Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by morklaszlo Mon Oct 28, 2013 5:59 pm
Hi again, i am Laszlo from Hungary the one who lose 5,700 euros for one Illusion jcb 1cx, i stay all time to see activity of this guys, is like a game and so easy for them to change the name of company and get money from stupid people like me. First time name of this company was www.constplant.com UK
after that was www.es-plant-sales.com Ireland
and now is:
Ridgway Business Park
St Martin’s
SY11 3PZ
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 151 528 8298
Fax: +44 151 210 2598

My daughter is in contact with them all the time. Also our hack attack police follow this guys and they try to get them, i don't know if they have many chances but try the best can do. Is strange how they can get money from this countries and also one of my friend lose 4300 to a company from Poland. If some one can help us we can pay like a reward to catch them. Police proposed on several official websites and ask for help and for more details.
I send to Werner Dombache copy of my payment in private messaging.
I have a message for them,i will concern all time your activity till i get my money back.

by Ridgway Rentals Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:48 am
Our company is Ridgway Rentals Ltd, there is a company advertising as Ridgway Machinery using our address, vat no & company number.
Our contact details are as follows Ridgway Rentals ltd, www.ridgwayrentals.com, phone 01691770171 Free phone 0800515155, e mail [email protected]. If your not using these contact details your not dealing with Ridgway Rentals.
by Ridgway Rentals Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:51 am
We are getting people calling every day asking about Ridgway machinery, we tell them its a scam but there must be people getting cought out. what can we do to shut them down ?
by TerranceBoyce Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:02 am
Welcome to Scamwarners Ridgway Rentals.

An organised criminal gang is mounting what is effectively an economic attack on all UK construction and agricultural machinery companies and the UK government has its head in the sand and, as far as I can tell, is doing nothing to combat what amounts to economic terrorism. They use UK bank accounts to launder stolen funds and the banks refuse to do anything about it. Having retired from UK banking the situation leaves me shocked.

It can only be dealt with effectively at a governmental level as the gang is organised internationally. They must have targeted over 100 UK companies so far and you can see the examples being reported here daily. The criminals set up fraudulent websites without any problem and they are destroying the names and reputation of UK businesses across the world, as well as stealing their business, leaving victims believing they have been duped by the real companies.

Frankly, as long as the UK government and UK law enforcement remain impotent and inert there's not much you can do as the criminals have the organisation to run rings around the authorities. The criminals are turning over millions in profits as they can undercut any honest business with their offers and, being left to fester, this problem is becoming an epidemic with vehicle traders another victim of their activities.

This has been going on for years and I haven't seen any recognition of the crime by UK law enforcement and it appears that their method of dealing with the problem is by ignoring it. It's also the policy of UK banks not to record these activities in crime statistics. Crime hasn't been reduced, most of it has just gone online and it's a lot easier for it to go unreported and the chances of the criminals ever being apprehended are negligible.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by TerranceBoyce Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:39 am
I understand that you are an innocent victim in this crime too Ridgway Rentals and we know better than most the harm and stress that this puts your company under but you may not understand as well as we do the detailed circumstances. Most of the victims of this crime are based in Europe and must report the crime to their local police. I am virtually certain that Action Fraud will do nothing in respect of any report from a non-UK entity.

To be honest making a report to Action Fraud achieves nothing even when made by a UK citizen, though I would recommend a UK citizen does it. The only public mention of this type of fraud I have discovered suggest that UK law enforcement authorities are completely ignorant of the scale and value of the frauds taking place. UK victims are usually being sold non-commercial vehicles and I am working constantly seeking out and reporting those adverts and I'm only dealing with one ad site.

I believe that this problem can only be handled at a political level which isn't a difficult thing to do and, considering the number of victims affected, should easily get the attention of politicians who ignore their electorate at their peril. I don't know how badly this problem affects you as that will likely influence whether you're interested in taking action, but the voice of the businesses would be valuable to evidence that it isn't only consumers being harmed by the actions of these criminals.

I dread to think the affect it will have on the reputation of the car dealer who has had perhaps 50 scam cars advertised under his name and the criminals are just increasing their frauds to an extent that could eventually swamp honest traders out of the market. That this could happen without a whimper from UK law enforcement, I find quite mind boggling.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by B.tibor Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:55 am
Kedves László!

Remélem hamarosan felveszi velünk a kapcsolatot, ha elolvassa az el?z? levelemet. Egyenl?re az Interpolnak küldtem el a feljelentést, továbbá írtam a Shropshire kereskedelmi iparkamarának, akik a b?nüldözéssel is foglalkoznak. Sajnos év vége van, választ már csak jöv?re várok. Azonban kíváncsi vagyok továbbra is, Ön milyen úton kezdett elindulni?
Várom válaszát, maradok tisztelettel:
Hrych Beáta
by John77 Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:57 am
Hello everybody
first of all I will like to say a big THANK YOU for all of you, you just saved me a fortune, regarding this company, I was so close to sign a "contract" with this "company".
so one more time THANK YOU.

Now, did anybody know anything about "AgroFarmTrak", is a company from Poland whose dealing with exactly the same things (tractors).
I'm looking to buy a tractor, a good one and at a reasonable price, and first time I've found one at "Ridgway", but now I'm convinced about them, and now I've found one at this company "AgroFarmTrak" from Poland, I cant find anything "wrong" about them on this site, or in any other sites like this one.
So if is anybody there who knows anything about this company then please share your ideas with all of us.
Lets use this site for us the honest people who's trying to do a honest job and a honest deal for them and their families.

Thank you very much one more time.

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