Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by martin o'sullivan Wed May 29, 2013 1:50 pm
Hi everyone, I dont know where to start !!

I am Martin O'Sullivan someone is using my business details to comit fraud.

This morning two guys arrived at my door saying that they have come to view a JCB, I was totally confused as I wasnt expecting anybody. After inviting them in it became apperent that they were in the middle of a scam involving my name and address. These guys had just travelled from Norway to my home in Essex/London to see the machine in person. They told me about the machine they were buying and had some contact phone numbers, when I rang the mobile it was an international ring tone and the london landline was unanswered.

I googled my full name and was shocked to see pages and pages of warnings about me and my business (or not as the case is)

I do sell small plant and tools but not large excavators or the like. I mainly sell Hydraulic breakers that attach to diggers, currently I do not have a website as I sell on ebay but I was shocked to see moplant.com with my details. I can assure you this is not me !!

I have just come back from the police station but they told me that as I have not lost anything I cannot report it as a crime so they dont want to know, I will need to seek further advice as I am not happy with that response.

For anyone wishing to contact me you can get me on <Removed. Please use "PM" function - CW>, this is my personal and business phone number, I do not use any other number so beware of any other numbers you may be given, if I dont answer when you call try again or leave a message and I will call you back.

If you have been a victim of these scammers and they have taken your money please could you give me the number of what police station you have reported it to so I can call them to clear my name and help with any questions.

I am posting this message everywhere I can so everyone can see it in the hope no one else will get scammed, sorry if you are getting annoyed with seeing it on the forum

by Dotti Wed May 29, 2013 3:02 pm
Thank you for posting Martin. We always appreciate when the real person stops by to help ensure that potential victims understand what is going on. I know that is extremely frustrating for you as well.

Whenever you encounter fake websites or domains that are using your details and/or piggybacking off your business, please do feel free to come here and let us know, and our site killers can take a look to see if it's something we can get eliminated.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by martin o'sullivan Wed May 29, 2013 3:50 pm
What do I do, just email you the sites? Thre are several that I see at the moment with my details on, some are in russian and norweigian so I cant even read the adverts but my details are on the advert
by Con Warner Wed May 29, 2013 4:21 pm
??? You can post the site url's here or let one of the mods or admin know via PM. Their names are in red or green.
Most of us accept emails too and you'll find our email address in our signature lines at the bottom of our posts.
Please don't expect an immediate response or even a thanks as we can get a little busy and we're all based in defferent timelines.

However, the site details will be passed on to our site killers who will make every effort to have them taken down.
They're very good at it too... :wink:

Email: [email protected]

Latest updates regarding Internet Fraud: http://www.antifraudnews.com

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