Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Terminator5 Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:48 am
Copy of previously suspended Money Mule scam domain , finance-edge.com , without a job description . See posting here :



Our team

The secret of our long-term success is the team we have formed for all years of our hard work. It includes both experienced professionals being a dab hand at business and young specialists who have deep theoretic knowledge, great wish to develop and fresh view at old things.

Our team is our greatest treasure. That’s why we treat each member with deep respect. We have developed a new motivation model that helps us to get our personnel interested in achieving global goals and solving local tasks.

All our departments are managed by former top managers of the most successful world companies. They are excellent leaders who can form an efficient team and manage the work of its members.

We have a research laboratory where new solutions and approaches to business are developed. Our specialists are always aware of new tendencies and developments in the world of business and economy.

In Finance Edge we pay great attention to the personal and professional development and improvement of our employees. That’s why we regularly organize special events aimed to develop special business features and personal traits.

We are sure that good personnel are the guarantee of a successful company. So, first of all, our company policy is oriented to the staff improvement.

Contact us


Company No. 08046209

TEL: +44 20 3287 9866

FAX: 0843 265 1392

E-MAIL: [email protected]

Daniel 8 :25

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