Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Michelle Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:14 am
Posing as the genuine www.airbnb.co.uk

From: Airbnb Customer <[email protected]>
Date: 18 de agosto de 2014 16:03:29 GMT+2
To: Michelle Banks
Subject: Airbnb - your rent is on pending - 4T4P3O9V211

Dear Michelle Banks

We accept payments online via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service ( or SEPA ) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer
Amount to transfer: 1.070 .00 EUR

Airbnb - Financial agent BANK DETAILS from United Kingdom:
HOLDER NAME: Airbnb Express
IBAN: GB38 LOYD 308 0972 7622 860
SORT CODE: 30-80-97
BANK ADDRESS : 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get confirmation that payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents we will schedule a visit to the apartment.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
Paul Towler
United Kingdom - Client Manager

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The Airbnb Team

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Sent with from Airbnb HQ

by Fulci Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:41 pm
Can you help me?
I just been cheat by this fckg scam and I lose my money.
Help please I'm desperated

by MaxiMe Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:29 pm
The same just happened to me yesterday! Same e-mail, same name...

Can we discuss the situation so I can understand how to proceed?
Thank you!
by sergey Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:48 am
The same happened to me a couple of days ago. Who can help me? What can I do now? Is there any procedure in such a case?
by Maria GotYourAss Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:10 pm
But how the guy got your email address? to send you that email ?
by Dotti Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:44 pm
Unfortunately, it sounds like these criminals have been far too successful at stealing money.

It is extremely rare that anyone is able to get money back, but it certainly makes sense to do what you can.

1) report the crime to law enforcement. Personally I would try both the police and the agency responsible for addressing internet fraud (in US it is IC3, UK is Action Fraud, etc.)
2) If you sent money via bank transfer, contact the fraud department of your bank. Tell them what has happened and that you would like to make every effort possible to reverse the transfer. Be polite but firm.
3) Contact the fraud department of the bank that received the money and file a complaint there as well. They are allowing fraudulent transfers through that account, and they need to take action.
4) Don't be afraid to contact your local political representative and/or media to bring attention to this crime and the need to have stronger actions taken to prevent these crimes, improve awareness, and identify and charge the offenders.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Valen Channel Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:04 pm
Hi everyone

I received the same email, i was looking a flat in another country and I found a nice apartment with low rent, (it was a little strage to find a nice apartment, to so low price) but in any case I write to this person (after that person answer me, the flat ad was erased) and following all the arragements of the flat was so strange to me, I asked a lot of questions and this person dont answer to me, only a few things, i asked like three times to this person send me pictures of the flat (because i cant remember how the flat look like) and only send to me, after i said that if i have to ask to airbnb for the pictures, i search the photos of the flat at google and came out another web page with the same photos, I verify the airbnb web policy and they said that only accepts online transfers and anything outside the web page is fake so i write to airbnb to verify the email I received, and in fact all the bank account that person gave me is not from airbnb..

Please check everything before you made any pay, you must to see before you give any money and if you cant see like me, that i live in another country, please verify everything, write directly to the source and verify the emails (where i found this fourum ¨ :) ), photos, everything you can, and dont give any confidential data, like phone number or id, or number accounts.

The people like this who dont mind made scam to honest people, dont care said anything, like "everything is safe", "i paid for the agrements with airbnb (or another company) so i trust you made the same thing and made the transfer", this is all bullshit.. PLEASE PAY ATENTTION AND PLEEAAASE DONT PAY ANYTHING ONLY AFTER VERIFY ALL IN FACT IS REAL..
by louloox Tue Jan 13, 2015 1:55 pm
Hi everyone,

Today is my turn:
I was in contact with a "Victoria Justine Humphrey" for an apartment in Lisbon. Everything went fine, but some details were missing... whatever.
Today, I received two mails from "Airbnb", the last one :

Airbnb - your rent is on pending - 4T4P3O9V211

Dear xxx yyy,

We accept payments online via Bank Transfers.

Payment Instructions:

According to our policy the next step is to transfer the money to the agent assigned to handle your transaction via Bank Account Transfer.
When you go to the bank to complete the transfer you are requested to use the option Express Service ( or SEPA ) so the money can reach our bank account in the next 48 hours because usually the banking transfers takes 3 to 5 days.

Money Transfer Service: Bank Account Transfer
Amount to transfer: 1.170 .00 EUR

Airbnb - Financial agent BANK DETAILS from United Kingdom:
HOLDER NAME: Airbnb Express
IBAN: GB67 BARC 2071 7513 1635 63
SORT CODE: 20-71-75
BANK ADDRESS : 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from bank to the following email address : [email protected]

As soon as we get confirmation that payment has been received we draw up the necessary documents we will schedule a visit to the apartment.

Thank you for choosing Airbnb!
Paul Scott
United Kingdom - Client Manager
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If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager or the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies.
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The Airbnb Team

I called Airbnb, and saw your post, so 100% sure it's a scam!

WARNING everyone, please beware with this kind of offers! If it's too "cheap", it's weird !

Fortunately, I haven't paid anything :) But no apartment for me :(

Cheers !
by AlanJones Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:59 am
Thank you for posting.

louloox wrote:Airbnb - Financial agent BANK DETAILS from United Kingdom:
HOLDER NAME: Airbnb Express
IBAN: GB67 BARC 2071 7513 1635 63
SORT CODE: 20-71-75
BANK ADDRESS : 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
In order for our agents to be able to validate your transfer in the shortest period of time possible , please send an e-mail confirmation and the scanned receipt from bank to the following email address : [email protected]

Account details noted.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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