Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Terminator5 Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:18 pm
Fake Russian Escrow Company . Created 11 March 2014 .



About Us


eClearance Consignment specialize in online consignment services for businesses, individuals and non-profit groups. The original store opened in Palo Alto, United States in December, 2008 to help people sell their quality merchandise in the eBay marketplace and later in 2009 we extended our market in Canada and United Kingdom and selling on Craigslist besides eBay… eClearance Consignment makes it easy by doing all the work and sending the Seller a check in the mail. Franchise opportunities are now available for people interested in opening their own eClearance Consignment eBay Drop-Off Store.

eClearance Consignment was Co-Founded by George Duclos and Edwin Combs in December, 2008. George and Edwin had both recently finished their landscaping seasons, and were pondering what the future had in store. They were buying and selling on eBay just for fun when a mutual friend stopped by one day and asked them to sell some musical equipment for him. He offered them a percentage of the sales, and after several successful eBay listings and a few dollars in their pockets the idea was born.

Internet shopping doesn’t have to be scary! If you can’t pay cash and pick-up your item in person, use eClearance Consignment to be sure you get what you want. It’s the safe way to complete internet transactions on all auction and classified websites like eBay™ and Craigslist™.

eClearance Consignment:

* Protects Buyers and Sellers equally
* Pays the seller when the buyer is satisfied
* Refunds the buyer with the seller’s approval
* Creates an environment where honesty thrives and fraud cannot survive.

Getting the best security online is easy! Send a payment request to the other party today. You’re safe with eClearance Consignment!

How It Works

clcll Selling on Craigslist is Different!

Although we sell on eBay and Craigslist, both marketplaces are different. Craigslist does not have listing fees, templates to choose from and the listings last between 7 and 45 days. The add placed on Craigslist has a fixed price, so you can not bid on it, the price is the one listed and it usually is negotiable. On most cases the shipping fees are already included in the price of sale. That makes our selling policy different.

Spoof Protection

Due to numerous e-mails we have received from our sellers and buyers, we have created this page to prevent Craigslist users against “Account Theft”, fake PayPal transactions, etc. Please read below and make sure you don’t fall in these traps.

On Craigslist’s login page you will see the following warning:

The same method is used by these scammers to impersonate our service, they send fake links looking like our website, but when you click on them, underneath the link is a fake website, almost identical with our website.How these scams work:

Stealing your accounts:

They send you a link with a short message, for example: “Hi, is this item yours? it has the same pictures…” followed by the link to the “item”. You click on the link and you are redirected to a fake login page identical with the Craigslist login page, asking you to enter your Craigslist account and password. Your information will go directly to the scammers and if you sell something on Craigslist, they will edit your posting and enter their fake ads or job offers. Craigslist will never ask for your user account and password when you clink on any link from their website, only when you are trying to access your “My Account” page they will ask for this information, so be sure you always check your browser.

Impersonating our service:

After stealing your account, they will post on it fake ads and will enter their own e-mail in the description so the people interested in their items will contact them directly, not you by e-mail. So 98% of ads that have HTML description with an e-mail listed in their description are fake ads and should be flagged for removal.

You contact them and they say they have the item for sale with us, will send you the link to our website (with a hyperlink to another website) and will ask you not to register, because they can send the information to us and we will send you an invoice. When you receive their invoice, you will be asked to send the payment to them directly and making the transaction through our system is your only guarantee, THAT’S NOT TRUE: we do not ask people to send the payment to the seller directly, so any email saying that is a scam and you should report it to us. We always use agents, our agents will hold the payment until you receive your item and your 10 Day Money Back Guarantee is over. Please make sure you check your browser after clicking to any links to our website, make sure that the link is exactly like in the picture below:

PayPal scams:

using the same methods listed above, they steal PayPal accounts which they use to pay for small items on Craigslist, saying that they can’t meet people to make the transaction in person and your item will be a nice gift for their fiance, wife, brother, etc. They will pay using other people PayPal accounts and you ship the items to them, they will offer to pay more to cover the shipping fees you will pay from your own pocket. The same method will be used for fake cashiers checks, they will send you checks for your items and when you will try to cash your check you will probably be arrested. For all these scams listed above, you can be held responsible because it is your Craigslist account, your PayPal account or your check they will be using. These can be stopped by being carefull where you enter your Craigslist account and password, PayPal account, etc. We will never send you an e-mail asking for your Craigslist password or PayPal account information.

Below we have listed other tips to make sure you will stay safe when browsing online or using our service:
Watch out for “phishy” emails. The most common form of phishing is emails pretending to be from a legitimate retailer, bank, organization, or government agency. The sender asks to “confirm” your personal information for some made-up reason: your account is about to be closed, an order for something has been placed in your name, or your information has been lost because of a computer problem. Another tactic phishers use is to say they’re from the fraud departments of well-known companies and ask to verify your information because they suspect you may be a victim of identity theft! In one case, a phisher claimed to be from a state lottery commission and requested people’s banking information to deposit their “winnings” in their accounts.
Don’t click on links within emails that ask for your personal information. Fraudsters use these links to lure people to phony Web sites that looks just like the real sites of the company, organization, or agency they’re impersonating. If you follow the instructions and enter your personal information on the Web site, you’ll deliver it directly into the hands of identity thieves. To check whether the message is really from the company or agency, call it directly or go to its Web site (use a search engine to find it).
Beware of “pharming.” In this latest version of online ID theft, a virus or malicious program is secretly planted in your computer and hijacks your Web browser. When you type in the address of a legitimate Web site, you’re taken to a fake copy of the site without realizing it. Any personal information you provide at the phony site, such as your password or account number, can be stolen and fraudulently used.
Never enter your personal information in a pop-up screen. Sometimes a phisher will direct you to a real company’s, organization’s, or agency’s Web site, but then an unauthorized pop-up screen created by the scammer will appear, with blanks in which to provide your personal information. If you fill it in, your information will go to the phisher. Legitimate companies, agencies and organizations don’t ask for personal information via pop-up screens. Install pop-up blocking software to help prevent this type of phishing attack.
Protect your computer with spam filters, anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewall, and keep them up to date. A spam filter can help reduce the number of phishing emails you get. Anti-virus software, which scans incoming messages for troublesome files, and anti-spyware software, which looks for programs that have been installed on your computer and track your online activities without your knowledge, can protect you against pharming and other techniques that phishers use. Firewalls prevent hackers and unauthorized communications from entering your computer – which is especially important if you have a broadband connection because your computer is open to the Internet whenever it’s turned on. Look for programs that offer automatic updates and take advantage of free patches that manufacturers offer to fix newly discovered problems.
Only open email attachments if you’re expecting them and know what they contain. Even if the messages look like they came from people you know, they could be from scammers and contain programs that will steal your personal information.
Know that phishing can also happen by phone. You may get a call from someone pretending to be from a company or government agency, making the same kinds of false claims and asking for your personal information.
If someone contacts you and says you’ve been a victim of fraud, verify the person’s identity before you provide any personal information. Legitimate credit card issuers and other companies may contact you if there is an unusual pattern indicating that someone else might be using one of your accounts. But usually they only ask if you made particular transactions; they don’t request your account number or other personal information. Law enforcement agencies might also contact you if you’ve been the victim of fraud. To be on the safe side, ask for the person’s name, the name of the agency or company, the telephone number, and the address. Get the main number from the phone book, the Internet, or directory assistance, then call to find out if the person is legitimate.
Job seekers should also be careful. Some phishers target people who list themselves on job search sites. Pretending to be potential employers, they ask for your social security number and other personal information. Follow the advice above and verify the person’s identity before providing any personal information.
Be suspicious if someone contacts you unexpectedly and asks for your personal information. It’s hard to tell whether something is legitimate by looking at an email or a Web site, or talking to someone on the phone. But if you’re contacted out of the blue and asked for your personal information, it’s a warning sign that something is “phishy.” Legitimate companies and agencies don’t operate that way.



Please note that eClearance Consignment DOES NOT accept Western Union or MoneyGram as a method of payment. Any email claiming to be from eClearance Consignment asking payment to be sent via Western Union or MoneyGram to any so-called eClearance Consignment “Agents”, and NOT to our company, it’s a SCAM and should be reported. eClearance Consignment will never ask for sensitive information by email such as passwords, Credit Card information, etc.

What are these Scams on eBay and Craigslist using eClearance Consignment brand?

1. Check your browser, our website address should look like this: http://www.eclearanceconsignment.com followed by the rest of the link. Any other website that does not look like ours is a SCAM. Please make sure you are on the right track.

2. Check your emails: Make sure that emails coming from us are ending in @eclearanceconsignment.com. Any email different than that claiming to be from us is a SCAM and should be reported.

3. If you have any doubts about your transaction: Please contact our Customer Support by using the Contact Us Form. It is better to be safe than sorry. We will answer in the shortest time possible after we verify your transaction.

4. Make sure that you have a Transaction ID#: you can verify on our website. You will receive your Transaction ID# in your invoice as soon as the registration process is complete. Using the Transaction ID# will allow you to verify your transaction status, payment status and any other transaction updates made during the process. You can check your Transaction Status Here. If you have a Transaction ID# you can verify on our website, you are on the right track.
If a transaction was completed and you need to send the payment details requested in your invoice, please use our “Secure Form”. Do not send any payment confirmations to the Seller, the Seller will only be able to access the payment after you approve the item.

Stay safe by following these simple steps. Our Trust and Safety Department along with local and national police force and internet fraud departments are constantly trying to track down these scammers and shutting their websites down.

Contact us at any point of the transaction if you feel something is wrong or if you have questions about the legitimacy of your transaction. We will answer in the shortest time possible.

Improving customer support involves making a commitment to learning what the needs of customers are.

eClearance Consignment recognizes that good customer service is not as much in winning customers, but in keeping them and the key to keeping customers is the level of support provided. We know that it is hard to make a transaction through a service when you have no contact number to speak with a live person and get your needed confidence.

We have started a project to make that happen and will launch a Telephone Support soon. Providing a high-level of customer service is critical to the overall success of problem resolution.

eClearance Consignment is climbing the ladder to be a customer service “Star.”

School is almost out and summer is right around the corner, which means celebrations are upon us! In the next few weeks, families will proudly cheer on their high school and college graduates as they strut across the stage and toss their decorated caps into the summertime air.

As graduation season winds down, the focus will shift from accomplished grads to spoiling Dad! In North America as well as many countries around the world, Father’s Day will be celebrated on Sunday, June 15th.

Grad Gifts Galore

Whether your grad will be home for the summer or off to explore after graduation, eClearance Consignment has plenty of awesome deals for everyone – new shades for the beach bums ready to have some fun in the sun, athletic gear for the gym rats working on their fitness, and a variety of gifts for the environmentally friendly. Those off to see the world could use some headphones for their journey or a digital camera to snap some pictures to share with family and friends.

As fall rolls around, recent grads will be off to college or starting a new job. Besides a new computer, what better way to enter the real world than with a new wardrobe? eCC have a wide selection of apparel as well as handbags and jewelry. Plus, a new watch is essential to making sure everyone gets to class or work on time!

All About Dad

eClearance Consignment has plenty of gifts to help dad up his golf game including golf balls and clubs as well as bags to store it all. Why not help him out in the style department, too? Hook Dad up with a new pair of shoes and an outfit that he can show off on the golf course. Maybe even throw in some accessories such as designer sunglasses or a new watch.

eClearance Consignment also offers some electronics deals including computers, video games and TV/home audio options, which are ultimately a win-win for the whole family!

Whether you’re celebrating dads, grads or both this summer, eClearance Consignment makes shopping for your loved ones easy! Congrats and good luck to all the graduates, Happy Father’s Day to all the proud papas and happy promoting to all!

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and will be celebrated on May 11 in many countries, including the United States and Canada. Although it can be tough to find the perfect gift for the mom who claims to not want or need anything, luckily eClearance Consignment is here to save the day:

Gadget Gals

Electronics continue to be a hot commodity and sell very well on eClearance Consignment. Get Mom up to speed with eCC’s array of evolving electronics including tablets and e-readers, laptops and digital cameras. Tech-savvy mothers may also appreciate stylish yet comfortable headphones for their mp3 players and accessories such as protective cases for their cameras.


Whether Mom has a flawless sense of fashion or needs a little help in the style department, eClearance Consignment has everything you’re looking for at a reasonable price. A wide range of affordable clothing perfect for a spring or summer wardrobe, along with charming accessories to complete any outfit including designer sunglasses, jewelry and handbags. Whether Mom is in need of something for the boardroom, the boardwalk or the bedroom, eCC is on it.

Fit Mom

Those with active mothers who appreciate the great outdoors can find everything from cycling gear to golf clubs. For ladies who prefer to exercise indoors, eClearance Consignment has a selection of exercise balls, mats and equipment including treadmills, bicycles and elliptical machines. Regardless of where Mom chooses to get her workout on, she may appreciate some new active gear or sneakers along with new accessories like gym bags and monitors.

Gifts That Give

Why not give Mom a gift that keeps giving? eCC offers an assortment of gift ideas in support of the March of Dimes, within the art, collectibles and home and garden categories. When you buy any of the gifts listed here, not only are you showing Mom some appreciation, you’re also supporting a great cause!

Temperatures are rising, brackets are completed and there’s excitement in the air. That can only mean one thing — it’s March Madness time! With the NCAA games already under way, there’s no better time to get your guests thinking of what to buy to make this a winning season. Team up with eClearance Consignment to offer plenty of ways to celebrate the madness of the NCAA basketball tournament with these winning tips for all your visitors!

Front Row Seat

No need to be the underdog when watching all of the March Madness excitement! With eCC, every fan can score a winning seat to the game from anywhere! For excitement that’s as close to the real thing as it gets, a new big screen TV with surround sound is essential for taking in the sights and sounds of every game from the comfort of home.

Host with the Most

As legends carve their names in history this season, let your visitors carve out all that they need for a winning NCAA party. For those hosting NCAA get-togethers, make it simple to stock up on all the essentials like snacks, beer coolers, party favors and all the kitchen tools to cook up party food to please any palate. And if the game takes a turn for the worst, stock up on other gaming essentials to keep the party alive.

For Love of the Game

If merely watching the game just isn’t enough, we’ve got the setup any super fan needs to create game time anytime in their own home! Whether it’s the man cave, the garage, the game room or outside, get all the basketball essentials — from hoop to ball to net — in one place on eClearance Consignment. And lace up to look the part with the coolest basketball shoes and NCAA apparel to make any player envious!

Love is in the air — and so are loads of amazing promotions and deals that will make your visitors’ hearts skip a beat! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, eClearance Consignment has gathered the best gift deals for any love-struck shopper looking to make this heartfelt holiday memorable for that someone special.

Here are some gifts that we think will set your visitors’ hearts aflutter:

Traditional gifts…

When it comes to giving gifts, it’s hard to go wrong with jewelry. What stylish gal or guy doesn’t want to shine bright like a diamond year round? From earrings to necklaces to rings, the gift of bling is always well received. Or, entice your visitors to shower their Valentine with the gift of a great scent with these brand name perfumes and colognes at super sweet prices. For those who prefer something that will stand the test of time, an elegant watch may be just the thing to make their lover’s heart tick. And a word to the wise for all guys, when all else fails, ladies always love a great handbag. We’ve got ‘em right here at prices that will make anyone blush.

…and beyond

They say love is blind — but shoppers can be sure their sweetie’s peepers are protected from the sun’s rays with these hot shades at cool prices. For the most fashionable love of anyone’s life, a gift of vintage jewelry could be just the way to say, “I love you — and your luxuriously refined style.” Or, if a romantic dinner is on the agenda, we’ve cooked up some saucy deals on the best small kitchen appliances and tools to make any couple’s home complete.

However shoppers choose to gift the ones they love this Valentine’s Day, you can help them do it at stylish prices that will make their hearts soar! But hurry — because unlike true love, these deals won’t last forever. Happy Valentine’s Day !

The biggest game of the NFL season is just around the corner. And to help you and all of your football-loving customers get in the spirit, we’ve got some electric deals that every super fan will want to get in on.

Demand for items tagged “Super Bowl” tends to climb as soon as the two contending teams are determined (that’s now!), tapering off a few days after the big game. This is an ideal time for you to reach new customers, and eClearance Consignment offering a sale on electronics to sweeten the pot even more.

For most people, tuning in to see who will win the Lombardi Trophy is done in the comfort of their home — and no great party is complete without a big screen TV to watch it all go down. Right now, we’ve got all the best TVs and accessories up to 40 percent off with free shipping — just in time for the big game! For those who don’t like to wait, we’re offering free in-store pickup on select sale items.

Whether watching Manning and Wilson go head-to-head from the comfort of the living room or the man cave, help both Seahawks and Broncos fans keep their parties rocking from kickoff until the clock runs out. From tasty snacks to cold beer, eBay’s got all the supplies needed to throw a memorable bash.

No matter what the final score is, you and eClearance Consignment customers are all winners with these cheer-worthy deals.

Hurry, these promotions end Jan. 30!

Your to-do list is long. You work hard. But there never seems to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. Thrift stores, garage sales, and estate sales are constantly calling your name – you must get your hands on those items fast, because you know how to flip them for a nice profit on eBay. You can’t let those opportunities go ignored. But you really need someone to list all the other eBay items you have already purchased while you get you get out there and round up the next batch of goodies. And you also wouldn’t mind having someone come in a few times a week to ship your items so you can catch up…

Does any of this sound familiar? It is a frustrating cycle that many eBay sellers experience – the dreaded “inventory bottleneck.” Finding great items to sell is never the problem, getting all those great items listed is a common challenge many eBay sellers face. Too much to do, not enough time to do it, and the cycle never stops. Next thing you know, your family is emailing the TV show “Hoarders” about you!

What’s that saying, to break the cycle you have to change something. Maybe its time to hire some help – You are too busy?! Why not let someone else handle all the work and just consign the item?

eClearance Consignment makes the whole Process so Easy !!
We Do the Work for You!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas – we made it!

If you sold your staff on eClearance Consignment, you helped make someone else’s holiday a little more special, a little brighter. We can get caught up in the buying, listing, shipping cycle in our own little worlds secluded in our homes. But remember that someone is on the receiving end of that item and the work you did, the time you spent, and your effort makes a difference for somebody else.

Maybe you sold toys, health and beauty items or sporting goods. You could have helped a busy single working mom get the perfect hard-to-find toy for her child – something she may not have been able to find where she lives and didn’t have time to drive around and search for.

Maybe you sold unique handcrafted items on eClearance Consignment. Your work and creativity is going to brighten someone’s day and make them feel special.

Maybe you sold a gently used item, that was exactly what someone wanted. (Like the year I gave my brother a vintage Evel Knievel action figure to bring back memories of our childhood and his smile was priceless.)

Not only did you help the gift-giver find the perfect item, but your effort is going to make someone smile on Christmas morning. All because we have a computer, the internet, and the desire to do what we do every day.

So tomorrow, when you are enjoying the day with family and friends, think about how many other people you impacted around the world because you chose to do this thing called “ecommerce.” You are part of something bigger, something that matters. Now doesn’t that make you feel good?


320 South Flamingo Road,
Pembroke Pines,
FL 33027

New Jersey
278 Old Route 3
NJ 07094

225 Lancaster Ave.,
PA 19355

200 Renaissance Dr.,
TX 75650

Hwy 59 N,
TX 77338

6066 Marsha Sharp Fwy.,
TX 79407

3330 Cobb Pkwy NW
GA 30101

4110 Bardstown Rd.,
KY 40218

328 Festus Centre Dr.,
MO 63028

4040 S Arizona Ave.,
AZ 85248

5711 Winfield Blvd.,
San Jose,
CA 95123

900 Lifestyle St.,
CA 95337

345 Willow Rd.,
San Diego,
CA 92173

4134 North Townsend Ave.,
CO 81401

275 Gordon Ave.,
MB R2L 0l7

92 Doncaster,
ON L3T 1L3

575 Wentworth E,

Nova Scotia
40 Station St.,
NS B4H 3E3

555 Clemenceau St.,
Quebec City,
QC G1C 7B6

9265 Pascal Gagnon,
QC H1P 1Z4


289 Kennington Lane,
Greater London SE11 5QY

155 Lewisham Way,
Greater London SE14 6QP

61 Morden Road Merton,
Greater London SW19 3BE


202-208 Cheetham Hill Road,
Greater Manchester M8 8LW

8 Allison St.,
Greater Manchester M8 8AR

Bond Street
Hampshire SO14 5QA

Cadland Rd.,
Hampshire SO45 3NL

Whois Server: whois.nic.ru
Referral URL: http://www.nic.ru
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Updated Date: 06-oct-2014
Creation Date: 11-mar-2014
Expiration Date: 11-mar-2015

Daniel 8 :25

by Terminator5 Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:35 pm
Admin note:
Just to clarify these are FAKE testimonials to support this SCAM site.

Fake Testimonials from their wordpress site :


SandyMO said:
August 14, 2009 at 3:04 pm
I have never been more impressed with the service from a company. eClearance Consignment made the refund process easy and fast. Their representative was very helpful, courteous and professional. It does not get any better than this

LlarD said:
September 1, 2009 at 12:02 pm
I have used eClearance Consignment for many purchases over this year, during that time I have had two claims and both were handled professionally and quickly with claim proceeds being deposited in my PayPal account. I highly recommend eClearance Consignment and have done so with friends.

wallyse said:
October 18, 2009 at 1:43 pm
I can’t say enough good things about eClearance Consignment. In the last three months everything we own from our cars to our PlayStation has decided to die on us. eClearance Consignment has saved my family at least a thousand dollars in repairs and the customer service is fantastic.

Will.James said:
November 7, 2009 at 4:16 pm
I was skeptical buying an camper from eClearance Consignment because I’d never heard of them. I’m glad I did!!!

daveburwlt said:
November 23, 2009 at 6:27 pm
eCC processed my transaction in a very quick fashion and with the up-most professionalism. My experience with eCC was excellent and would definitely recommend everyone to utilize their company if you want your item sold quickly . Definitely a A++++++++ company to do business with.

eedman said:
December 14, 2009 at 4:08 pm
Customer service was very helpful. I’ve recommended eCC to other associates

forthjj said:
January 9, 2010 at 2:09 pm
I was very impressed with eCC service. They communicated well. From now on I will always us eClearance Consignment on anything I sell on Craigslist.

CZukas said:
January 29, 2010 at 12:30 pm
My experience with the seller was open, the computer I purchased was represented and described properly, and met my expectations. The purchase with eCC was simple . They met my expectations in every way, and their representatives were professional and customer friendly, and very courteous. I highly recommend them.

BrodErick said:
February 12, 2010 at 4:35 pm
Great service. No hassles, no problems. Received item. Very Happy. Will use again!

Galante T said:
February 27, 2010 at 3:48 pm
Excellent service! Fast processing!

caudill said:
March 17, 2010 at 10:37 am
Very easy to use. I’ve already recommended this service to friends.

Mrbrooks said:
March 28, 2010 at 2:04 pm
My buyer really appreciated the smooth and fast eClearance Consignment system…Glad I found you

AnnaLee said:
April 7, 2010 at 8:15 pm
I am very pleased with the service I have received,fast and easy I have purchased new and used products and eClearance Consignment have stood behind me 100%. I will continue to use them and tell others where to find a product for a better price.

AngieG said:
April 26, 2010 at 7:26 pm
Fantastic service! I sent the item last Monday and got the funds for a new coffee pot in just 8 days including weekends!! You can’t get faster service.

RolfCamp said:
May 1, 2010 at 9:07 pm
Great, wonderful. I am glad that I sold my car with eCC.! Thank you so much!!

Kareen said:
May 15, 2010 at 5:17 pm
Simple. Fast. Spot on. No problem, no complaint. The way it should be.

ellabaho said:
May 29, 2010 at 7:48 pm
Fantastic company to have on your side. sold a jukebox thru their services and they took care of everything …Awesome

Osborns said:
June 10, 2010 at 1:29 pm
I bought a Sony Palm Camcorder from this seller Vann’s. It is a brand new product, good price and fast shipping, thx.the transaction went thru eCC.

Lesliesd said:
June 21, 2010 at 4:19 pm
Very helpful store as I am not very savvy at eBay and auctions. They will take your item. It should be worth about fifty dollars or more in value to be acceptable and then they do all the work of auctioning, including pricing and shipping.

Maadows Dave said:
July 5, 2010 at 9:00 pm
Excellent company recommended 100%

Tom Helferty said:
July 29, 2010 at 5:37 pm
eClearance Consignment did an excellent job with the service that they provided. the price for their service was very affordable,and i didn’t have any problem with their customer service. i would strongly recommend them.

D.Rubin said:
August 15, 2010 at 2:28 pm
Everything was handled professionally and timely — just like they advertise. I couldn’t be more pleased!

Aaflem said:
August 27, 2010 at 10:38 am
I wanted to say thanks; I was very pleased with how efficient my exchange was handled and that I enjoy dealing with a company that values my opinion and is so easy to work with. I say this as a general thank you and I want you to know that I was pleased.

trucksortrains said:
September 5, 2010 at 4:19 pm
Delivery of my motor home was honored with little delay . I was skeptical at first, but eClearance Consignment did a very nice job.

Kudos said:
September 24, 2010 at 2:31 pm
Absolutely super service and communication. Even paid for the postage for the defective item. Wow! Kudos!

walkertexan said:
October 11, 2010 at 3:51 pm
the transaction was pleasant, speedy and appropriate. Wish everything was this easy.

Mark Gilson said:
October 25, 2010 at 2:05 pm
eClearance Consignment lives up to their promises. I bought two laptops and eCC resolved both efficiently and quick! Small price to pay for peace of mind in purchasing electronics and such.

SuperPiye said:
November 9, 2010 at 4:23 pm
Ya’ll’s customer service is just great. I tell everyone about you

baldyp said:
November 16, 2010 at 10:53 am
Wow, that was painless and so fast! Great Job eClearance Consignment!

Oliverio A. said:
December 12, 2010 at 11:26 am
Would just like to thank eClearance Consignment for making returns so easy. Ordering most items online is not always easy. Returns are usually worse. Thanks for making this easy. It’s not often I return anything to eCC, but when I do, I appreciate the ease at which I can. Thanks!

BBMiles said:
January 12, 2011 at 2:27 pm
No problems, totally professional. Will buy from again.

Heidy.Y said:
January 20, 2011 at 2:27 pm
It’s Hard to find a CO. that really cares well i found one eClearance Consignment!

CC.Felton said:
February 1, 2011 at 10:58 am
My recent experience with eClearance Consignment was truly a positive one. I have never had such a positive customer service experience such as the one “eCC” provided , it was virtually effortless for me as a customer.

Mary Calant said:
February 9, 2011 at 8:29 pm
WOW!! Is the only thing I can say about eClearance Consignment. It was just a matter of a day and a half and my repair was made and they reimbursed me in paypal. I have never experienced such great service.
Last edited by Terminator5 on Thu Oct 16, 2014 10:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Daniel 8 :25

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