Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.

by pnavratil Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:00 am
http://www.syncrotrade-kft.com není podvod. Koupil jsem traktor od nich p?ed týdnem a já jsem velmi spokojena jejich službami. Dostal jsem dv? zadní pneumatiku bonus z nich. Jsou vážné, mohu doložit s dokumenty a s traktorem.

This was posted by the scammer in an attempt to save his scam
by HannahsDad Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:16 am
For the non Czech speakers .. pnavratil says
not a scam. I bought the tractor from them a week ago and I am very satisfied with their services. I got two bonus rear tire of them. They are serious, I can prove with documents and a tractor.

Syncro-Trade Kft is the supply of agricultural equipment, but also in the field of transport auto transport, rescue, small-truck business in the European Union.
The company is available to clients since 2008.
Reliability of services in all areas is a priority.

We will continue to provide quality and reliable service for all

Cím: Orgovány Ady Endre u.1
Email: [email protected]

Mobil: Fehér Zoltán: 0036-212-523619
Tel.fax: 0036-212-523619

However I have doubts about sites that encourage you to follow your purchases using tracking numbers - suggesting that you are not going to be sitting up front with the driver as your very expensive piece of kit is delivered to you.

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