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by AlanJones Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:14 pm
Hi there! It's me, Larisa :) I hope you still remember me, I'm sorry I
couldn't write you for so long after we've met on the site, it's just
because I didn't have any access to a computer..I hope you're still
single and still hoping to meet your other half, please, let me know
:) I am sending you some of my photos, just in case you'd really
forgotten who I am :) will be waiting for your reply even if it will
be "sorry not interested", hope it won't be so :)
till soon :)


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by AlanJones Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:17 pm
Hello XXX! How are you doing? That you have written thanks me again. It is very pleasant to me to see your letter. And who knows, probably it has begun the most pleasant dialogue or something more? ;-) For me acquaintance on the Internet very new, I never got acquainted with the man thus. But nevertheless I have solved try as I know, that already many people have found second half in the Internet. For me it is very important, you pursue what purpose? Whether Really you search serious relations or only for small game where there is only one purpose - sex?? I very seriously concern to you. I search for my love, mine the man with which to me I would be good also wish to construct new relations. Therefore I am in earnest to you, and is ready to write to you letters even every day! I think that my happiness consists in that to find my second half on this ground and present this person a key from my heart … … … I cannot confirm that I wish to create the family, but at the same time I understand that it already is time to me do. But it is my ideas and consequently I do not have specific goal in this. My ideal of the man, that who will strongly love me, will be constant beside and will preserve me and to care of me. Many girls choose to themselves the man on his appearance, but only not I! For me the most important that with this person to me was easily and simply, that he approached as a hobby, but not only physically. I do not have any inclination to men from magazines. To me it is necessary the man with which we could to make the small happiness in this huge world. And I wish to have line the usual person. You are very interesting to me to learn what woman consider by an ideal which is necessary to you? =) also it is ready tell about itself all that I can also I spoke you it more than once. Whether but you are ready to share with me the secrets in the future? =) I have many questions to you and consequently I want at once to learn. Whether you can answer them? And certainly I shall wait questions from you, I with pleasure shall answer your questions. Certainly if these questions there will be no very personal character. And if I shall not answer your question it can happen only for two reasons. 1) I can not understand your question. 2) or I do not wish to answer a question, but I necessarily to you shall tell, why I do not wish to answer a question. Ok? I hope I you I do not frighten the of sincerely and direct words? =) as you have already understood I Russian and I live in city Kazan, it approximately 1000 km from Moscow. At me very beautiful city on the river. =)Mine put a birth on September, 9th. To me of 29 years. And my growth 171. If for you it is important. =) mine education, I have finished a full rate of school education and as I have finished pedagogical university and consequently I have higher education with success. I thought of that to receive one more higher education. After I have finished mine education which I consider high enough, I have chosen work which to me very much it is pleasant and very much arranges. I Work as the tutor in group of children's education 7 years. To me as very you would would be desirable to know what have education where and you studied as what speciality? And you carry out what work? I would be very grateful if you could tell about this in detail, well?For you in this letter I send my photos. I shall tell about myself in the following letter. But I shall wait for your answer and your photos with greater impatience. I hope you you will write to me the big letter. A gentle air kiss ….. ;-) Write. Write. Write. I wait. =)


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by AlanJones Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:04 pm
Good evening XXX! How are you doing? How there was your day? Than you occupied? How at you weather? With you all is good? Many thanks, that you so have quickly answered me! I wish to warn you at once if I have not written to you please do not worry, I shall necessarily write to you the answer to your letter as I know that you wasted time on that to write to me letters and you very much tried, and I do not wish to seem to you not moderately brought up woman. Simply sometimes I happen strongly occupied. You understand? I want that our dialogue with you was opened and correct. I count sincerity in conversation this most important. Please, be not frightened when you will read these words. I want that you knew that with me was. Almost already one year ago at me were relations with the man. At us were very serious relations and I have been probably enamoured in him. I so thought. But when has passed I have started to notice some time that there is something not so. As a result I have learned that at him was except for me other woman. I do not know why he so an act with me, but anyhow my heart has been broken into many splinters. Since then at me was not any relations. I began to avoid men. As the pain in heart was very strong. But nevertheless I have solved will find the person with which to me well. Also has solved that I shall get acquainted with the man from other country. And he there was you. Therefore I write to you now it. It was very difficult to me to cope with this pain. Which he to me has caused. But nevertheless I have consulted, and have begun the life with new sheet. And consequently I ask you to be in earnest to me very much. If something is not pleasant to you in me, or you simply do not wish to communicate with me …. That tell it at once. I am ready to hear it.
Now I wish to tell to you about my family. I have mum, But she very beautiful! =) I think that at me the best family! We amicable and cheerful =) for me the good family, is family where there are children and good relations between all members of family. Where there is a understanding and trust. I know that quarrels are in each family and it I count normal, simply I want that in my family there were very few quarrels. Whether but I yet do not know I am ready to family … more likely yes, than there is no … I have no what children. I very seldom become angry, I love that in the house was cosy and still I very much like to cook food! This my small hobby I again send you my photos, I hope that to you is pleasant to look at them. =)))
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. For your attention. Bye. ;-) Larisa


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