Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by reno419 Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:26 am
My wife recently received a phone call from someone claiming to be with this organization in Fort Collins, CO. She answered two survey questions and then later got a call back because, SHE WON!!!!!!

Not quite sure what she won yet but it sounds fishy. Something to do with HEPA filters for our home and $3000 in groceries.

They gave the website allergyawarenesscenter.com and it looks super fake. Doing a quick search on google for some of it's content brought up dailyhealthy.org with an almost identical website (copyright at the bottom was different).

The number on our caller ID is 970-840-0870 and the Caller ID is "Caren AAC".

Not sure this is a scam but it's very fishy!

by Terminator5 Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:26 pm
Read the 800 notes here and it will tell you about that particular sales gimmick . Not really the types of scams we deal with here :


Daniel 8 :25

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