Organisation Address. 94088
Organisation Address. CA
Organisation Address. US

Admin Name........... Admin PrivateRegContact
Admin Address........ PO Box 61359
Admin Address........ registered post accepted only
Admin Address........
Admin Address. Sunnyvale
Admin Address........ 94088
Admin Address........ CA
Admin Address........ US
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +1.5105952002
Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ TECH PrivateRegContact
Tech Address......... PO Box 61359
Tech Address......... registered post accepted only
Tech Address.........
Tech Address......... Sunnyvale
Tech Address......... 94088
Tech Address......... CA
Tech Address......... US
Tech Email...........
Tech Phone........... +1.5105952002
Tech Fax.............
Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com
Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com
Registration dates are the same and for a year. Big red flag.
Both will get reported for fraud. Could you please post email headers.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by TerranceBoyce Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:08 pm

The CFTC is the Federal agency with the primary responsibility for overseeing the commodities markets, including foreign currency trading. Many state securities regulators also have the right under their state laws to take action against illegal commodities investments. Sometimes the CFTC and the states work together on cases.

Check here


If you did not find what you are looking for, you may have entered the name incorrectly or you may be dealing with an individual or firm not registered with the CFTC and not an NFA member.

The scammer tries to make his business sound complex and that he's the expert. Actually the scammer is ignorant and clueless. A company cannot and does not use cash transmission services like Western Union and MoneyGram.

The scammer is pushing you to act quickly because you'll only manage one payment before the police get to you and, having sent the money by MoneyGram, he's in the clear and cannot be traced. That's why scammers like to use cash transmission services and companies don't.

The scammer is setting you up for a fall.

I've found a doppelganger website but for anyone who finds a site where the company claims to perform FOREX trades, just input their name in to the NFA website and, if it comes up with no result, give it a wide berth.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by began steele Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:50 pm
Terrance is quite right. You will get a cheque for say $3000. You will happily pay it in and wait 3 days for it to clear and it will seem to do so. You will draw it out and forward it to the next person via Western Union. However the next person is actually the scammer and if you kept $30 and $300 commission you will send him $2670. Now comes the problem. Anything from 4 days to 3 months the cheque will prove to be fake. You are now owing the bank $2670 dollars and the scammer has gone with your money. Worse is to come yet. The bank will close your account and possibly report you to police. You may never get a bank account again. The bank may still come after their money too.
If by some chance you are asked to go to Western Union and collect some money to send on, and do it, then you will be sending money to a scammer and that will be money laundering. That I am afraid is a more serious crime with undertones of assisting in the financing of terrorism. Your name is on the forms and you will carry the can and be lucky not to get several years in prison.
It will be a very expensive lesson from Goulding International.CON.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Mike Wilson Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:30 am
http://garrisoncg.com/ is in the process of being reported for fraud.

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon
by TerranceBoyce Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:22 am
http://garrisoncg.com is
503 - Service Unavailable


CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by pirandello Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:06 pm
Definitely a scam, I received a similar mail today from another company called Howell Investment and Associates. According to the person who e-mailed me, a certain Lilian S. Kroll ([email protected]), the company was based in NY, 37 Wall Street. They sent me the same training materials and also some sort of contract. However, they didn't give any details regarding the company's webpage. Documents were stamped, I was actually looking for a job, everything looked pretty legit, except for the contract, which is drawn up very clumsily. See below what I got:

1. Presentation and information material

"Howell Investment Associates
37 Wall Street, New York City, NY 10005, USA, registration number - 770335896.

Howell International Management is the world's favorite provider of online Internet foreign exchange tools and services. Independent rankings consistently confirm that more people - and websites - use our wide variety of currency tools than any others.
Our company is continuously moving forward, as we have traditionally emphasized the quality of our services. In nearly all of the promising areas of development in the Forex industry Howell International Management has developed and implemented its own proprietary solutions, which often do not have analogues on the market. Since June 2012 we have offered trading accounts which often do not have any analogues on the market. Now, along with the advantages you get from trading with the immediate execution of orders in Forex Mini and Forex Classic accounts, our clients have access to all the possibilities of direct access to interbank liquidity in Forex ECN accounts!
Our aim is to provide a fully transparent brokerage service that prides itself on delivering clients interbank prices, licensed and regulated services and a secure trading environment. Traders are provided with first-class support giving clients worldwide complete confidence in our business as their preferred forex broker.

Vacancy Information-Customer Account Manager

We are hiring people from UK willing to work in an international team of high-skilled professionals of economy and finance for all the positions listed below. Any special experience is not required because our training managers ready to prepare you and provide all the information.
The position is considered as office-based and home-based, so that you may choose flexible working hours and your future schedule for part-time or full-time-employment.


- Effective Account management to deliver against agreed plans.
- Manage the day-to-day running and coordination of accounts and projects.
- Onsite Project Management.
- Inform and communicate with Project Coordinators to ensure the smooth running of events.
- Develop and monitor project timelines, in conjunction with Account Director and project team.
- Monitor sales and stock performance of customer.
- To ensure that all relevant compliance tasks are completed within timescale.
- To provide assistance and support to the all members of staff where required.
- To undertake any other duties as requested by management on an ad-hoc basis.

Working hours:

- Full Time - Monday to Friday (09.00 – 18.00)
- Part Time - 2-3 hours during the day (3-6 days per week)


The company are offering a salary FULL TIME £19000; PART TIME £14200 and a full package to include:

- 25 days’ holiday plus 8 public holidays;
- Bonus,
- Pension and bonus schemes;
- Fully expensed car;
- Pension;
- Life assurance and healthcare.

Starting salary is £400 per week (full -time) and £340 per week (part - time), paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check or direct deposit (it will be agreed with you personally already on 1st interview).

Performance Bonuses: Up to three percent of your annual gross salary, paid quarterly by your choice of check or direct deposit.

Company is a professional trader education company that provides education to its students regarding trading on financial markets of USA and Europe. Before you start to work you should pass a free 10-days training course to practice with company’s software and several financial services to be prepared to perform any of your responsibilities for the position. After you successfully finish the training courses, you become a company’s employee and will get a certified specialist.

If you are interested in the position and ready to start working, please fill out the attached employment application and send it in reply to this e-mail address. You can fill it out on your PC or print it out and fill it by hand (in that case please write block letters; illegible applications may be excluded from consideration). You will be contacted by a company manager within 48 hours. You can start the training course within 1-4 business days after signing the application.

Howell Investment Associates"

2. Contract
"Job Application Form
United Kingdom

This Agreement is a Contract between you (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”) and Howell Investment Associates (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) "we", "our" or "us" as appropriate.
This Agreement describes your and our rights and responsibilities in the context of providing services related Customer Account Manager training courses.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows:

1.1. The present Agreement comes into force and is considered valid provided the following conditions are observed.
1.2. The Agreement is signed by both parties or all incurred terms and conditions are observed by the Client.

2.1. The Parties acknowledge the legal force of documents' records received via communication channels equal and as effective as the documents made in writing.

3.1. Customer Account Manager is liable to:
3.1.1. Follow the provisions of the present Agreement
3.1.2. Provide and confirm the following data: Legal status of the residence in the country. Bank account valid for accepting payments from company side for the job and money for the training courses. Telephone number available to be contacted by the Senior Manager.
3.1.3. Devote 2-3 business hours per day of free time to be spent for training courses.
3.1.4. Receive money on his/her account for the following purposes: salary, money for the training, payment for taxes and fees to Employee from Company.

3.2.1. To follow all the provisions of the Agreement.
3.2.2. Starting salary is £400 per week (full -time) and £340 per week (part - time) , paid in biweekly installments by your choice of check or direct deposit.
3.2.3.. Performance Bonuses: Up to three percent of your annual gross salary, paid quarterly by your choice of check or direct deposit. The training period wage shall amount £300 for 10 training days, £30 for each training day.
3.2.4. To provide Employee with all company benefits during the training period.
3.2.5. To advise Employee on all questions related to cooperation during the period of the Agreement as stipulated herein.

Company benefits shall include:
4.1 Agency Worker Regulations 2010
4.2 Annual stock options
4.3 Child daycare assistance
4.4 Education assistance
4.5 Health, dental, life and disability insurance
4.6 Sick leave
4.7 Vacation and personal days
4.8 Money from company side for all purposes related to the job: Internet, cell phone, training, bank fees and taxes.

5.1. The Parties bear responsibility for non-performance or inadequate performance of their liabilities in the context of the present Agreement in accordance with the governing law of the UK and with respect of the provisions of the present Agreement.

6.1. Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or nonperformance of any provision of the present Agreement due to force majeure circumstances arising after the date of conclusion of the Agreement.
6.2. The following circumstances shall be acknowledged as force majeure events: fire, explosion, flood or other natural and industrial catastrophe; terror; warfare; strikes or labor difficulties; other unforeseen or precluded circumstances preventing the Parties to follow their liabilities stipulated by the Agreement.
6.3. The Party shall notify the other as promptly as practicable, but no later than 3 (three) working days of the occurrence of a force majeure event herewith. Failure or the delay to notify the other Party of force majeure events shall not release the Party from its liabilities hereunder.


After the first part of the training in e-Commerce Services for payment systems I will be available to meet my manager face to face in my local area for the continuation of the training.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. The parties hereto agree that facsimile and E-mail signatures shall be as effective as if originals.

Howell Investment Associates Employee

Glen C. Hansen"

At first I fell for it and I sent some personal details, among others my address, my bank account number and my sort-code. I don't think they can get into my account with that information, but I don't understand what kind of scam is this exactly. Could someone give me some details please? I am curious. Thanks in advance.
by pirandello Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:12 pm
Oh, sorry, I just saw the previous posts, I think I got it.

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