Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Terminator5 Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:50 am
Attempting to report the Phish Site i run into a brick wall . No contact details on the Real Bank Website and emails bouncing from Phish@ or abuse@ jsbl.com . Its hard to believe that an internet bank would not have provisions for this to protect their own customers .

DELIVERY FAILURE: User phish (phish@jsb?l.com) not listed in Domino Directory

Subject: Fwd: Hello Customers

was not delivered to:

[email protected]


User phish ([email protected]) not listed in Domino Directory

The source host name is "ip-78-94-3-244.unitymediagroup.de" and the source IP address is

Location : Dortmund Germany

Begin Scam Email:

JS Bank Limited <[email protected]>

9:38 PM (48 minutes ago)

to undisclosed recipients

Dear Customer,

You have one(1) new message for immediate access,

provide your correct details.


P.S. The Link in this message will expire within 24 hours. Financial Pin will be required during update.

Thank You.

© 2007, JSBL, All rights reserved.

End Scam Email************************************************

Link to phishing site in email

http://www.blksurabaya.com/ib.jsbl/inde ... bl.com.htm

Daniel 8 :25

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